
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

`Eid Ul Fitar` Celebrations To All Muslims From Team ~EaglesOfPakistan~

EaglesofPakistan | Special
If Ramadhan stresses the religious aspect of Islam, Eid-Ul-Fitr stresses its social aspect, that is, the importance of giving to the poor and needy as defined by the concept ‘Asnaf’ (categories of people who qualify for the receipt of the religious tax)10. Hence Eid-Ul-Fitr in effect means the celebration following the payment of the obligatory charity called ‘fitrah’. It is the festival of charity. The poor, the orphans, the ailing are all remembered. On Eid day the Muslim gives generously. Sadness and suffering are relieved by kindness and love.
The morning ‘azan’ calls every Muslim, man and woman, to morning prayers. After ‘namaz’ everyone wears his best. The men preferably wear white ‘kurtas~11 with white pants and adorn themselves with ‘surma’ (kohl) and perfume. The white or coloured ‘topee’12 completes their costume. The women wear colourful ‘churidar’ and ‘shalwar~kameez with carefully decorated and embroidered ‘hornis’ (shawls).
Their hands are painstakingly decorated with ‘mehendi’ (henna).

After taking a breakfast of ‘sheer korma’ or ‘sewaiye’, a special Eid preparation with milk, vermicelli, sugar, nuts and flavourings, male adults proceed to attend special prayers at the mosque. The Eid prayer is a grand event for Muslims; everybody, dressed in his best, makes it a point to attend. The mosques are packed. The Eid congregation is a touching sight of fraternal concord, equality and harmony, when rich and poor alike stand together in front of their Creator. The meeting helps to cement the bond of affection and brotherhood as enjoined by Islam.
The rest of the day is spent visiting relatives and friends to exchange greetings. Eid is the occasion on which one can mend one’s fences without being misunderstood in the spirit of ‘forgive and forget’ that characterizes the celebration of Lid-
Ul-Fitr. Parents are more indulgent towards their children who make the most of the occasion. They get new clothes and gifts of money from almost every grown-up relative.
The rest of the day is spent joyfully as the radio station plays popular ‘quawwalis”, songs and ‘ghazaisPll and the television screens a film with a Muslim cultural flavour. Eid is primarily celebrated within the family circle and most people prefer to entertain guests and friends at home. ‘Eid Mubarak’, everyone says in Urdu, ‘The blessings of Eid be with you’.

Lid is not complete without the star dish of ‘Biryani’16. In fact without Biryani, Eid would not taste like Eid to Mauritian Muslims. The Biryani is a phenomenon originating from Persia. It attained delicate refinement in the hands of Mughal chefs to be passed on to Muslim households. Today the preparation of the Biryani forms part of the treasured rituals transmitted from mother to daughter, from master to disciple. Every stage in the preparation of meat, vegetables, herbs and spices is given meticulous attention. The cooking, preferably in brass pots (‘degs’) and on a wooden fire, is supervised with tender care. The result is a ‘palatial’ delight that defies description.

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hurricane Irene hits USZ's economic hub, The fall of USZ around the corner!

Hurricane Irene is swiftly moving toward New York on Saturday evening, with the city all but closed down in anticipation of what forecasters warned could be violent winds with the force to drive a wall of water over the beaches in the Rockaways and between the skyscrapers of Lower Manhattan. Now the edge of the hurricane is finally upon us”, said the Mayor of NY Michael R. Bloomberg “We’ve warned the public,” he said, “and now we have to deal with Mother Nature.”

The subway system has been shut down in the middle of the day amid the floods that can break the 150 years record. The flood is expected to ravage many parts of the USZ in spite of all the precautionary measures, the analysts believe. The storm that hit the outer banks of North Carolina has left 6 dead, the Zionists media reported. However, the real death toll can be much more than this. After this the storm is moving towards the economic hub of USZ i.e New York and is likely to hit it at 8 a.m Sunday (local time).

Forecasters reported that the storm will bring a devastating flood of the frequency which USZ has never had in the last 150 years. According to USZ power and electric authorities, More than 10,000 people in the New York area had lost electricity by 10 p.m last night. — around 6000 on Long Island, 5000 in New Jersey, and about 400 in the city and in Westchester. Millions of people have taken refuge in Community Colleges. Some geological analysts are worried that the storms may also endanger the sky scrappers and hence causing extreme destruction.

The already crashing economy of USZ cannot withstand such a big hurricane and will tend imperil the USZ state to be completely bankrupt. In this state USZ will not be able to provide any logistic support to its Army in Afghanistan. Scrutinizing the situation, one can easily predict that it will be a hypercritical situation for USZ’s collapsing economy and may result in deteriorating the affairs of state.

The bitter truth for all the leftists is that these are extremely desperate times for USZ and its end is just around the corner.

Analysts warned that governments around the world should stop relying on the dollar and should get rid of them as soon as possible without doing they will also fell prey to the economic depression after the fall of the USZ.

Many countries including Pakistan, China, Turkey, Iran have already started trading in their own currency and others are following the suit.

Taliban attack CIA in Kabul - 12 USZ spies including regional CIA Chief killed

According to incoming reports from Kabul, Mujahideen have said that a martyrdom attack carried out by Amirullah with his SUV packed with 750 kilograms of high explosives on a CIA convoy left 12 terrorist invaders' secret agents of the American agency dead while several others were severely wounded. The explosion appeared to have happened prematurely on a road while driving towards Afghanistan’s biggest USZ-run military base, 50 kilometers north of the capital Kabul, the interior ministry said. Taliban Spokesman  Zabihullah Mujahid claimed that: The attack took place at 06:00 am this morning in Sharak area of Sabzo district as the spy agency’s convoy was travelling on the new Bagram road. It is said that 2 of the enemy’s vehicles were also destroyed by the blast which also killed one their agency’s head by the name of John

64 American troops killed in Kandahar twin martyrdom attacks - Taliban

KANDAHAR: Reports from Kandahar city say that yesterday afternoon, 2 martyrdom attacks were carried out in Kandahar city’s Chawni and Baba Sahib Kotal areas on 2 military bases of USZ and NATO terrorist invaders. According to details arriving from the area, firstly a hero of Islamic Emirate (Noorullah) entered inside the base of foreign invaders which had between 60 to 70 troops at around 01:30 pm yesterday, located in Chawni area, with a Mazda truck packed with thousands of kilograms of explosives before detonation. It is said that 36 joint enemy personnel were killed and dozens of others wounded in the powerful blast which also leveled the base.

Then a few moments later, a similar martyrdom attack was carried out with a Land Cruiser 4WD by another Mujahid (Habibullah) on another ISAF terrorist invaders' base, located under Baba Sahib’s Kotal, officials said, adding that the second base also completely annihilated and around 28 USZ and NATO terrorist invaders along with their cowardly puppets were killed with dozens others severely wounded. Locals and witnesses from the areas add that enemy medical helicopters have arrived at the scenes of the blasts and are busy airlifting the dead and wounded while both sites have been cordoned off from public.

USZ & NATO fire 17 rockets in Angoor Adda from Afghanistan

Aggression from Afghan side of the border Cross border continued on Sunday as 17 rockers were fired by USZ and NATO backed terrorists which landed in Angoor Adda area of South Waziristan Agency (SWA). According to security sources the rockets were fired from bordering areas of Afghanistan which landed in uninhabited area of Angoor Adda due to which no loss of life or injury was reported. A day earlier, on Saturday more than three hundred Afghan militants who came from Nouristan and Kunar area of Afghanistan stormed the security check posts in Chitral killing 25 personnel of Chitral Scouts and over running three check posts. It should be mentioned that the cross border attacks continued since USZ and NATO backed Afghan puppets fired mortar shells toward a Pakistani military post in Angoor Adda area of South Waziristan, killing a soldier and wounding two others in April this year. Cross-border raids into Pakistani territory have surged in the recent past, prompting rebuke from Islamabad.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Israhell's existence insults Human Dignity - Ahmadinejad

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the existence of the "Zionist regime" runs counter to the dignity, independence and interests of all world nations. Speaking on the International Quds Day in the Iranian capital of Tehran on Friday, President Ahmadinejad said the Tel Aviv regime has been created all out of deceit and falsehood. The Iranian chief executive added that this comes as raising questions about the philosophy of Israhell's creation carries a punishment of prison sentence in Europe in order to silence the vocal opponents. In the United States (of Zionism) and Europe, political figures can be criticized under the right to freedom of expression. Nevertheless, it is considered an unforgivable sin should someone question the creation of the Zionist regime. He will be confronted in the most bizarre manner”, he pointed out.

