
Friday, August 12, 2011

81 Zionist USZ Lawmakers Tour IsraHell on AIPAC funds

One-fifth of Zionist USZ Congressmen have been scheduled to visit Israhell over the next three weeks despite America's deepening economic crisis. The Congressmen have announced their one-week trips, paid for by the so-called American Israhell Education Fund, a non-profit affiliate of the politically powerful American Israhell Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC), an Iranian Press TV correspondent reported on Thursday. AIPAC is a major pro-Israhelli political pressure group in the USZ that is widely believed to dictate USZ foreign policy in the Middle East. For instance, the draft of nearly all resolutions and bills passed by USZ legislators in Congress are entirely prepared by AIPAC, a fact often boasted by the pro-Tel Aviv lobby group on its website and propaganda publications. The first group of 26 Zionist Democrats is scheduled to arrive in Israhell on Monday.

The AIPAC-funded tour will include meetings with Israhelli Zionist President Shimon Peres, the Zionist Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and the acting Zionist Puppet Palestinian Authority Chief Mahmoud Abbas. The visits come amidst Washington's ongoing economic woes, which, according to President Barack Obama, is America's worst economic downturn since the Great Depression of the 1930s. “It is just outrageous that Congress is going on holiday. It is even more outrageous that they are not going home and talk to their constituents who are losing their jobs … they (Americans) want to talk to their Congress people and where are they? They are in Israhell”, says Executive Director of the Washington Report on Middle East Affairs Delinda Hanley. The American Israhell Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) refused to give Iranian Press TV an interview or even a comment on the mass-visit to Israhell by American lawmakers.

Maryland's Democratic Representative Steny Hoyer, who will be leading the Democratic delegation, said in a statement that the purpose of the trip is to learn about “the evolving security situation in the Middle East, the deep challenges facing Israhell, and the role the United States of Zionism can play in the region during this time of uncertainty.” However, Hanley argues the reason why so many American politicians are going to Israhell is for supporting Israhelli policies, particularly with regards to the planned Palestinian statehood resolution in the upcoming meeting of the UN General Assembly in September. It is the UN resolution that is [coming up] in September, and Israhell is pulling out all stocks to make sure that America vetoes it”, she said. Over half of the representatives going to Israhell are freshmen, which, according to Hanley, make their political careers more fragile and susceptible to being cut short by America's powerful Israhell lobby. They feel like they have to go on these trips and make these ridiculous votes, [otherwise] they will lose the campaign contributions [paid by the pro-Israhelli lobby],” the analyst pointed out.

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