
Friday, October 1, 2010

Do U.S.Z and NATO have enough Body Bags to combat Pakistan?

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Waziristan: 1st October,  2010. The crisis between Pakistan and U.S.Z is growing fast and the situation has taken a steep, ominous and a very ugly turn after the despicable incident of the unwarranted missile firing by two NATO choppers on Pakistani Army posts in Kurram agency. What is claimed to be “hot pursuit option of the militants”, the NATO Air Force has arrogated itself the right to target even the Pakistani Soldiers on Pakistani Soil in what ostensibly is the latest crusade of United States of Zionism and NATO.

U.S.Z and NATO convoy destroyed in Afghanistan

While this is outright an egregious provocation, it lends a new grave dimension to the so called “anti terrorism” alliance between Pakistan and United States of Zionism a new bizarre twist. For Pakistan, there are two choices.
  1. Bear with this disgrace and willingly agree to be killed and come under wanton aerial bombing by the chasing NATO bombers.
  2. Retaliate in a teeth shattering manner.
Being a world class and one of the finest armies in the whole world, it would be next to impossible for Pakistan Army command to swallow this insult and affront that could be repeated time and again.

The Zionist puppet is doomed

The second course would be to withdraw the Pakistan army from the embattled frontier and tribal regions to allow the NATO troops to deal with the insurgents directly. It is important to do so because NATO and particularly the United States of Zionism is bent upon forcing severe blows to the insurgents and Taliban no matter if it amounts to grave and an absolutely naked violation of the territorial integrity of a Pakistan which is rendering huge sacrifices by fighting a proxy war for the foreign occupation forces stationed in Afghanistan. It is highly improbable that if NATO cannot succeed in a limited area of Afghanistan, how it can cope with a larger terrain.

Yet it clearly demonstrates that America and NATO are embracing a new strategy in their war against Islam in which the demarcation of boundaries and sanctity of the land do not hold any prominence. By that token, it would not be naive to speculate that if the border regions of Pakistan can be bombed and intruded either by land or by air, the remaining territory of Pakistan can also be treated as a war zone for chasing the self created “miscreant bogey”.

This overly alarming development has the seeds of pitting the two allies against each other. The Pakistan army’s top brass must be emergently seized of the freakish and sinister turn of the events and the changing paradigm of fighting and the latest tactics of the United States of Zionism and NATO forces for counter-terrorism.

While Pakistan army would be mulling over the next step and is believed to be in consultation, it is laudable that the U.S.Z and NATO supplies have been suspended by Pakistan as retaliation to this fiasco.

If NATO does not have the requisite intelligence that can differentiate between friends and foes and militants and the Pakistan army personnel, then this negligence assumed very intriguing dimensions. Even in the future, every time the NATO bombers can cross over to Pakistan’s territory, indiscriminately shell the Pakistani soldiers, and then justify it as an act of self-defense. The logic of self-defense is tenable if Pakistan forces infiltrate all the way into the Afghan territory and attack the NATO troops. This is not self-defense and there is no precedent that you can trespass the terrain of a friendly country without giving prior information based on proper and credible intelligence.

Leon Panetta - The Director of CIA - His face tells the story

The hamstrung government run by the spineless and titular rulers in Pakistan does not have enough courage and dignity to order shooting down the intruding aircrafts or helicopter gunships. If the invaders do not observe any rules of the game then why should Pakistan be imposed with an explanation which is downright audacious, unconvincing and an open declaration for doing such violations even for the future.

The crossing of the international borders and firing upon an outpost of the Frontier Corps located 200 meters (650 feet) inside Pakistan is either a sign of desperation or willful attempt to give the message that NATO can extend its operations to the Pakistani territory. According to a Pakistan army spokesperson, Troops present at the post manned by six soldiers “retaliated through rifle fire to indicate that the helicopters were crossing into our territory”. “Instead of heading to the warning, helicopters went to fire two missiles, destroying the post. As a result, three FC soldiers embraced shahadat (martyrdom) and three have been injured.”

U.S.Z and NATO supply trucks torched by protesters
These patently provocative actions would erode whatever the support and sympathy United States of Zionism and its NATO allies have at the moment in the tribal regions between Afghanistan and Pakistan. As a retaliation that brazen misadventure by the NATO gunships, the NATO containers were torched at Shiakpur Pakistan emanating a clear yet a portentous message that if such acts are repeated then these can have their detrimental and completely unpredictable reactions in Pakistan’s mainland and perhaps elsewhere as well.

If United States of Zionism thinks that Pakistan’s territory should also be envisaged as the war theater, a scenario that can prompt Pakistan to withdraw its troops from these war areas to leave the embattled terrain open to NATO and the insurgents, then it can be a good riddance by Pakistan Army, fighting under duress. But this is neither feasible on ground nor per tactics of war to take this step. Instead Pakistan army can shoot down the intruding gunships, fight the land troops if these enter Pakistan’s territory and drive away or bring down drones by firing missiles at them.

The situation projected here seems to be very very horrendous and it is completely in favour of Pakistan and at the same time it does NOT suit NATO and United States of Zionism. It would be, therefore, better if NATO leaves the military operations in the Pakistan’s territory to Pakistan army. They can continue focusing on Afghanistan as they are doing now and look forward towards increasing their supply of high quality body bags.
Pakistan Army - Enemy's worst nightmare!

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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