Iran's President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addresses people on the International Quds Day in the capital Tehran, August 26, 2011.
President Ahmadinejad added that arrogant powers, soon after the World War I and II, came to the conclusion that they had to outsource their problems, and to move their problems outside their borders. For that reason, they made a decision to create Israhell. He stressed that Israhell is the cornerstone of all imperialist and anti-human powers. The regime is the embodiment of all the characteristics of materialistic and capitalist powers in the West. It is the representation of all brutalities of the imperialist powers”, he went on to say. The Iranian president noted that Israhell is tasked with continually keeping the Middle East under threat, assassination, division and hypocrisy so that colonial powers can dominate the region. He pointed out that among other missions of the Tel Aviv regime is to prevent the progress and sovereignty of the countries in the region.

They (Israhellis) launch their propaganda machine soon after a nation strives to reach the pinnacle of science and technology”, President Ahmadinejad commented. Demonstrators have taken to the streets in all Iranian cities to express Iran's support for the oppressed Palestinian people, and also to voice their anger at world hegemony and Israhelli policies. The late founder of the Islamic Republic Imam Khomeini designated the last Friday of Ramadan as the "International Day of Quds" to protest against and raise awareness about the brutal occupation of Palestine by the USZ-backed Israeli regime and invoke support for Palestinians against the persisting occupation of their lands and massive violation of their rights.

( Press TV )

Tens of Thousands of Egyptians demand Cutting ties with Bastard State IsraHell

Tens of thousands of Egyptians have staged a massive anti-Israhell protest, demanding an end to the peace-accord between Cairo and Tel Aviv. Following the Friday Prayers, protesters and activists gathered in several cities and Cairo's Liberation Square to stage a million-man demonstration. Egyptians called for the expulsion of the Israhelli envoy and chanted anti-Israhelli slogans. Since last Thursday when the Israhelli military killed five Egyptian security personnel on the Rafah border crossing, anti-Israhelli protests have escalated outside the Israhelli embassy in Cairo. Egypt was the first Arab country to sign a peace treaty with Israhell in 1979, but the situation has drastically changed since the Egyptian revolution which toppled former dictator Hosni Mubarak.

Egyptians hold a massive anti-Israhell rally in Cairo, August 26, 2011.
A number of Egyptian political parties are now calling for changes to the peace treaty. Under the US-backed Mubarak regime, Egypt consistently served Israhelli interests and objectives by helping to impose the crippling blockade on the impoverished Gaza strip after the democratically elected Hamas government took control of the territory in 2007. The crippling blockade on the territory has triggered a humanitarian crisis. The siege has left nearly one and a half million Gazans in dire need of basic supplies.

( Press TV )

A number of nuclear power plants along the USZ east coast are bracing for the landfall of hurricane Irene, a category three tropical cyclone projected to hit as far as New York. Irene's severity had nuclear power plant operators near the eastern seaboard shore up efforts to secure equipment and prepare for imminent emergencies. With winds of up to 185 kilometers per hour, Irene is the first Hurricane to smash into the populated USZ east coast since hurricane Ike in 2008, and is expected to run a similar course to hurricane Gloria in 1985. The USZ nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sent extra staff to Brunswick nuclear plant, perched on the North Carolina coastline where Irene is expected to make landfall on Saturday. The reactors at the North Anna nuclear plant in Virginia "We have dispatched additional personnel to Brunswick as a precautionary measure", said Joey Ledford, a spokesman for the NRC. More than half a dozen nuclear plants are in Irene's path and might experience operating problems due to emergencies caused by high ocean swells or debris. NRC regulations generally call for nuclear reactors to be completely shut down several hours ahead of the arrival of hurricane-force winds of 75 mph or greater. Even when shut, the loss of off-site power is a concern since a nuclear plant needs outside power to run safety systems to keep the reactor core and used fuel cool. The National Hurricane Center is concerned about storm surge of up to 11 feet (3.35 meters) along the coast of North Carolina. Two million people have been ordered to leave as Irene takes aim at the USZ east coast and might hit parts of New York City, reports indicate. Meanwhile, the Virginia-based North Anna nuclear plant that shut down on Tuesday following an earthquake would remain closed through the storm. Enticing Fury Pakistan Cyber Force

The USZ Zionist Rooted Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) has expurgated extensive parts of a book by a former FBI agent on September 11, 2001 events in a bid to rewrite the history of post-9/11 America, a report says. The CIA will not allow the full publication of a memoir by Ali H. Soufan, the former FBI agent that spent years near the center of the battle against AL-C.I.A-DA, The New York Times reported on August 25. Soufan argues with solid evidence in the book that the CIA missed a chance to derail the 2001 incident by withholding from the FBI information about two 9/11 hijackers living in San Diego, the report says.
He also gives a detailed, firsthand account of the USZ spy agency's move toward brutal treatment of detainees in its interrogations, saying the harsh methods were unnecessary and counterproductive. Soufan, a "counter terrorism" agent that played a central role in most major terrorism investigations between 1997 and 2005, has told colleagues he believes the censored portions of his book are intended not to protect national security, but to prevent him from recounting episodes that reflect badly on the CIA.

In a letter sent on August 19 to the FBI's general counsel, Valerie E. Caproni, a lawyer for Soufan, David N. Kelley, wrote that credible sources have told Mr. Soufan that the agency has made a decision that this book should not be published because it will prove embarrassing to the agency”. Soufan has called the CIA's cuts to and editing of his book ridiculous but said he thought he would prevail in getting them restored for a later edition. He said he believed that counterterrorism officers have an obligation to face squarely where we made mistakes and let the American people down. The book, entitled The Black Banners: The Inside Story of 9/11 and the War Against Al Qaeda (AL-C.I.A-DA) has been written with the assistance of Daniel Freedman, a colleague at Soufan's New York security company, and is scheduled to go on sale on September 12.

USZ government employees who hold security clearances are required to have their books vetted for classified information before publication. However, since decisions on what should be classified can be highly subjective, the prepublication review process often becomes a battle. Several former USZ spies have gone to court to fight redactions to their books, and the Defense Department spent nearly $50,000 last year to buy and destroy the entire first printing of an intelligence officer's book, which it said contained secrets, the report adds.

( Press TV )

More than Half a dozen USZ Nuclear Plants brace for hurricane Irene

A number of nuclear power plants along the USZ east coast are bracing for the landfall of hurricane Irene, a category three tropical cyclone projected to hit as far as New York. Irene's severity had nuclear power plant operators near the eastern seaboard shore up efforts to secure equipment and prepare for imminent emergencies. With winds of up to 185 kilometers per hour, Irene is the first Hurricane to smash into the populated USZ east coast since hurricane Ike in 2008, and is expected to run a similar course to hurricane Gloria in 1985. The USZ nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) has sent extra staff to Brunswick nuclear plant, perched on the North Carolina coastline where Irene is expected to make landfall on Saturday.

