
Saturday, October 2, 2010

Final showdown boiling - Pakistan holds the edge over U.S.Z & NATO

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

A sincere apology MUST BE FOLLOWED with compensation. The families of the three martyred soldiers deserve the right amount of compensation from the (not so) friendly fire.

Richard Holbrooke, the U.S.Z hero of the Yogoslavia subversion and now the special envoy for Pakistan and Afghanistan, called the soldiers’ deaths “very unfortunate” and blamed the “ill-defined terrain”. There can’t be a more absurd argument than this since all U.S.Z and NATO choppers know the exact GPS coordinates of the Pakistan-Afghanistan border line and that makes it impossible to make such an “unintentional mistake”!

“Once they start closing that thing it’s going to have a colossal effect on the region”, he said.

Speaking at a forum sponsored by The Atlantic Monthly and the Aspen Institute, the subversion expert Holbrooke also said flooding in large parts of Pakistan in recent months has “diverted the Pakistani military’s attention away from its counterinsurgency campaign”. He did not dare to criticize Pakistan’s efforts to battle the Indian planted extremists but noted, “We have always said we think more should be done in this regard.” The envoy described the U.S.Z overall relationship with Pakistan as “more complicated than any strategic relationship I’ve ever been involved in.”
Holbrooke said that:

“Success in Afghanistan is not achievable unless Pakistan is part of the solution, not part of the problem. In the end, we’re going to work with the Pakistanis as long as I’m involved in this. That’s the right policy, and this administration believes that”.
U.S.Z and NATO trucks burning

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan: As fury mounted over this week’s aerial incursions into the tribal areas, the commander of U.S.Z-led forces in Afghanistan regretted on Friday the NATO strike that martyred three Pakistani troops on Thursday. The three troops were martyred in an early morning raid on Thursday when Nato choppers fired at a Pakistani military post 200 metres inside the border in Kurram Agency.
This was the fourth aerial violation in less than a week, but the first in which soldiers were martyred. Reacting to the incident, Pakistan shut down a NATO supply route and lodged a protest with the NATO command in Brussels, demanding an apology.
“International Security Assistance Force (Isaf) Commander Gen Petraeus called (COAS) Gen Kayani and expressed his sincere regrets over the death of Pakistani soldiers,” U.S.Z military spokesman in Pakistan Lt-Col Patrick Ryder said. He said further that the U.S.Z remained committed to sharing all information related to the incident with Pakistan military as part of efforts to “investigate” the incident.
The chairman of the U.S.Z Joint Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Mike Mullen, had also spoken to Gen Kiyani sahb after the earlier strikes over the weekend.

Pakistani military commanders confirmed that high-level contacts were taking place to defuse the rising tensions. “Both sides are communicating and conveying their positions”, an official said.

The contacts clearly helped in nothing and the flaring tempers in Pakistan are rapidly growing over the delayed apology and no compensation from U.S.Z and NATO. Sources said that it's possible that NATO supplies may be permanently banned by Pakistan.

Long-term suspension of supplies is going to cripple Washington since it can't afford to leave almost 100,000 of its soldiers high and dry, at the mercy of the deserted mountains full of lion like warriors of Talibans.

About 80 per cent of NATO’s supplies transit through Pakistan, which is the most convenient route for its troops.It is believed that the stoppage was meant to remind Washington how much it depended on Pakistan for sustaining the military operations in Afghanistan. An attack on oil tankers carrying Nato fuel in Shikarpur, analysts said, was just an indication of what could happen if Pakistan were to stop providing security to the convoys. NATO fuel convoys were normally given security cover, but these vehicles appeared to be traveling undefended, probably because of withdrawn security.

In a previous such incident in 2008, U.S.Z F-15 jet fighters and a B-1 bomber dropped bombs on a Frontier Corps border checkpoint. Eleven soldiers were killed in the incident, which led to an exchange of fire between U.S.Z and Pakistani forces.

It is crucial to remember at this time that the AFGHAN war has entered its most crucial stage in the 9 years history. More than 94% of Afghanistan territory is under firm control of the Lion Commander Mullah Mohammad Omer and CNN, BBC, FOX, SKY, GEO and other international propaganda robots are spending all their wealth, resources and man power to present fake success of the AFGHAN war on behalf of U.S.Z and NATO. On the ground, the international terrorist invaders are standing on a rapidly cracking edge. The dawning of a new era has just begun in human history.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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