
Tuesday, September 28, 2010

U.S.Z threats backfire - Pakistani Establishment and General Kiyani take a firm stand

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Ever since Pakistan developed strategic relationship with U.S.Z in the sixties, it has been continuously and periodically receiving threats from the United States of Zionism. On the face of it, the reasons keep on changing but the real aim of these threats always remains the same. Till this time, Pakistan has become quite used to such threats. The Pakistani establishment can easily discern what is a threat and what is a bluff.

Have the threats achieved the results that the United States of Zionism wanted? Absolutely not! The U.S.Z base was closed down despite the threats. Islamabad still continues to pursue its aims in Afghanistan despite the assassination of a Prime Minister. The Globalist Puppet President Carter was forced to deal with President Zia Ul haq. Pakistan continued to pursue the Nuclear Program despite several sanctions and threats to the life of the Prime Minister in whose time the program was initiated. Pervez Musharraf agreed to the seven points in theory that were presented to him as a bypass route to avoid “being bombed to stone age”, but was never allowed to be totally compliant by the real controlling powers in Pakistan that never let the puppets cross a certain limit. General Kiyani sahb, according to Bob Woodward, totally rebuffed the U.S.Z delegation.

General Ashfaq Pervez Kiyani
Frustrated over Pakistan’s lackluster response to the war against terrorism, U.S.Z Puppet President Barack Obama sent his top dogs to threaten Pakistan that he would have no other option but to respond, if they do not take decisive action against “terrorist safe havens”.

Investigative journalist Bob Woodward, in his latest book “Obama’s Wars”, writes:

Adding to the frustration, the Pakistani establishment in particular the all powerful Army chief General Ashfaq Parvez Kiyani refused to adhere to any of the four demands that the U.S made through National Security Adviser Gen James Jones and CIA chief Leon Panetta during that trip in May this year.
Kiyani would not budge very much. He had other concerns. "I’ll be the first to admit, I’m India centric”, General Kiyani said.
General James Jones having concerned look on his face
CIA Chief Leon Panetta
“The President wants everyone in Pakistan to understand that if such an attack connected to a Pakistani group is successful, then there are some things even he would not be able to stop. Just like there are political realities in Pakistan, there are realities in the United States of Zionism.

The book further claims that:

“No one will be able to stop the response and consequences. There is not a threat, just a statement of political fact. Zardai was told during the meeting”.

Giving a series of specific instances how "terrorists’ leaders" are operating unhindered inside Pakistan, Jones told the Puppet Zardari that Zakiur Rehman Lakhvi, the Lashkar-e-Tayyaba commander of the 2008 Mumbai attacks, is not being adequately interrogated and

“he continues to direct Lashkar-e-Tayyaba operations from his detention center. Lashkar-e-Tayyaba is operating in Afghanistan and there, the group carried out a recent attack at a guesthouse. Intelligence also shows that Lashkar-e-Tayyaba is threatening attacks in the United States and the possibility is rising each day".
General James Jones said according to the book "Obama's Wars".

After meeting their Puppet Zardari, U.S.Z officials met Kiyani sahb, wherein Jones told Pakistan Army Chief that the clock had started ticking ever since all the four requests had been made by the Neocon Globalist Puppet Obama.

Kiyani sahb holding a press conference in the middle of mountains
"But Kiyani would not budge very much. He had other concerns. 'I’ll be the first to admit, I’m India centric ( Pakistan is not threatened by our brothers Afghan Mujahideen at all )' ", Kiyani sahb said, according to the book.

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