The reactors at the North Anna nuclear plant in Virginia
"We have dispatched additional personnel to Brunswick as a precautionary measure", said Joey Ledford, a spokesman for the NRC. More than half a dozen nuclear plants are in Irene's path and might experience operating problems due to emergencies caused by high ocean swells or debris. NRC regulations generally call for nuclear reactors to be completely shut down several hours ahead of the arrival of hurricane-force winds of 75 mph or greater. Even when shut, the loss of off-site power is a concern since a nuclear plant needs outside power to run safety systems to keep the reactor core and used fuel cool. The National Hurricane Center is concerned about storm surge of up to 11 feet (3.35 meters) along the coast of North Carolina.

Two million people have been ordered to leave as Irene takes aim at the USZ east coast and might hit parts of New York City, reports indicate. Meanwhile, the Virginia-based North Anna nuclear plant that shut down on Tuesday following an earthquake would remain closed through the storm.

Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

Several Pakistani soldiers martyred by CIA-backed terrorists from across the border

Hundred of CIA-backed militants from Afghanistan launched a pre-dawn cross-border assault on Pakistani paramilitary trenches and posts and civilian settlements, killing up to 15 people, as told by the sources. Soldiers of the Chitral Scouts and a few civilians were martyred in the string of attacks that began with an assault on paramilitary check posts in the border village of Arandu in the northwest just across from Afghanistan’s Nuristan province. Sources reveal that Militants with special motives then attacked more areas near the Durand Line, including civilian population, triggering clashes with the security forces that lasted for hours.

One of the security official told the sources that Militants attacked some posts with heavy weapons while firing mortar bombs on others causing the casualties”. The area’s top government official, Rehmatullah Wazir, said a total of 15 people, mostly troops, were martyred, while a military official in the region put the death toll at 12. Wazir said there had been casualties on the militant side but the exact figure is not known yet. Cross-border raids have raised tension between Pakistan and Afghanistan in recent months as they battle protracted insurgencies by CIA_backed militants. Analysts believe that TTP miscreants who fled to Afghanistan and were given refuge in the NATO-USZ military camps in the face of successful Pakistan Army operations have joined allies there to regroup and threaten Pakistani border regions.

Early in July this year, USZ-NATO attacked from across the borders in which 4 Pakistani soldiers were martyred. The RAW funded Militants have largely relied on a campaign of suicide and bomb attacks that have killed thousands of people across the country. These attacks very well show the extreme frustration of the humanitarian terrorist allied forces as they are facing the worse ever defeat in the graveyard of empires with several of their soldiers and officers killed daily at the hands of Afghan Mujahideen as reported by sources in Afghanistan.

Friday, August 26, 2011

China announces Support for Palestinian Independent State bid at UN

BEIJING : China says it supports a Palestinian plan to seek full membership in the United Nations next month.
Negotiations with Israel on the terms of Palestinian statehood have been frozen since 2008. As an alternative, the Palestinians have decided to seek UN recognition of an independent “Palestine” in the West Bank, Gaza and East Jerusalem, the areas Israel captured in the 1967 Six Day War.
China’s Foreign Ministry said in a statement Thursday that Wu Sike, its special envoy on the Middle East, told Palestinian leaders in a meeting in Ramallah that Beijing and the Chinese people have always supported the Palestinian cause.
On the Palestinians’ bid for statehood, the statement said Wu expressed understanding, respect and support.
Earlier in the week, the Spanish Minister of Foreign Affairs also expressed support for an independent Palestinian state, saying that she hopes a meeting of European Union foreign ministers on September 2 in Poland will bring progress toward its recognition.

UK to exploit Libya’s resources

Britain’s government has decided to take control of Libyan oil facilities as British Petroleum announced plans to resume operations in oil-rich North African country.

As NATO backed rebels fighting against Libyan forces, the world’s superpowers are trying to gain hegemony over the African country by securing lucrative contracts under the pretext of rebuilding Libya so that the country’s economy would become dependent upon hegemonic powers. In February, the oil-rich country produced around 1.6 million barrels per day. Libya was the seventeenth-largest oil producer in the world and the third largest in Africa.
After six months of war, however, the country’s oil output has been reduced to just 100,000 barrels per day.
As experts predict that the North African country’s oil output could reach 1 million barrels per day within a few months, British Petroleum, has announced plans to return to Libya as “soon as conditions allow.”
Meanwhile, a spokesman for UK Trade & Investment which is a part of Department of Business, announced that the British government plans to secure a major share in Libya’s market seeking to win profitable contracts.
“We are in regular contact with companies and organizations who have business interests in Libya and have been throughout the conflict. As soon as the situation on the ground allows, UKTI has plans to provide in-country support and advice to companies wishing to be part of the reconstruction effort,” he said.
Moreover, Director Government Support at Control Risks Chris Sanderson, an international risk consultancy and security management company, said that there is an unprecedented “opportunity for UK business to seek to recover commercially some measure of the UK’s significant diplomatic and military investment.”
He explained that there are opportunities for the British businesses on three grounds. First, Libya’s need to rebuild infrastructure provides British companies with numerous profitable contracts. Second, British business can operate in fields like “health, education and civil security.” Finally, British companies can exploit Libya’s oil and gas sectors as well as “commercial support services such as banking, finance and telecommunications.”
- Press TV 

Thar coal project to be operational from Dec 2013 – Dr Samar Mubarakmand

ISLAMABAD: Thar coal project will be operational from December 2013 that will bring prosperity in the country, said Dr Samar Mubarakmand member Science and Technology Planning Commission on Thursday.

Talking to a private news channel, he said Pakistan had enough coal reservoirs that could provide electricity to country for more than 500 years.
He said work on the projects was in progress and the first 50 megawatts (MW) gasified project has almost been completed.
The project to cost Rs 8.898 billion, with a foreign exchange component of Rs 5.847 billion that has been approved by the Executive Committee of National Economic Council last year.Finance minister had accepted the demand of Rs 900 million for machinery and equipment keeping in view project’s importance and financial viability, he added.
Dr Mubarakmand assured success of the Thar coal project would encourage global investment by leading international companies dealing with development of underground coal.
He said several foreign companies want to participate in the project and had shown their interest in investing the project along with providing their expertise.
These companies are just waiting the results of maiden 50 MW pilot project and if this pilot project remained successful, a barrage of investment would automatically pour in the country, he added.
Associated Press of Pakistan

The RAW Funded Nexus In Pakistani Media-SAFMA Exposed! (Detailed Report)

Yesterday on 25 Aug 2011, The program Shahidnama that was shown which completely exposed the true agenda of Aman ki Asha initiators and SAFMA.
The debate was between SAFMA, Aman ki Asha and UNDP Official Marvi Sirmed and the defence analyst Syed Zaid Zaman Hamid.
Zaid Hamid as usual was defending Pakistan’s ideology, but the extreme hatred of these SAFMA officials towards Zaid Hamid showed its true color. It is no that they hate him for some personal reason, it is completely an ideological clash, the ideology which is the root of the creation of Pakistan and on which every true Pakistani should believe in. The name of that ideology is two-nation theory.

The link to the above mentioned program is:

Kindly read further only after watching the program, These SAFMA journalists have used very bad and unethical words for Zaid Hamid in their articles and TV programs!
The name of the lady in the above program is Marvi Sermid and she is in the field of journalism from the early 1990’s . She has  worked for many newspapers including The News, Jang and Khabrain etc!
She is the project manager of UNDP in Pakistan and representative of SAFMA
Apart from the above given program, her other views are even more controversial and she has been wandering in our beloved country without we even knowing. We should at least thanks Zaid Hamid for bringing us the filthy reality of these RAW backed journalists even if some of us may be against him!
Now, we will post some substantial evidence against Marvi Sermid, which will be enough even to get her HANGED according to Pakistan Penal Code.
In a program, she is Supporting gays and lesbians in this program, Click Here
At another place this lady is trying to justify the detention of Aafia Siddiqui and the release of the killer Raymond Davis, Click Here to watch 

Miss Marvi Sirmed shamelessly called Muhammad Ali Jinnah , a secular person while check this article,  Click here  In this artcile you will get enough evidence that Quaid-e-Azam was not at all secular!

