
Sunday, September 19, 2010

A wake up call from Naseem Hejazi Sahb

Source: Pakistan Cyber Force
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Pakistan’s defense is the matter of life and death for 18 crore people.
It is the matter of protecting women and children from inhumanity and barbarism of which we have witnessed in East Punjab. It’s the matter of that religion’s integrity for which battles of badr, hunain, Yarmuk and Qadsia have been fought. It is the matter of that Karbala’s grounds which have been coloured by the blood of martyrs. It is the matter of protection of that land for which more than 50 lakhs have been sacrificed. If we wish not to repeat the history of east Punjab on any grounds of Pakistan, we are likely to have only one solution. i.e., to prepare ourself to reply with an iron fist.
In practical world strength can not be answered by logic.
A wolf merely respects lion’s solid grip; it does not get inspired by the wolf’s logic.
Some people think that by our compromise and peace making, Bharat will abandon her harsh policy. But this is a sheer illusion. The Muslims of Grenada became the victims of the very same illusion. We should comprehend this reality that the greatest mishap which is hazardous for the entire Muslim world and humanity won’t abandon by knocking the doors of peaceful appeals, peace making conferences and international courts. Only sword can answer sword in this world.
Bharat will use its every possible mean consecutively to sabotage Pakistan. Her nasty plans may not change unless and until she is made aware that Pakistan is such a bulwark which won’t let her succeed in anyway but would break her own head into pieces.
Nature doesn’t forgive collective and political mistakes of a nation. Grenada was given punishment for the deceitfulness of Abu Abdullah.
Hyderabad has been facing punishment as she considered the worse nation-seller the remedy of her freedom. Alas! They would have raised the slogan of Allah, His messenger and Islam other than “Mumlikat-e-Aasfia”. They were puzzled between life and death but stinking dead body of the system remained their garland. And this dead body took 30 lakh to the graveyard along with it. The Muslims of Kashmir have been facing hardships only because sheikh Abdullah was mistaken to consider Gandhi’s men as a friend to Muslims.
How ever Hyderabad and Kashmir differ in a way that the deceitfulness of the system didn’t give a chance to convert Hyderabad’s war into the war of nation. But the mayhem of Kashmir despite of the opposition of sheikh Abdullah has been a war of nation.
The mujahids of Kashmir are not only safeguarding Pakistan but the entire Islamic World. If they would have not resisted, Bharat would have not wasted a single moment to wreck with Pakistan after Kashmir. The Mujahids of Kashmir gave an opportunity of preparation to Pakistan on the jeopardy of their lives. If we are not likely to take advantage of this golden opportunity, it will be a mistake which will not be forgiven by nature at any cost.
Islamic Caliphate in Pakistan on its way, Insha'Allah.

The danger of Kashmir is the danger of Pakistan and the danger of Pakistan is the danger of the entire Muslim Ummah. Get united to counter this collective danger. Beware of these nation sellers, traitors who have been used by the enemies to segregate Grenada into sects, groups and parties.
Hindu despotism is the greatest challenge for Pakistan and Islam. This is the time we must gather all our arrows in one quiver. This is the time we must collect all the straws of our refuge before the storm arrives.
This is the time, the mothers of the nation awake their sons, the sisters awake their brothers and spouses, make them up in arms to cut the hands of tyranny and oppression.
Oh the dwellers of Pakistan! There comes a time in every nation when the decisions made by sword are better than the ones made by tongue or pen.
In this world, honor and dignity lie for those who are able to pay their cost. The garden of freedom prospers only when it’s given nourishment of the blood of martyrs. The chronicles of dignity of a nation are written by the blood which is impassioned to flow. And once the blood freezes… tears may not work!
Naseem Hejazi

Excerpts taken from Naseem Hejazi's "Shaheen" .

Translated by: Xharaf Vsm

Pakistan Cyber Force

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