
Saturday, October 16, 2010

Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan calls U.S.Z. as the common ENEMY of Pakistan and Turkey

Turkish PM Tayyip Erdogan has openly declared United States of Zionism as the common enemy of both Pakistan and Turkey. He said in Islamabad during his visit to Pakistan that the U.S.Z. was supporting some common enemies of Pakistan and Turkey and the time had come to unmask them and act together.

Turkish Prime Minister Mr. Tayyip Erdogan
In an exclusive chat with this correspondent in the presence of Current Puppet Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousuf Raza Gilani, the Turkish prime minister very candidly answered critical questions not only about Turkey-Pakistan relations but also on some other important issues before he finally flew back to Turkey that night. The Turkish premier said that the people of Pakistan should not fight with each other and they must concentrate on rehabilitation of 20 million flood victims.

“Instability and infighting will only help your enemies who are looking for an opportunity to use Pakistanis against Pakistanis. If you will not understand the evil designs of your enemies then what will be the future of 20 million flood victims of Pakistan, who will help them if you start fighting with each other.”

Erdogan warned.

He said that Pakistan,Turkey, Afghanistan and Iran have a common future, security of one country lies in the security of others but our enemies are creating problems for us. He said:

“Pakistan is my second home and I am concerned about the internal situation of my second home”.

He insisted that Pakistan and Turkey must play a decisive role to stabilize Afghanistan. He said that some foreign hands are supporting terrorists in Pakistan and Turkey directly and also through some NGO’s.

Erdogan was very hard on the “double standards” of the United States of Zionism and said that a recent IsraHelli attack on a Turkish ship Freedom Flotilla has unmasked the so-called civilized face of Washington who openly and shamelessly supported the state terrorism of IsraHell.

“Nine Turkish martyrs on the ship received 21 bullets from IsraHelli soldiers in their bodies, we provided post mortem reports and even the pictures to the E.U. and U.S.Z. but Washington is not ready to condemn the state terrorism of IsraHell against Turkey which means that the U.S.Z. is supporting an international terrorist who killed our citizens in international waters”.

When asked that Turkey have diplomatic relations with IsraHell and what would be his advice to Pakistan for making diplomatic relations with IsraHell, Erdogan responded very carefully and said:

“Despite diplomatic relations IsraHell never behaved like a civilized country with Turkey and I cannot give any advice to my Pakistani brothers; it is their right to decide about making relations with IsraHell”.

Erdogan said that Pakistan and India must resolve Kashmir dispute by peaceful talks.

“You need strong political will for resolving Kashmir dispute”, he added.

It should be kept in mind that just a few days back, the Puppet PM Yusuf Raza Gillani gave a bold statement about U.S.Z. being a "true friend" of Pakistan. This clearly shows the divergence that the current puppet setup in Pakistan Government may try to create in the unity of the Muslim Ummah in the very near future before it is either finally kicked out of Pak Sarzameen or hanged publicly.

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