Do you want any more proof that they funded and backed by RAW? But wait we have more to share with you!
About 3 years ago, India did the Mumbai drama to defame Pakistan in the international community and prove that they are supporting the terrorist. All the fifth columnist media outlets and person supported the Indian stance and SAFMA is one of them!
Click Here to see their stance on Mumbai Attacks
The tone of SAFMA is completely against Pakistan, they are worried about terrorism in Mumbai, but millions of Kashmiris have been killed and raped over the last 64 years but they don’t utter a single word about it !!
From who can we expect such behaviour? Obviously RAW agents!!
Even the Jammu & Kashmir based newspapers have questioned the silence of SAFMA about the Kashmir issue Click Here!
Silence about Kashmir, but talking about the insurgency in Balochistan, which has been proved to be backed by RAW
Every trues Pakistan is against US and the OBL drama that happened but SAFMA is completely on the other side Click Here to see the stance of SAFMA in detail 
SAFMA’s president Aroosa Alam who is a muslim and had a love affair with a sikh and former Chief minister of Indian Punjab Mr. Amarinder Singh! This is enough to tell you how much filthy people are chosen to be the president of SAFMA. For details Click Here
Ahmed Quraishi who is widely known for his patriotic journalism says about SAFMA on his facebook profile:
A ceremony organized by SAFMA in the Sindh Assembly Premesis turns into a dance party where renowed personalities of Pakistani politics can be seen dancing with Indian women. he Deputy Speaker of Sindh Assembly Raheela Twana, who was the office bearer of Pakistan Government, Haroon Farooqui, who was the President of Karachi Chamber of Commerce and other well-known personalities can be seen dancing on the beats of Indian song within the premises of Sindh Assembly Karachi.
Click Here  to see another video in which SAFMA is shamelessly supporting  Indo-Pak friendship while millions in Kashmir have bee killed and raped!
If all this evidence is not enough, Please take a look at this ,  Click here
SAFMA is talking about lifting the ban on Facebook when it was banned for showing the blasphemous caricatures of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W)
The complete article is self-explanatory but this is not it, we will bring more substantial evidence, very soon, inshAllah!
Stay Tuned with us.
Hamey hai hukm-e-azaan
La ilaha ilallah !
Written By: Faraan Khan
Team Eagles of Pakistan

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Zaid Hamid blasts SAFMA's relation with RAW - Shahid Naama (25 Aug, 2011)

How India's RAW controls media - Detailed Report

This is the age of information, the IT and above all the media, both print and electronic. It is said that after the renaissance of media across the world, the wars are fought and won with the media being on the frontline. Be it US attack on Iraq or be it terror attack in India, the media is immensely used to propagate one’s views and perception. The media endeavors are extensively manipulated to change the world opinion in own favor and against the enemy. Almost all the governments have given a free hand to their respective intelligence agencies to manipulate media and fund the media organizations and individuals to gain the required results. No matter if it is the CNN journalists embedded US troops, invading Iraq or venom emitting Indian journalists and TV Anchors targeting Pakistan after the Mumbai carnage, the Intelligence hands are always their to direct them and to fund them.

However, Indian Intelligence Agency Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)has taken the issue more seriously than its contemporary agencies in the region and even across the world. A comprehensive investigation into the matter by the team of investigative journalists of The Daily Mail reveals that in fact RAW moved into the direction of utilizing media factor almost 30 years back. In the mid 80s, when Rajiv Gandhi was the Prime Minister of India, RAW sent a media related proposal to the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) which was straight away approved. According to this proposal, RAW was given a free hand to use as much as required funds to make a solid grip on national and international media. Initially, RAW came up with a long term project through which, RAW started short listing young, potential and ambitious Indian journalists and later started penetrating them to different media organizations across the world. Today, according to rough estimate, 90 percent of the Indian or Indian origin journalists working in different media organizations through out the world, are those having the RAW blessings and one way or the other, promoting Indian perception and delivering to the RAW’s requirements.

In the 2nd phase, RAW started funding local media organizations in India and also started buying the services of journalists working in the foreign countries’ leading media organizations. According to a Japanese journalist, who worked in India for a Japanese news agency for about 3 years, the India-based foreign journalists are very well “look after” and “entertained” by RAW officials who develop interaction with these foreign journalists as very warm but mysterious friends. These India-based foreign journalists are at least once a year, are offered a vacation trip to Dubai where their boarding, lodging and even shopping, are all paid off by their “friends”. According to some reports, RAW is practicing the same with certain Islamabad-based foreign journalists.The Daily Mail’s investigations reveal that RAW started another project around five years back under which Air Time is purchased on popular English language international television channels and then during that air time, special programs are televised to promote India’s view point with RAW’s perspective. India Hour on BBC is one of the examples in this direction.

The Daily Mail’s investigations further reveal that RAW launched a mega project to control regional journalists and to bring them to a secret RAW platform when it established South Asian Free Media association (SAFMA) a few years back. The SAFMA, the darling baby of RAW has so far been focusing on highlighting the issue of Indian occupied Kashmir with RAW’s perspective and nothing much or more. The members of SAFMA, whenever asked as to how they manage to generate funds for the highly lavish functions and seminars under its banners since all of them are paid employees of different media organizations of South Asia, remain mum.

Back home, RAW is not only funding individual columnists and intellectuals but is also comprehensively funding a number of newspapers and television channels. RAW not only makes direct payments to a variety of regional and English language newspapers but also arrange advertisement support for these media organization. Many of these newspapers are run as “projects” of RAW and all assets are owned by the agency itself. Some the newspapers that are getting regular RAW funding and patronage include India News, Aajkal, Al-Hyndelyom, Asia News, Bharat Observer, The Christian Messenger, Daily Excelsior, Daily Roshni, The Daily India, Dakhshan bharat, Deshdoot, The Echo of India, Daily Greater Kashmir, Daily Jaihind, Kashmir Times, Kashmir Observer, Maharashtra Times, Nagalnd Post, Daily Phayul, Rajdhani Times, Daily Saij etc. These newspapers despite getting direct funding from RAW, also have the blessings of getting government advertisements and advertisements of leading Indian Business houses, having extraordinary relations with RAW. Furthermore, all the Indian airliners have strict orders from RAW to purchase these newspapers for on-board circulation. Apart from these newspapers support, RAW has also ‘gained” the “services” of different columnists, reporters and analysts at top media organizations like Times of India, Indian Express, The Hindu and Hindustan Times etc.

Coming towards the Electronic media of India, RAW has made remarkable achievement in diluting media with Intelligence endeavors. It is not only funding different anchors and analysts but RAW has established a huge network in shape of ZEE T.V. Though RAW spends a huge chunk of money to achieve targets by funding 9x News, Aajtak, NDTV 24x7, Times now, TV9, Time TV etc, yet it runs the most venomous news Channel the Zee TV. Zee News’s offices are considered to be Media Headquarter of RAW. The Investigations of The Daily Mail further reveal that RAW controls a whole paraphernalia of media network including ZEE TV and Films Network, Asian News International (ANI) etc.. The ZEE network retains the pivotal position in this RAW controlled propaganda and misinformation spiral It was actually RAW that has been the master mind behind the establishment of ZEE Television Network.

According to our sources the proposal for establishing a private sector television channel actually under the control of Indian intelligence agency was first presented to the Late Indian Prime Minister Mrs. Indira Gandhi. The proposal could not materialize at that time as Mrs. Gandhi had certain reservations about giving more powers to RAW for she suspected it of being behind her earlier electoral defeat at the hands of another Late Prime Minister of India Mr. Murar ji Desai. However, Indian movie star Amitabh Bachan who was a personal friend of Rajiv Gandhi got the cue. His brother later reportedly siphoned part of the Rs.64 crore kick-backs of the Swedish Bofor guns deal into setting up a private satellite channel by the name of TV Asia.

