
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Af-Pak Transit Trade Agreement revised - India the loser! - Pakistan gains access to Muslim countries through Afghanistan

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

In one of the most recent developments, Pakistan has allowed Afghan trucks to carry export goods to the Wagah border for onward dispatch to India. The federal puppet government was forced by the hidden pro-Pakistan power centers of Pakistan on Wednesday to approve a revised Afghanistan - Pakistan Transit Trade Agreement that allows Afghan trucks up to the Wagah border. Under the previous agreement, the Afghan trucks were permitted to carry goods only to the Pakistan-Afghanistan border at Torkham.
Pakistani puppets and Afghan puppets in the government had finalized the new agreement on July 19 this year but the move sparked a public outburst. Undoubtedly it was done under U.S.Z pressure for the benefit of India.

Now the new revised agreement goes like this:
  • Afghan trucks will be allowed to carry goods to the Wagah border, but they will not be allowed to carry Indian goods to Afghanistan.
  • Afghan goods will be permitted to pass through Pakistan only in sealed containers having tracking devices and goods will be re-examined and certified while leaving the border at Torkham.
  • In return, Pakistani trucks will be allowed to go through Afghanistan to central Asia, Iran and Turkey.

This revised agreement depicts a clear failure of U.S.Z / NATO policy in the Af-Pak region. This is clearly a failure of the U.S.Z initiative that was meant to provide India a land route through Pakistan to Afghanistan in order to support cross border terrorism by the Indian and BlackWater supported Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan. The new agreement, however, brings currents of cool breeze symbolizing the emerging international Muslim Unity along with it and saahib-e-baseerat buzurgs are expecting immense khair and barakah in the coming days.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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