
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Final warning by Pakistan to U.S.Z. and NATO - Supply routes may be suspended

Alhamdulillah, Pakistan has reacted very angrily yesterday (Thanks to the establishment and Army) after a NATO air assault killed almost 60 so called "militants" inside Pakistani territory. Pakistan has comprehensively denounced air strikes on its territory by NATO helicopters based in Afghanistan that killed dozens of "suspected militants". The incursions have further complicated Washington's fraught alliance with Islamabad at a time when the Neocon Globalists and their puppet President Barack Obama's administration is pressing Pakistan to "do more" to support the Afghan campaign.

Pakistan has strictly told NATO leaders that it will stop protecting U.S.Z and NATO supply lines to Afghanistan if foreign aircrafts stage further cross-border attacks against "suspected militants", security officials said on Tuesday.
If this threat is made practical, this would have major consequences on the war in Afghanistan as well as on Pakistan’s relationship with the United States of Zionism, which is not as important for Pakistan as it is for U.S.Z. There is a great chance that Islamabad may do so in the near future if these attacks continue.

It was also a clear sign of Pakistani unease at the attacks on Saturday and Monday by NATO aircraft against innocent civilians in the name of militants in its northwest tribal areas and a reminder of the leverage the country has in its complicated alliance with Washington.
While Pakistani puppets have remained largely silent about U.S.Z drone strikes in the northwest, Pakistani security officials say that they are drawing a line at direct interference by U.S.Z and NATO's manned aircraft. They rejected NATO's statements that NATO air defense teams were acting to protect an Afghan border post against "militants who had attacked it, then fled to Pakistan".

The Pakistan Army officers said that Pakistan’s foreign ministry had conveyed the threat to stop protecting NATO convoys to NATO headquarters in Brussels despite the resistance from the Puppets Zardari and Gillani. The officials spoke on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to give their names to the media.

If there are any more attacks by U.S.Z or NATO choppers “we will not be able to ensure the safety of their convoys”, one of the officials told an Associated Press reporter at a private briefing.
On Monday, the foreign ministry strongly criticized the attacks and warned of “response options” if they happened again. Some 80% of non-lethal supplies for foreign forces fighting in landlocked Afghanistan, cross over Pakistani soil after being unloaded at docks in Karachi, a port city in the south. Pakistani security forces provide security for the convoys, which are often attacked as they travel north, by pro-Afghanistan groups who want to kick U.S.Z out of Afghanistan.

Although NATO and the United States of Zionism have alternative supply routes, the Pakistani ones are the cheapest and most convenient. In Washington, Defense Department spokesman Col. Dave Lapan said he was unaware of any threats by Islamabad to stop providing convoy security. But “just on the face of it, if they were to stop providing security to our convoys that would be problematic. We would work with the Pakistanis to make sure that wouldn’t happen.” The border incidents are alleged to have happened after insurgents attacked NATO forces in Afghanistan and then retreated back across the unmarked border.

Talat Masood, a security analyst and former Pakistani army general, said even though Pakistan has reduced its criticism of the missile strikes, it had to draw the line somewhere or it risked being seen as more interested in doing America’s bidding than protecting the country’s sovereignty.

“What other means of countering these helicopter attacks does Pakistan have?” said Masood. “They cannot attack the helicopters or the troops YET because that would really break up the relationship.”

According to him, one possible explanation for Pakistan’s reaction was India, its historical and much larger enemy. He said that the Army was sending a signal that it would not accept Indian forces one day using the same justification to launch cross-border attacks on militants sheltering on its eastern border.

The anger over the incursions contrasts with Pakistan’s relative silence over American drone strikes against the so called “al-Qaida and Taliban targets” in the northwest. There have been more attacks this month than in any other month in the past since they started in 2007 during the shameless puppet Musharraf’s time.

Also, one shouldn’t forget that the United States of Zionism and NATO are losing ground control in Afghanistan fast and they are totally uncertain about their future. They want to do maximum damage to their enemy before they finally have to pull out and this is driving the current air raid campaign by the unmanned drones on the Pakistan – Afghanistan border.

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