The ZEE Television Network was formally launched in 1992 with Subhas Chandra as the Chairman and Vasant Parekh as the founding member on its Board of Directors. It was agreed to induct and employ a certain number of RAW operatives in all cadres of the network. RAW personnel were thus recruited amongst the programme producers, anchors, newscasters, and even amongst the marketing and business managers. The arrangement facilitates RAW to send its agents undercover to Pakistan and even other countries. Having a media tag gives these operatives an easy access to cultivate a number of personalities in the target country, which would have been otherwise difficult. The broad outline of the propaganda objectives of ZEE TV defined by RAW were:

Undermine the ideological frontiers of Pakistan through oft repeated Indian rhetoric of cultural and social uniformity of South Asian sub-continent;
Malign Pakistan by a deliberate negative projection of the events and developments in the country. The aim was to systematically build a poor image of Pakistan may it be in the context of internal political developments, religious or social events, women issues, child labour, brick kiln workers, Ahmedi or Christian minorities, secretarian clashes, Mohajar ethnic movement, foreign policy or bilateral relations with India. Although human rights violations, social, cultural, religious and economic problems exist at a much gigantic proportion in India these were to be downplayed in Indian context;
Projection of India as a modern secular and progressive state which is the world’s largest democracy;
Propagation of India’s foreign policy objectives and its position on Kashmir;
Promotion of Hindu mythology through serials based on mythology as well as soap operas telecast on the network.

ZEE lays special emphasis in cultivating prominent personalities in Pakistan for accomplishing the ideological agenda. Bigwigs in Pakistani entertainment and show biz, poets, writers, eminent sportsmen and politicians are a prime target. The common modus operandi is that Pakistani celebrities are invited as chief guests or special guests to various ZEE programmes. A lot of praise is showered, calling them artists whose talent is not restricted by any boundary, frontier or divide and that the people of the two countries love each other, only the politicians conspire to keep them separated. Overwhelmed by the tremendous show of hospitality the artist either ends up unwillingly endorsing the host’s views or says something that is construed to be negating the ‘Two Nation’ basis of Pakistan’s independence. According to credible information RAW also sponsors organizing of performances, shooting of videos and securing of contracts for Bollywood movies and entertainment agencies for some of these personalities belonging to the Pakistan entertainment, film and music.

The enormous success of ZEE in South Asia and Middle East encouraged its sponsors to target the Asian viewers in Britain and Europe. The prime objective was to disillusion the expatriate Pakistanis and Kashmiris from their ideological basis. Britain being the home of largest Kashmiri refugee community outside Asia has become a cause of concern for the Indian establishment. The growing influence of Kashmiri community in the political circles of UK, their frequent protests over the human rights violations in the Indian held Kashmir and demand for the right of self-determination for Kashmiris is often embarrassing for the Indians.

ZEE UK was therefore launched in 1995. The ZEE’s strategists, however, realized that Braitain and Europe was a different ball game. To lure the Pakistani expatriates it was decided to telecast a mix of Indian and Pakistani programmes. It is learnt that a team was sent to Pakistan to negotiate the purchase of PTV programmes for telecast on ZEE UK. ZEE was able to procure from the PTV library many classical dramas, the most recent hit telecasts, musical programs, special occasions telecasts for Eid, Muharam, Ramadan including and other purely Islamic religious programs. These programs were reportedly sold to the ZEE at throw away prices. The PTV establishment of the time credited itself for having sold the programmes with no other clientele. Little did they know the diabolic use that ZEE had planned for these programs. However, PTV authorities maintain that some of its programs were recorded off air by a Lahore based spurious company and sold to ZEE TV. Subsequently PTV obtained a court injunction to stop ZEE from telecast of some of its programs. Nonetheless this gap is now filled by the private productions that have mushroomed in Pakistan over the last few years.

The ZEE UK program managers ran an extra-mile in their endeavors to establish it as a neutral TV of the entire South Asian community in Europe. The propaganda against Pakistan was deliberately kept sublime in the initial year of its launching. However, it continued its policy of reporting negative developments in respect of Pakistan and black outing positive aspects may it be as non political news as winning a cricket match by Pakistan. Nonetheless, ZEE’s one sided hype during events such as the Kargil conflict and later during the Mumbai terror attacks gave away any semblance of neutrality that the channels had been portraying. The propaganda blitz unleashed by ZEE since the take over by the BJP appointed RAW administration has exposed the real face of the channel and the Indian government’s propaganda campaign; the Central Press Accreditation Committee (PIB), Film Advisory Committee (DFF) and Hindi Advisory Committee.

It is popularly believed in the South Asian community in UK that ZEE-RAW nexus was fully unveiled during the RAW staged hijacking drama of an Indian airliner in December 1999. Throughout the hijacking drama ZEE newscasters and expert panelists many among whom were actually undercover RAW officials, continued to narrate RAW orchestrated script like parrots in an unbelievable frenzy. ZEE was further exposed by completely biased reporting following the RAW staged spate of attacks in India after September11 such as the attack on the sham State Assembly of Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, Indian Parliament, US Consulate Calcutta as well as the 2002 border standoff between Pakistan and India and lately the Mumbai carnage.RAW prolific media network however received a setback when its sponsored Reminisce Television Network (RTN) could not succeed in UK and Europe. The free to air transmission of RTN’s Channel Asia 1 could not get enough advertisements due to over crowding of the market by many Asian Channels. The RTN also had an Urdu Channel ANJUMAN to target Pakistani viewers besides Gujarati, Lashkara (Punjabi), Bengali and other regional language channels. RAW is now concentrating on ZEE and SONY Entertainment Television (SET).

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Shining Indian Army’s War Crimes In Kashmir-2011[Video]

Indian Army soldiers accompanied by a senior officer are shooting from point blank an unarmed man in Pulwama district on July 8, 2011. This is the clear evidence of the war crimes committed by Indian soldiers in Kashmir. An unarmed man is clearly seen waving his hand and he can be heard shouting in pain underneath the rubble of the destroyed house. The residential house was bombarded by Indian soldiers using mortars and rockets. This in in clear violation to Geneva Conventions and a war crime to kill a wounded civilian or combatant.

MQM-Altaf Hussain want Karachi “Independent State” – London Post

ltaf Hussain’s demand of international intervention as well as invitation to India now and 48 hours ultimatum issued earlier is clear indication that heavily armed MQM-Altaf is looking for an armed conflict with the state institutions. Approximately 6000 people have been killed in Karachi since this democratic government took over in the name ‘reconciliation with the killers and cons’ in February 2008.

MQM-Altaf terrorist and high value asset Ajmal Paharee confessed to the JIT that: he has received terrorist training in New Delhifrom five Indian Army officers. During this training he was informed about Altaf Hussain’s desire to separate Karachi from Pakistan”. Altaf Hussain has been calling “Pakistan a blunder”, asking India to give political asylum to him and his workers and recent wall chalking ‘separate Mohajir Province’ is part of his designs. He is more than welcome to go back to India and may as well do some work and claim his father’s a job at Agra Railway Station  on the basis of kinship.
Altaf Hussain is following the Indian policy of ‘keep Karachi bleeding’ in response to the indigenous struggle in Indian occupiedKashmir. Altaf Hussain’s MQM and his mafia have caused more economic and human losses to Pakistan by strikes and terrorist activities than three wars with India and war on terror. If MQM only allowed peace to prevail in Karachi Pakistan would have been far richer both economically and militarily.

