
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Army Brigadier blasts Satan Malik's rhetoric on Preachers of Raiwand

Recently the Mossad appointed Interior Minister of Pakistan, Satan Malik accused the Tablighi missionary centre in Raiwand and allegedly said that it is the breeding ground of extremism and terrorism in Pakistan as the centre has a major role in brainwashing the extremists. In this regard, Brig (retd) Said Nazir Mohmand has given a very good refutation which is as follows:

Dear Sir,
Though it is neither customary, nor in the traditions of the Tabligh (scared mission) to respond to any accusation labelled against its elders or their way of preaching (dawa) Islam, but I, as an ordinary observer, take a lead from the face value of your statement (as Allah alone knows your intentions) to be accusing the Raiwind Centre of Tabligh, as a “breeding ground for extremism and fomenting terrorism.” I value your responsibilities as Interior Minister (being in the centre of the storm) and give an A+ to your level of information and intelligence to be credible. Apparently, your statement matters and must be taken seriously, especially in the context of the prevailing internal security paradigm. However, I, in my personal capacity, having the credit of interacting with members of Tabighi Jamaat, or commonly known as Tablghies, for almost three decades and attended their annual congregations, both at home and abroad, can summarise the insight of the ‘mission’ in the succeeding brief conclusions:

  •  The mission is non-violent, non-sectarian, non-ethnic, non-gender, non-racial, non-political, non-socio/economic and non-lingo biased.
  •  The participation is voluntary, self-motivated and time sourced.
  •  Its appeal is universal through all Muslims to the humanity without any discrimination from pagans to the people of the book.
  •  They are plain cloth missionaries, non-status conscious, holding no portfolio, void of perks and privileges, carrying no flag, chanting no slogans and brandishing no weapons.
  •  Their decisions from micro-to-macro level are made through mutual consultations (shura) with input from all and sundry without any fear or favour.
  •  Contentious and controversial issues are neither discussed, nor enforced in any form or manifestation.
  •  Tolerance is their weapon, patience is their guard and Allah is their Protector.
Their way of preaching is based on self-analysis and accountability in order to spread the virtues within the confines of the following six points:-
  • The blessings and bounties of the universe and the hereafter are ordained in obedience of Allah, and practice of Sunnah of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).
  •  The upholding of five times congregational prayers.
  •  Seeking just enough knowledge to distinguish between halal and haram, and how to spend 24 hours daily in accordance with the Islamic teachings.
  • To uphold and respect the dignity and honour of fellow Muslims, and remain aware that surely every fellow Muslim is better than one’s own self.
  • To inculcate and infuse the spirit of pure and righteous intention in every walk of life to please Allah alone.
  •  Preach and spread virtues (whatever it may take) with the help of patience, perseverance, wisdom and logic.
It should be clear from the above that extreme views and tendencies, hate, intolerance and discrimination in all forms and manifestations are discouraged, condemned and checked at all forums and tiers of interactions. They hate infidelity but not the infidel, abhor sin but not the sinner, and discourage vices by encouraging virtues. There is no media campaign, no ads, no propaganda and no appeals for fundraising, and above all, no publicized claims and achievements.
Prayers, humility in conduct and sincerity in persuasion are their cutting tools. It is through sheer Allah’s will that a positive change has come in the lives of millions of people and so is the reversion to Islam. Therefore, Tablighi Jamaat as a party is a mis-perception and fallacy; it does not exist in any form or legal code. The members are referred to as Taglighies. Therefore, they are not only extended immigration around the world, but also facilitated by the non-Muslims in their missionary work.

Sir, your portfolio demands a discerning eye to ensure the safety and security of 180 million people and your word carry weight. But any hearsay, double entendre and oblique reference to be quoted or taken out of context, may lead to colossal damage to someone’s reputation, property, image and life. I, in my humble capacity, appeal to you and all those who want to get first-hand information about the Jamaat and the way it functions should stay for a weekend in any of its missionary centers and find out the truth.

– Brig (retd) Said Nazir Mohman

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