
Thursday, October 21, 2010

New game by U.S.Z. / NATO in Afghanistan - Detailed analysis

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Although the NATO military officials try to minimize public attention on their role in "assisting" the puppet Afghan government in its meetings with Taliban and insurgent leaders, there are growing indications that the program is now part of official NATO and U.S.Z. policy.
There is extreme reluctance to spell out exactly how troops are helping.

The goal now is to draw a fake picture showing an "Afghan government-led peace process" as the "only hope for the Taliban and insurgent fighters looking for a way to escape further bloodshed at the hands of the coalition." This is nothing short of a big joke since everyone knows by now that who wants to escape the Graveyard of Empires and Who is engaging Who!

General David Patraeus

Gen. David Petraeus has acknowledged that the U.S.Z. and NATO troops are ensuring security for fighters and insurgent leaders who want to travel to meet with government officials. “Indeed, in certain respects, we do facilitate that”, he told a London audience last week, “given that, needless to say, it would not be the easiest of tasks for a senior Taliban commander to enter Afghanistan and make his way to Kabul if ISAF were not willing and aware of it, and therefore allows it to take place.”

Inside ISAF, it is privately acknowledged by top officials that this has included “safe passage”, essentially promising not to attack or bomb convoys or locations that may involve insurgents trying to contact the puppet Karzai government. But several top ISAF officials also caution that substantive progress has not yet been made in getting Taliban and insurgent leaders to talk to the government. As one indicator, British Maj. Gen. Phil Jones, head of the ISAF reintegration effort, told the media representatives that safe passage events “are fairly rare things, to be frank.”

ISAF officials also indicate that they believe most of the insurgents seeking to come back into Afghan life are likely for now to be affiliated with the Quetta Shura in Pakistan, a loose organization sometimes affiliated with Mullah Mohammed Omar. Even as the talk is about Taliban safe passage, Petraeus’ military strategy includes significantly increasing ground and air attacks to pressure the Taliban into believing they have no option but to come to the negotiating table.

Commander Mullah Mohammad Omar
The critical point to note in all the above discussion is that even though Americans hold less than 5% of the entire Afghanistan, yet they are trying to give this illusion to the world through their MEDIA resources that U.S.Z. and NATO are trying for PEACE in the region while Pakistan is threatening the regional peace by delaying operation in North Waziristan. In his most recent statement, Commander Mullah Mohammad Omar clearly said that there is NO chance of any dialogues with any occupation forces. They will either leave Afghanistan or will be buried in the barren mountains of Graveyard of Empires. 
What the zionist alliance is trying to achieve now is to somehow initiate a conflict between Pakistan Army and Afghan Taliban which is a must for them if they want to get any success in the region. Let's analyze in sequence:

  1. Nato attacked Pakistani FC soldiers
  2. Pakistan cut off NATO's supply route
  3. NATO / U.S.Z. apologized to Pakistan
  4. Pakistan still delayed the reopening of U.S.Z. / NATO supply routes as a final push over maneuver
  5. Puppet traitor Chief Minister of Balochistan Nawab Aslam Raeesani offered U.S.Z. / NATO to use Gawadar port and make an alternate supply route through Balouchistan to Afghanistan but before this could happen, the supply route was immediately reopened
  6. Puppet prime minister Yusuf Raza Gillani announced in his so called speech that "Provinces will be given more autonomy"
  7. Pakistan Army and other hidden pro-Pakistan forces pressurized the puppet government to behave and take firm stand in the upcoming strategical dialogues in Washington with U.S.Z.
  8. Today, Barack Obama warned that U.S.Z. will not bear any harm to "Democracy" in Pakistan

    The latest statement of Barack Obama clearly indicates that Pakistani puppet government is trying to fool Pakistan Army and the pro-Pakistan forces and is carrying a hidden agenda while speaking sense on their faces. This is the reason Barack Obama, the puppet of the new world order so deeply felt and writhed for their survival in Pakistan. It was also an indirect warning to Supreme Court of Pakistan and CJ Iftikhar Chaudhary sahb who has been pushing the looters in the N.R.O case hearings.

    The puppets in the Pakistani government have still not learnt their lesson and I smell an explosive change in the upcoming few weeks in Pakistani politics. Whereas U.S.Z. is not going to be able to hold onto Afghanistan any longer. Our resources told earlier that there are heavy fights going on inside Kabul and Asian Tiger militants have been captured as war prisoners by the local mujahideen as they raided the Indian consulate near River Kabul. Everywhere, there are news about U.S.Z. / NATO's military, financial and strategical losses and Taliban are rising extraordinarily. The mere state of the U.S.Z. / NATO setup in Afghanistan tells the story when earlier they used to say that they will never hold "talks" with the taliban and now they are dying to somehow bring Taliban on the table. Apparently, Mullah Omar has learnt their cunning maneuvers quite well by now and is not paying any head to the dialog invitations by the International Terrorist Alliance of U.S.Z. and NATO because undoubtedly, Americans and NATO forces are trying to fool the Taliban setup once again like they did in the past and is somehow trying to make them realize that Pakistan is their real enemy. Some sources also say that frequent Cross Border Terrorism acts by U.S.Z. / NATO are a cunning effort to finally provoke the Pakistani border security forces and get a few Talibans killed by their hands to feed the incident later on to their propaganda factories including CNN, BBC, SKY, FOX and Pakistani Zionist Media so that they can get help in manipulating the illiterate Taliban Masses.

    The entire above analysis indicates an extraordinarily confused state of the U.S.Z / NATO in the current situation of Afghanistan and Pakistan. They are desperate to attain something in the region by hook or by crook but I see nothing but khair for Pak Sarzameen and our Afghan brothers in the very near future. The occupation international terrorist cartel will miserably fail in the future just like it has been failing so far.

    Enticing Fury

    Pakistan Cyber Force

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