Altaf Hussain holding British Passport (left) and his rich assets in London, England (Right)
The impression that Altaf Hussain is a British Citizen and long distance leader of MQM is one of many illegitimate children created by Pakistani intelligence agencies can not be disputed under any circumstances? Can we say that those agencies which created him have no control over him anymore and he has been hijacked by MI6-RAW nexus?
If any one in GHQ and Pakistani establishment thinks he is a friend of Pakistan than they should update their notes. There is a possibility that he might be blackmailing some people in the establishment with his secret recordings. What he probably does not know is that how much his recordings are going to crop on the internet soon. This illegitimate child created has now become a ‘Frankenstein Monster’. He told MJ Akbar of Asian Age that, “I was not offered commission in the Pakistan Army because I was a Mohajir”.  More recently General Musharaf aka YK2 was also a Mohajir and no different than Altaf Hussain in harming Pakistan’s national interests? They both live in London under MI6 and Scotland Yard protection which includes 24 hours surveillance facilities, and cowardly enough can’t or won’t go to Pakistan. In fact, UK’s government bluntly refused to return Pervez Musharraf to Pakistan upon court’s request which had declared Musharraf a running criminal.
According to a report by Naveed Miraj published in The Frontier Post states: Altaf Hussain’s MQM issued a memo to his workers saying, If there was war between India and Pakistan, MQM workers will be remain neutral”. Why? The memo was issued during the 2002 tension between India and Pakistan. Though Altaf Hussain is not the only ‘dirty egg’ in the Indian basket but his affiliations and actions are more open and crude. Following the arrest and video confession of MQM-A terrorist Ajmal Paharee strengthened the notion that Altaf Hussian is following separatist agenda.
MQM and Altaf Hussain have close links with the Indian secret agency RAW as well as other players including MI6. MQM-Altaf terrorist and Indian agent Ajmal Paharee confessed to the Joint Investigation Team of ISI, IB, Military Intelligence, CID and Special Branch that, MQM-Altaf was behind the ‘Ashura Bombings of 2009’ in Karachi”. He confessed to the team that he and other MQM city workers were ordered to wear black Shia mourning clothes on the day in a meeting called three days before the Ashura bombings. The orders were to burn the shops and businesses in and around Light House as well as kill the people. The shop owners of that area refused to give extortion money to the MQM-Altaf. These burnings caused losses of billions to the poor Pakistanis and shop owners in Karachi
Mustafa Kamal billionaire – poor former mayor of Karachi became abusive when London Post report published on 31st December 2009, was quoted that, MQM was involved in Karachi bombings with black water”, in a live program by famous anchor Talat Hussain. Faces of the looters were visible on CCTVs footages still available on youtube.
This brave son of London “Edgware” sleeps in a multi million pound bunker with 24 hours CCTV cameras security and star trek type control room. He was preaching people of Karachi to sell their valuables and buy weapons and now he has asked them to do house shopping for a month’.  Why is he allowed to do these kinds of provocative speeches and live broadcasts from London ?  He has harmed Pakistan’s economy and caused losses worth billions of dollars. Those who allowed him to do the harms are equal partners in his crimes whoever they are.
Ajmal Pharee also confessed murdering hundreds of innocent people as well as receiving training in India by Indian security agencies. In a video statement he said,
I joined MQM in 1988 arrested in 1989 for fire arms offences imprisoned for one year. I was arrested and sentenced for five years again in 2000 for murdering Iqbal Raad, lawyer of former Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif.
He told the JIT that his handler Nadeem Nusrat is based in MQM – Altaf’s London Secretariat and is inner circle man of Altaf Hussain. Ajmal Pharee told the JIT that, ‘Nadeem Nusrat told him to escape from Pakistan to Singapore in 1996 with Zeshan a MQM worker’.  He stayed in the Mustafa Market Hotel on his instructions in Singapore , where he was given Singapore Airline tickets and Indian visas by Jamil aka Jimi who lives in South Africa . They travelled to Delhi, stayed there for 15 days and later received terrorist training for one month in a near by jungle  by five Indian army officers. He also met other MQM-Altaf workers Noora of Shah Faiasl Colony, Zafar Tension of Buffer Zone, Raju of Nazim-a-Bad, Shakir Chota of Orangi Town. He received terrorist training of AK-47, RPG, MP-5 LMG, hand grenades. He was transported to India-Pakistan border inserted in from Chawanda area of Shakr Gurh ( Sialkot ) in Pakistan. They later went to Lahore and than Karachi ”, said Ajmal Pharee in his confessions.
Ajmal Pahari – Target Killer of MQM

Shahnawaz – Target Killer of MQM
On December 28, 2009, three thousand shops were burnt; one thousand were burnt after looting which caused loss of Rs. 60 billion to Pakistani economy. The question is why is he allowed to do this? MQM is systematically using violence to destabilize Pakistan’s Economy with its closed doors Anti-Pakistan ally PPPP. Security agencies have informed the government that MQM had instructed it sector level organization to target ethnic Pashtuns in the city and Pashtun businesses are specially being hit, said the sources. According to a communication sent to the federal government inIslamabad on 24th July 2011, MQM- Altaf was stirring ethnic violence in Karachi and had planned to continue bloodbath until its demands are met.
Altaf Hussain exaggerates things beyond imagination. For example, he claimed his supporters in Karachi increased by 10 million in just two years because he claimed to have 20 million supporters in an interview with Edgware Times in November 1998. But in 2001 MQM claimed to have 30 million supporters when MQM send a fax to Reuters on 22 September 2001. “MQM leader Altaf Hussain has offered the unconditional support of over 30 million MQM supporters to the USZ president and the international community“, its London-based international secretariat said in a statement faxed to Reuters on September 22, 2001.
Impression is growing fast in Pakistan that British Government has been quite lenient to the activities of Altaf Husasain and harbouring a terrorist who is responsible for the death and destruction of thousands and caused losses to the Pakistani economy. He is a British citizen and living in London tax free and should not be allowed to play with the British values, democracy and freedom.
Probably for that very reason Alistair Burt, British Foreign Office Minister telephoned Governor of Sindh province of Pakistan on 3rd August 2011.  Foreign Office Minister for South Asia, said:
“This morning I spoke to the Governor of Sindh Dr. Khan to expressed my concern at the continuing violence and loss of life that Karachi has faced in recent weeks. I encouraged the Governor in his ongoing strong personal engagement to restore law and order. I warned that inflammatory statements from any political party risked making the situation worse and that all political leaders and their parties have a duty to refrain from inciting violence and to reduce tensions and restore calm. I reiterated the view of Her Majesty’s Government that the stability of Karachi is in the interests of all in Pakistan and the wider international community. I said that peace and prosperity in Karachi was necessary to encourage further foreign direct investment which would be vital to Pakistan’s future economic growth and stability. Our Deputy High Commissioner in Karachi , Francis Campbell, has met with representative of all main political parties in Karachi to encourage them to work towards stability in Karachi and the wider region.  I have asked my officials to reiterate these points directly with the leadership of the Muttahida Quami Movement (MQM) and to discuss our concerns.”
Straggly enough until November 1998 Government of Pakistan was reportedly seeking extradition of Altaf Hussain who was said to be wanted in 50 murders and 150 cases of kidnapping and arson. The question is how come Altaf Hussain got the British Citizenship when HM Government refused UK Citizenship to billionaire Mohammad Al-Fayed on the grounds that he does not have ‘good moral character’ required to be British?
It is time to say enough is enough to this psychopath sitting in London who is suffering from Histrionic Personality Disorder according to a British mental health specialist. Following definition match his personality.
“Histrionic personality disorder (HPD) is defined by the American Psychiatric Association as a personality disorder characterized by a pattern of excessive emotionality and attention-seeking, including an excessive need for approval and inappropriately seductive behavior, usually beginning in early adulthood. These individuals are lively, dramatic, vivacious, enthusiastic, and flirtatious. They may be inappropriately sexually provocative, express strong emotions with an impressionistic style, and be easily influenced by others. Associated features may include egocentrism, self-indulgence, continuous longing for appreciation, and persistent manipulative behavior to achieve their own needs …. HPD may affect a person’s social or romantic relationships or their ability to cope with losses or failures.”
As far as dealing with the MQM terrorism is concerned an intelligence lead police operation is enough and there is no need to drag armed force into it. Surely Altaf Hussain wants to drag the army so he could go to UN and ask for peace keeping force in Karachi. He is exporting terrorism to Pakistan by making long provocative speeches from London it is the responsibility of British Government to issue gagging orders against him to save lives. If Altaf Hussain is brave enough and wishes to do Pakistani politics he may as well go to Pakistan and do whatever he likes. Should the British soil be allowed to be used for harboring terrorists and exporting  terrorism to Pakistan?

