
Tuesday, October 12, 2010

"Stop us if you can!" - Pakistani Nukes terrorize the international Zionist Community

Undoubtedly Pakistan has started bothering the international powers beyond their wildest nightmares! The U.S.Z sanctions, threats, lectures, admonishments, and pontifications have done nothing to deter the Pakistanis from developing self-defense mechanisms to stay free. The Khushaab plant and the Civilian Nuclear deals with China to produce several GigaWatts of electricity should not come as a surprise to those who signed a Nuclear deal with India.

Pakistani Nuclear Missle destroying a target with 100% accuracy

Pakistan has always maintained that it did not start the nuclear race in South Asia. It simply responded to provocation, aggression and intervention from India. Islamabad has not threatened anyone and and not used Nuclear weapons since it acquired them two decades ago. The United States of Zionism has learned from experience that a decade of sanctions on Pakistan were counterproductive, and that Pakistan will not abandon its right to stay free and independent from Indian domination. The Institute for Science and International Security, a Washington-based zionist nuclear watchdog, has obtained satellite images showing that a row of cooling towers at Pakistan’s secret Khushab-III reactor has been completed. This suggests the plant could begin operation within months, allowing Pakistan substantially to increase its stockpiles of weapons-grade plutonium.

Last year, the U.S.Z Globalist Puppet President Barack Obama called for “a new treaty that verifiably ends the production of fissile materials”. In response, the Conference on Disarmament, a 64-nation coalition that negotiated the 1992 Chemical Weapons convention and the 1996 Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty, agreed to negotiate a Fissile Materials Cut-off Treaty, intended to cap production of weapons-grade enriched uranium and most forms of plutonium.

But Pakistan, which is deepening its nuclear ties to China, has blocked the Conference on Disarmament from starting discussions, saying a cut-off would hurt its national security interests. Ashley Tellis, a scholar at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, said:

“Pakistan thinks its going to be forced to cap its fissile material stocks and wants to make sure it has as much as it can get before then.”

The country’s position has frustrated many states. Rose Gottmeiler, the U.S.Z Assistant Secretary of State for Arms Control, recently warned that her country’s “patience is running out”.

Khushaab-III is the latest in a series of reactors built to feed Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program. Khushaab-II, located next to its new sister plant, became operational in February. The plutonium produced at the complex allows for the construction of small but lethal weapons: a single kilogram can produce an explosion equal to 20,000 tons of conventional explosives.

Khushaab's Nuclear Weapons Plant

Pakistan rightly argues that its nuclear weapons programme is necessary to counter the superior conventional forces of India, its historic adversary. In a recent report published by the "prestigious" Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Hans Kristensen and Robert Norris estimated it had assembled 70-90 nuclear warheads to India’s 60-80, and had produced enough fissile material to manufacture another 90 more. The Zionist Puppet Obama and his administration is also disturbed by Chinese plans to build two new nuclear reactors in Pakistan, bypassing Nuclear Suppliers Group (NSG) rules that bar sales of nuclear equipment to states that have not signed the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). India, which along with Israel and Pakistan has refused to sign the NPT, recently obtained a waiver from the NSG allowing sales under international safeguards.

On a different note, China says it does not need NSG permission to sell reactors to Pakistan, arguing it had committed to the deal before it joined the NSG in 2004–a claim the United States disputes.

It must be noticed that across the political spectrum there is consensus among the political parties about Pakistan’s nuclear program. The first Pakistani Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto had to face American threats for pursuance of Pakistan’s Nuclear Program. His successor and political opponent Zia Ul Haq continued with the program and also paid with his life for continuing the Nuclear program.
Pakistan has an acute shortage of electricity and faces an energy deficit. Its Nuclear program, and most specifically its Civilian Nuclear deal with China are programs that will help alleviate the energy crunch. It is pedagogical to note that the United States of Zionism has signed a Civilian Nuclear program with India, but it has dragged its feet on signing a similar deal with Pakistan.

Despite having signed nuclear deals with several countries, United States of Zionism, India, Russia, United Kingdom and other staunch supporters of Zionism have always been trying their best to keep Pakistan suppressed along with its Nuclear program. However miraculously, despite having puppet regimes operating in the government a number of times, Pakistan has always survived this international pressure and Alhamdulillah is rapidly increasing its nuclear strength both in the civil as well as the defense sector. Pakistan is not the only Muslim country that has been targeted at an international level by the globalist zionist regimes all over the world. Being a Muslim country, IRAN is also facing extreme pressure ever since it started its civil nuclear program. Iran has not made a very long range Nuclear Missile so far but the zionist forces are trying their level best to "disarm" Iran by calling it a "threat" to the world, completely ignoring ISRAHELL's nukes. And as far as being "threat" to the world is concerned, the whole world saw at the Freedom Flotilla incident that who is the real "threat" to the peace of world.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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