
Saturday, October 30, 2010

Prophecies of Naimatullah Shah Wali R.A

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Beware of the foresight of the believer for he sees with Divine Light.  [Prophet Muhammed s.a.w]

There are a few persons around us who are assigned particular duties from Allah. Such are the Man of Allah. Naimat Shah Wali R.A was a great seer, a Wali-Ullah who predicted 800 years of happenings in future. From the arrival of British Merchants to their departure from Indian Subcontinent, from the creation of Pakistan to breaking of Pakistan and other future wars that will be fought are mentioned with an accuracy of exact year, month and even days.He composed his Qaseeda in 745 AH as the last couplet says and in total the Urdu translation is 4 pages (with some foot-notes) and it is shockingly accurate and it also validates prophet's hadeeth about ghuzwatul hind. It does primarily focus on the sub-continent but talks about the world wars and downfall of the British. His predictions are in Persian with Urdu translation. Predictions of Niamatullah Shah Wali R.A were so inspiring and accurate that British Government had abandoned his book and all the printed copies were burnt. Reason of this action was yet another prediction which said, “Rule of British over India would last less than 100 years” and British Government never liked any prophecy that would mention their time of demise.  British Rule ended in 1947 after 90 years of ruling over Indian Subcontinent.
According to Niamatullah Shah Wali, India will undergo 4 wars with Pakistan. In the light of his predictions, it is concluded that there has been two such wars since their independence in 1947. Niamatullah mentioned war of 65 would be the first war between India and Pakistan and it would last 17 days. He also predicted that flag bearer of India would die at the negotiations table. Indian Prime Minister, Mr Shastri died in Tashkent due to heart attack.
Niamatullah predicted that the second war with India would break Pakistan and in 71, East Pakistan separated as Bangladesh.


According to Niamatullah Shah Wali, the third war will be a regional war that will take place in the area comprising Chitral, Nangaperbat, Gilgit and Tibet. The war will be based on false accusations and will erupt suddenly. The war will remain undecided but as a result, an internal conflict within India would arise. As a result, entire Hind will undergo a mayhem and turmoil consequently that will be start of GhazwatulHind.
Ghazwatul Hind; whose Shuhadaa(martyrs) are given the status of Afzal tareen Shuhadaa(the most blessed martyrs of all times). GhazwatulHind, the 4th and final battle will be fought and will be a decisive battle. Warriors from the 4 corners would join hands and make an alliance against Hind and will conquer Hind upto the river Ganga. Niamatullah describes this fierce battle will last 6 years (mentioned as 6 months in few verses) and will be devastating for the mankind.
According to other Muslim Saints, the war will assassinate millions and only a person in 6 miles radius would survive to lit a lamp at night.  Today we know an estimated power of 100-200 KT Nuclear weapon is nearly the same and it would eliminate life within the area of roughly 6-8 miles diameter. India and Pakistan become Nuclear Powers in year 1998 and both have Nuclear weapons capable of such destruction. Consequently, it wont be a wonder if only one person in 6 miles radius would survive to lit a lamp at night.

Wallahu Aálam

Xharaf Vsm

Pakistan Cyber Force

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