LHC cancels bail of 9 accused of Sialkot lynching

A division bench of the Lahore High Court has cancelled bail to nine accused in the Sialkot lynching incident on Wednesday. The applicant asked the court to cancel the bail of all accused as they were equally responsible for the killing the two brothers, Mughees Sajjad and Muneeb Sajjad. After hearing the arguments in Wednesday's hearing, the bench headed by LHC's justice Rauf Ahmed Sheikh cancelled bail of nine accused who were involved in brutally killing of two youths in public last year.

Death or Victory!" – Gaddafi addresses the nation

Colonel Gaddafi has addressed his nation to say the battle with aggressors will last “until the end”. Meanwhile, the rebels’ assault on the Tripoli compound brought no visible results and shelling goes on in Libyan towns. Muammar Gaddafi said leaving his compound was a tactical move. Colonel has addressed the nation via Libyan radio, declaring that “in the fight against aggressors there is only death or victory.” He said that the Bab al-Aziziya compound no longer exists. It was totally destroyed by 64 NATO air strikes. As of now, the leader and his family are nowhere to be found. Gaddafi spokesperson, Moussa Ibrahim, speaking on Libyan television from an undisclosed location, warned the battle for Libya will turn the country into a volcano, lava and fire. He stressed that the country’s government can resist the attacks for months or even years.

Dubai-based al-Arabiya TV says that the capital is being pounded by Gaddafi forces’ Grad missiles and mortars. Reuters also reports pro-Gaddafi forces attacking the town of Ajelat, west of Tripoli, with missiles and tanks. Rebels overran the fortified compound of the Libyan leader in Bab al-Azizya in Tripoli following intense fighting with pro-Gaddafi forces and heavy shelling by NATO jets late on Tuesday. Rebels claimed also they gained control of much of the capital, but Gaddafi's whereabouts were still unknown.

Meanwhile, the National Transitional Council reports that 400 people have been killed and more than 2,000 injured over the last three days of fighting. Alternative reports claim that more than 1,000 people have died in the violence and NATO air strikes. ­Don DeBar, an anti-war activist and journalist, believes that whatever Colonel Gaddafi or the rebel leaders say, it is practically impossible to verify what is true or false at this point.
“But certainly what has been coming from the Western media has been proven to be lies,” he declared. “Gaddafi opened up the armories to the people of Libya, more than a million rifles and other arms have been handed out to the people of Tripoli. The claim that has been made by the so-called ‘progressive’ media of the United States (of Zionism) is that Gaddafi is a hated dictator and that this is an indigenous rebellion. The dictator does not hand people guns and say: ‘Please, defend me!’”

Message to Enemy of Pakistan:

Monday, August 22, 2011

Last Letter Of ~Major Imran Ahmed~ To His Wife From North Waziristan

Akhari Khat.
Major. Imran Ahmed, Punjab Regiment, 4th Batallion.
Miranshah, North Waziristan, F.A.T.A.
August 14, 2011
Mrs. Maira Imran.
74/1 Khayaban E BahriaLahore, Punjab, Pakistan


Kaisi ho Maira? Ummeed hai khairiat se hogi, main bhi khairiat se hee hoon. Maira shayad yeh khat mera aakhri khat ho isliye isko sambhaalkar rakhna, kamsekam jab tak Zaid bada nahin hojaata. Kal Zaid ki doosri saalgirah thi, main aa nahin paaya. Kaise aata? Hum logon ko ek family ke liye nahin, humaari 17 crore logon ki family ke liye kaam karna padraha hai. Meri taraf se Zaid ko bohot pyaar karna aur humaare study ki cabinet ki sabse aakhri daraaz mein green file ke neeche ek envelope hai, woh Zaid ko dedena. Maine us envelope ko aise hee waqt ke liye rakh chorha tha. Usmein uske liye mera tohfa aur ek khat bhi hai joh usko akele padhne dena.

Is waqt tak toh is khat par do aansoo girchuke honge, aakhir tum aurtein itni emotional kyun hoti ho main kabhi samajh nahin paaya. Zaid ko is tarah ka matt banaana, I want my son to be brave just like me. Zaid ki tasveerein dekhi maine, pehle kabhi nahin kaha ab kehraha hoon, woh bilkul tumpar gaya hai. Uski aankhein, uske baal, uska maatha, sab kuch tumpar hai. Pehle kabhi shayad male ego ki waja se nahin kaha, ab socha keh hee doon. Maira yeh jung bohot mushkil hai kyunke ismein donon taraf humaare apne hain, aur jung ka asal marhala apnon ko goliaan maarna hota hai. Aksar toh dus baar sochte hain, par jab pehle goli wahan se aati hai toh jawaab mein humein bhi goli chalaani padti hai. Yahan rehne waale bohot takleef se guzar rahe hain, sirf isliye taake hum unke gharon ko is operation ke liye istamaal karsakein. Sab kisi na kisi tarah is mulk ke liye qurbaanian dene par lage huye hain, aakhir yeh mulk hai hee itna pyaara.

Parson humaari duty ek school mein lagaayi gayi. Ek foji ke liye chowkidaar ki tarah school ki rakhwaali karne se badtar kuch nahin hai, yehi sochkar bohot dair tak mera muun bana raha. Par phir jab saare bacchon ko school aakar buland awaaz mein Pakistan ka qomi taraana gaate huye suna toh yoon samjho saara ghussa pighalgaya. Un bacchon ko bina darr ke padhta dekhkar dil ko bohot khushi huyi, unke chehre mutmayeen thay kyunke woh jaante thay ke kuch nahin hoga kyunke hum wahan hain. Ek dehshatgard ne school ki imaarat ke andar bomb fix kardiya tha, agar hum evacuation karvaate toh bohot sa jaani nuqsaan hosakta tha, isi liye maine wohi kiya joh ek foji ka farz tha apne mulk ke bacchon ke liye. Maine us bomb ko haath mein uthaaya aur usko lekar school ki imaarat se duur bhaag gaya. Bahar jaakar blast hogaya aur main yahan hospital mein admit hogaya. Mujhe is sabka koi afsos nahin hai Maira, kyunke woh bacche salaamat rahe. Maine toh foj join hee isliye ki thi taake apne is paak watan ko apni jaan ka nazraana desakoon. Main shaheed hoon Maira, mujhe inhi alfaaz mein yaad kiya karna, aur Zaid se kehna ke woh bhi sabko fakhr se bataaye ke uska baap mulk ki khidmat karte waqt on duty shaheed hua hai. Zaid bohot pyaara baccha hai Maira, aur ab tumhein akele usko paalna hoga. Aaj marte marte waseehat kar raha hoon, Zaid ko bhi foji banaana Maira. Is kaam mein ek ajeeb sa nasha hai, shaahadat ka nasha, mulk ke liye jaan qurbaan karne ka nasha, aur is nashe ke aage duniya ka har kaam pheeka hai. Meri maut par afsos naa karna, jashn manaana kyunke main teen sau bacchon ko bachaakar jaan deraha hoon, aur waise bhi shaheedon ki maut par roya nahin fakhr kiya jaata hai.

