
Monday, October 4, 2010

Pakistan under attack - CIA / RAW planning a MAJOR false flag drama!

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

South Asia: The time is right and the situation is tight for India to fire up another sloppy drama based on fake terrorist attacks and baseless propaganda reports. By blaming Pakistan, this particular false flag attack at this time will significantly help cover up the incompetence of the Delhi Games and use the venue to create sympathy for India. It will also help in pressurizing Pakistan on its Eastern border at the same time when it is already in the process of engaging on its western border against U.S.Z and NATO. Keeping its backstabbing traditions alive since the departure of Lord Vavel before partition, Indian National Congress and all other terrorist pro-hindu political parties have always tried to avail every chance they get to malign and if possible, harm Pakistan by hook or by crook. The latest development after the Mumbai drama is a plan that is already in finalization stages.

The U.S.Z / NATO vultures also realize the criticality of the situation in South Asia and CIA has joined hands with RAW once again by promoting Michael Vickers  (The mastermind behind Blackwater / Xe-Services operating in the South Asia) as the top spook of PENTAGON. The Delhi Games are being used to point fingers at Pakistan so that Washington and Delhi can achieve their nefarious strategic as well as on-ground objectives while at the same time, the strategy of U.S.Z Covert Shadow Army and JSOC (Joint Secret Operations Command) operating inside Pakistan and Afghanistan is being revised on emergency level.

 Let’s break it down and first analyze the Indian side of this plan. It was obvious that sooner or later a blame Pakistan game will surface if anything goes wrong with Indian Common Wealth Games. It appears that a supposed “dead” militant affiliated to a Brigade 313 has been intercepted. It is said he will be specifically targeting the Common Wealth Games and is an agent provocateur of the State of Pakistan to destabilize India. This is not only hilarious but also nonsensical to blame Pakistan in such baseless mass-media illusions when more than 55% of INDIA itself is a battlefield on ground. The 7 sister states of India along with the Maoist Rebels and Nexalites have practically limited the on-ground movement of the Indian Army on its (not so) very own soil where 55,000 soldiers were decisively defeated by less than 2000 rebels in Manipur a couple of years ago. Moreover India is losing its control fast inside Occupied Kashmir where Mujahideen are gaining strength with every passing day and for the first time in decades, there is visible panic in the Indian Think Tanks regarding Kashmir. Then there is the slap in the face of Indian Secularist Democracy judiciary hearing on the Ayodah 500 year old Babri Masjid (mosque) to be split with 2 portions going to Hindus and 1 portion going to Muslims because Hindu radicals are purporting that this ancient beautiful Masjid belongs to a mythical, non existent Lord Ram.

The Indian parliament attack should have been enough for India to learn their little lesson but India sadly never learns. Once again we “may” witness a South Indian Ethnic looking gun man speaking in Marathi with saffron wrist bands walking amicable through Delhi suburbs and being caught on Camera as if it were a Bollywood movie, casually strolling across yet another major Indian city running amok.

Let’s now see what’s happening in U.S.Z. An even more interesting thing to note at this point in time is that PENTAGON has recently found its latest top spook named Michael Vickers, the Charlie Wilson’s Warrior. He is a long time Special Forces and CIA guy. Last night the Zionist Puppet Barack Obama quietly nominated him to one of the Pentagon’s highest offices. Call it a trend: In the last few months, architects and advocates of stealth wars against “terrorists” have risen to the highest levels of the intelligence community of the U.S.Z. History suggests that wherever Michael Vickers went, aggressive “counter terrorist activities” went with him. It was Vickers who suggested the Congress in 2007 to bring Xe-Services (Blackwater) inside Pakistan when he said:

“We are in a long irregular war that requires U.S. Armed Forces to increasingly adopt indirect, unconventional and clandestine approaches”.

Michael Vickers - The mastermind behind Blackwater in Pakistan
As BOB Woodward reported in his book entitled OBAMA’S WARS, the real puppet masters behind Obama decided and conveyed through Obama himself that the public doesn’t need to know that he ordered cross-border operations into Pakistan, reasoning that “all hell would break loose” if he came clean about the U.S.Z war in Afghanistan’s neighbor and the U.S.Z's Major Non-NATO Ally”. But if intense, undeclared war against terrorists is what you want, it makes a lot of sense to promote Vickers, Clapper, and Bennett.
While this false flag attack is being planned and finalized by the vultures of U.S.Z and Indial, Pakistan Army on the other hand is gaining more and more confidence day by day and the supply line of U.S.Z and NATO has still not been resumed despite all the howling by the traitor Hussain Haqqani, the Pakistani Puppet Ambassador to U.S.Z. He has been actively serving his masters in Washington as a major Anti-Pakistan disinformation bugle ever since he landed in U.S.Z. Now he is repeating the same shameless lines "Pakistan will soon resume the supply line, we are friends with America" like a mad parrot gone bonkers. In the mean while, the U.S.Z and NATO supply tankers were attacked in the premises of Islamabad today and 28 of them were blown up into flames. Surely, the U.S.Z and NATO forces trapped inside the Graveyard of Empires will be having a good time now in the absence of these supplies. May be they can feel a little bit of what the Palestinians have been feeling for the last several decades, without food.

U.S.Z / NATO tankers burning in flames in the premises of Islamabad

Alhamdulillah, they have been trying their best to harm Pakistan ever since independence (Starting from the very first day by truncating Pakistan far below what it should have been on the world map, then later on holding back Pakistan’s funds that were mutually agreed upon by all the three parties, then 8 months later once again by cutting off Pakistan’s canal water) but history testifies that they have miserably failed at every front except 1971. All the 16 arms factories were in Delhi at the time of division and today, Alhamdulillah Pakistan’s missile technology is a hundred years ahead of India both in terms of precision and in deadliness. Allah has surely made Pakistan for a reason. Whatever these sinister vultures plan, they will inshAllah suffer humiliation because their aim is to enslave the humanity whereas our aim is to free the whole of humanity from human slavery.
They can only plan, but they don’t know that:

P.S., Facebook is not very happy with these articles since it has started disabling my profile very regularly in the name of "site maintenance" while at the same time all other profiles are working normally. Alhamdulillah we're hitting them hard. :)

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force 

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