
Thursday, October 28, 2010

U.S.Z. desperately building Anti-China Alliance

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

It is desperation time for the cunning puppet wolves of the globalist new world order currently sitting in the U.S.Z. government as they have wrongly decided to go head to head with the rising super power China. Some of the top Obama Administration officials have said that the U.S.Z. would not hesitate to join hands with other countries in collectively addressing certain Chinese action. The officials, also gave an indirect "yes" to the reports that the United States of Zionism is lining up countries against China and this is the main purpose of the Asia trip of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton beginning on Wednesday.

A variety of countries including the U.S.Z. “have issues with certain Chinese action”, the officials said on condition of anonymity adding that the “U.S.Z. will not hesitate” to address the concerns that they have.

“We are not trying to line up a block of countries against China. We are seriously engaged with China. That is why we have the (Chinese) State visit is coming up. But we will consult with the countries on shared issues ranging from South China Sea to non-proliferation to security issues to Burma. It is in the context of our significant engagement across Asia. The Secretary is not going to the region because of China, she is going to the region to engage China but also to engage other countries in the region, because we have shared interest in Asia. Our relationship with China is complex, our relationship with China is important. I suspect other countries feel the same way. But this is not about China, this is about our broad engagement in Asia. And we will work with China when we can and we will not hesitate to take issue with China when our interests demand.", one of the officials said.

As China’s economy continues to grow at staggering pace, straining the country’s resources and energy supplies, sea exploration and development is acquiring a new urgency.

In recent years, China has taken steps to strengthen its maritime defense, streamline its complicated system of sea management rights and build up a modern China Coast Guard parallel to those of the United States and Japan. From Beijing’s point of view, the escalation of recent territorial disputes is entirely due to the United States of Zionism’s high-profile “re-engagement” with the region. In September, U.S.Z. puppet President Obama held a summit with leaders of the 10-member ASEAN and pledged that the United States of Zionism will play a “leadership role in Asia”.

“Already Clinton’s declaration about the South China Sea as maritime commons was meant to announce the return of the United States to Asia”, says Liu Ming, Asia researcher with the Shanghai Academy of Social Sciences. “The US (government) wants to internationalise an issue that is meant to be resolved between China and relevant parties on bilateral basis. This is not a multilateral matter. Going the U.S.Z. way would make things in the South China sea only more complicated.”

I am warning those states already that the re-emergence of U.S.Z. factor in the region will rob ASEAN of the opportunity to speak with its own voice. The fifth East Asia Summit on October 30 is expected to invite the leaders of Russia and the United States of Zionism to participate in it starting from 2011. But to Beijing, this welcome extended to “big powers” like the United States of Zionism and Russia to the region’s decision-making table is a poorly thought out attempt to counterbalance the rise of China.

“The United States is trying to sow mistrust between China and ASEAN”, said Ma Ying of the Shanghai Institute for International Studies, cautioning that the region may become entangled in the battle for influence between the two superpowers.

China’s claims over the disputed Senkaku/Diaoyu islands are part of a broader claim to the Okinawa prefecture, which it said Japan snatched from the Qing dynasty that ruled China in the early 19th century. When disputes over the rocky isles claimed by both China and Japan boiled over in September, Beijing canceled diplomatic meetings with Tokyo, cut off the export of rare earth materials upon which Japan depends, and demanded an apology after Tokyo gave in to its demands and released the detained crew of a Chinese fishing trawler. Beijing also reacted with fury to comments by the Japanese foreign minister describing its retaliatory action as “hysterical”.

Beijing’s anger was palpable too when China’s growing assertiveness over the disputed territories in the South China Sea was countered earlier this year by the United States of Zionism with arguments about the area being “maritime commons”. At a July security meeting of Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries, U.S.Z. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton stressed the importance that the United States of Zionism attaches to the freedom of navigation in the South China Sea, calling it a U.S.Z. “national interest”. In those busy international shipping lanes, there are islets like the Spratlys and the Paracels that are claimed in part or in full by not less than six countries.

Yang Jiechi

Chinese Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi retorted that Beijing considers the South China Sea a “core national interest” and that “China is a big country and other countries are small countries and that is just a fact”.
China’s recent territorial rows have occurred mostly on sea, which illustrates the country’s new push to increase its development space and seek new energy and mineral resources.

In August, Beijing announced that it had dispatched a manned submarine beneath the South China Sea to plant the Chinese flag on the seabed and begin a search for valuable undersea mineral deposits. Not coincidentally, the Senkaku/Diaoyu islands in the Yellow Sea are believed to be sitting on underwater deposits of natural gas too. China’s emphasis on sea rights is not new, having occurred under the rule of late economic reform architect Deng Xiaoping. Unlike Mao Zedong who waged wars with neighbouring countries on land, Deng stressed the importance of China’s sovereignty and sea rights.

It is not only a completely hollow and half hearted effort on behalf of United States of Zionism, it's also very unlikely that U.S.Z. can do and achieve physically; anything against China when China is already giving trillions of dollars to the U.S.Z. economy as debt since U.S.Z. is thoroughly bankrupt by now due to its continuous involvement in globalist wars. Also, a special thanks to the globalist zionist banking syndicate which is sucking blood out of the ever declining U.S.Z. economy ever since the Federal Reserve System was installed in U.S.Z. in 1913.

With its hands full in Afghanistan and Iraq wars and on the verge of engaging Pakistan in the very near future, U.S.Z. is pushing its own existence at stake by taking such drastic desperation steps. This is a renowned reality that Dollar is being abandoned gradually by the international market and United States of Zionism is soon going to be a part of history. But before that happens, the Neocon Zionists are going to try their level best to create anarchy and chaos worldwide by pushing their satanic setup to its extreme limits. The roots of Chinese alliance with Pakistan, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan, Central Asian Muslim States and other Muslim countries have been rapidly growing during the past few months. U.S.Z. is either blinded by its arrogance or this is a deliberate campaign by the globalists to crucify U.S.Z. and hide behind some other national identity in the world to continue their currently failing globalist agenda.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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