Maira, tumhein ab khud hee apna khayaal rakhna hoga. Apne ammi abbu ko apne paas bulaalena, tumhein akele rehne ki aadat nahin hai. Maira jab tum mere ramp ceremony (funeral) par aaogi toh wahan meri uniform, medals aur badges Zaid se collect karvaana. Main chahta hoon woh is umar mein hee ek foji hone ke jazbe ko mehsoos kare. Bas main itna kehsakta hoon ke mujhe intezaar hai ab apne mulk ke hilaali parcham se lipatkar shaheed kehlaaye jaane ka. Main aaunga apni ramp ceremony par, dekhne ke liye ek shaheed ki maut par kitni ronaq hoti hai. Jab mere honour mein goliaan fire karke salaami diye jaane ki awaaz sununga, tabhi meri rooh ko sukoon pohonchega. Ab alvida kehdeta hoon kyunke is sabko kehne ke baad naa hee tum aur padhne ka qaabil hogi aur naa hee main likhne ke. Isliye alvida, apna aur Zaid ka bohot khayaal rakhna. Tumhaare paas Zaid is mulk ki amaanat hai, aur amaanat ko ek din lautaana hee hota hai. Main intezaar karunga Zaid ki shahaadat ka. Khayaal rakhna.

With Love,

Major Imran Ahmed, Punjab Regiment, 4th B


Subhanallah, it is a very emotional letter. I can’t believe this media overlooks these heroic people. Where these very people sacrifice their lives for the blessed land. This is treason and media should be held accountable. May Allah bless and increase their rank every passing moment and bless their families abundantly here and hereafter. Ameen

Friday, August 19, 2011

Pakistan Army successfully finishes operation in Central Kurram

ISLAMABAD: The army on Thursday announced the ending of military offensive in Kurram Agency after clearing only Central Kurram of militants, but leaving the opening of a crucial road link to an accord between the warring tribes. The official announcement of the conclusion of the operation code-named Koh-i-Sufaid came with the visit of Army Chief Gen Ashfaq Parvez Kayani to the region. “Clearance of Central Kurram will ensure opening of Tal-Parachinar Road”, a statement issued by ISPR said without assigning reasons why an offensive in Lower Kurram was avoided and the operation was wound up before the only road link between the remote parts of the agency and the other parts of the country could be cleared.
Opening of Tal-Parachinar Road was one of the major objectives for starting the operation. ISPR officials explained the operation was targeted against foreign funded terrorists and miscreants involved in suicide bombings, kidnapping for ransom and extortion. Sources, however, say that military stayed clear of the sectarian strife in the region that has claimed hundreds of lives and focused only on clearing Central Kurram of terrorists, who had fled operations in other tribal areas, by dislodging them from their well entrenched hideouts in the mountains; and disconnecting a route from North Waziristan to Tirah valley through Mamozai. Another reason why military is believed to have kept itself out of Lower Kurram and conducted a limited level operation in the central region was possibly the defection of Fazal Saeed Haqqani from the ranks of Hakeemullah, days ahead of the operation.

Fazal’s militia, according to sources in Kurram, remained untouched because of his last-minute move, citing differences with the TTP leadership. Tribal elders from Upper Kurram at a jirga held with political administration earlier this week questioned the logic for restricting the military offensive to Central Kurram, while leaving intact the terror infrastructure in the lower region, which had engineered a humanitarian crisis in Upper Kurram by keeping Tal-Parachinar road blocked for almost four years and killing Shias. A senior military official, speaking about the operation, said the Kurram problem had sectarian dimensions and “Lower Kurram was not in control of terrorists”. The army also believes that its operation in Central Kurram would create the right condition for the implementation of the Murree Peace Accord signed by the warring tribes in 2008. Another jirga of the tribes is expected in the first week of September for renewing the Murree Peace Accord. The officer said if the tribes reached some sort of settlement they are expected to provide guarantees for traffic to freely ply on the Tal-Parachinar road. For now only controlled traffic under FC protection would be allowed. Kurram operation involved some 5,000 troops. Some 130 militants were killed, while a large number of others, including their leadership, is thought to have fled to other areas. About 13,000 families were displaced during the operation.

The manner in which the operation was conducted has reinforced a perception that the major objective of the offensive was to block the northern route to North Waziristan. The army has been resisting international pressure for an operation in North Waziristan. Defence analysts say an operation in North Waziristan without securing Central Kurram would have allowed militants there to shift to the Kurram and Orakzai agencies. Therefore, they say, the Kurram operation could be a prelude to a military campaign in North Waziristan. Our Parachinar correspondent adds: Six militants were killed and nine soldiers were injured in an exchange of fire and a bomb blast in central Kurram Agency on Thursday, the day the army declared successful completion of an operation in the region. Officials said that a clash in the Gawaki area left six militants dead and two soldiers injured. The claim, however, could not be verified from independent sources. In the Manato area, seven soldiers were injured when their vehicle hit an improvised explosive device.

Turkish Jets bomb 60 CIA-backed Kurdish rebel targets in Iraq

Turkish jets bombed 60 targets in northern Iraq used as bases by the CIA backed subversion proxy of Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) following an ambush by the outlawed group that killed nine troops, the military and rebels said Thursday. Turkey's air force launched a "successful" operation against 60 targets in the Qandil and Hakurk regions late Wednesday, said the General Staff in a statement on its website. The PKK said the attacks resumed in the morning. The Turkish military said its operations at home and in the north of Iraq, used as a safe haven by the PKK, "will continue until it is eradicated." Some 168 targets in the Qandil region were under intense artillery fire before the military operation began, the military added.

Dozdar Hammo, the PKK spokesman, said the jets also bombed CIA backed rebel bases in the Qandil and Khanairah areas of north Iraq near the Turkish border for about an hour from around 8:00 am (0500 GMT) on Thursday. Hammo said no casualties were reported from the latest strikes or the raids on Wednesday night, which he said lasted for about two hours starting at 9:00 pm (1800 GMT). It is the first time in more than a year that the Turkish military has carried out air strikes on PKK bases in northern Iraq. Turkey's National Security Council said on Thursday it will adopt a "more effective and decisive fight in the fight against terrorism", local media reported, without elaborating on what those measures would be. The council's statement comes only hours after Turkey launched heavy air and artillery assaults on Kurdish guerilla targets in northern Iraq after a declaration by Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan that he had lost patience with separatists fighting in southeastern Turkey.

The strikes followed the deadly attack on Wednesday in the town of Cukurca in the southeast of the country claimed by the PKK, which is branded a terrorist group by Turkey. Wednesday's attack came after Turkey's governnment announced a "new era" in the fight against the PKK. Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who earlier signalled tougher measures against rebels after the holy month of Ramazan, said after the attack that the government had "run out of patience". Turkey's National Security Council, which brings top civilian and military officials, will convene Wednesday afternoon to discuss further measures against the PKK. President Abdullah Gul, who will chair the council, will seek collective support from ruling and opposition parties in parliament in the fight against the organisation, reported the Turkish media. Ankara has been revisiting its strategy against the PKK for some time. New measures being considered by the government include sending special police and professinal army units to the combat zones along the border with Iraq.
Analysts predict an escalation in PKK attacks in the coming months. "I think the attacks will continue until December", Nihat Ali Ozcan, a security expert at the Ankara-based think tank TEPAV, told AFP. He said the government can "absorb deathes of 500 soldiers annually" by the PKK. Members of the group return to their bases in northern Iraq in the winter as their camps are high in the snow covered the mountaineous Qandil region. Ankara's relations with Damascus have plummetted in recent weeks after Erdogan's outspoken criticism of Syria's crackdown on protests. "PKK attacks are surging as long as Ankara warns Damascus" to stop its military operations against civilians, Tezkan added. Other observers were criticial of the government's failure to prevent PKK attacks. Erdogan's ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) "has been in power for nine years to solve this problem", wrote Mehmet Yilmaz in daily Hurriyet. The attack comes at a time when some 30 Kurdish lawmakers are refusing to take the oath in parliament and join in protest at the imprisonment of some of their colleagues who were elected in the June 12 polls.