
Thursday, September 9, 2010

U.S doomed in Afghanistan - The graveyard of Empires

Admiral Mullen has admitted defeat in Afghanistan. Like a defeated general, he had only two lines left to offer:
  1. ”...I need more troops...".
  2. “...I blame someone else for my incompetence ...”.
Unfortunately both excuses don’t bode well for Pakistan. obviously when the US begins carpet bombing Afghanistan again–refugees will rush to open borders to seek shelter from the bombing, drones and from the murders. The victims of the war in Afghanistan have their friends, families, children and many other relatives inside Pakistan. 40 million of our Pakhtun brothers live in Pakistan. This is almost three times the number that live in Afghanistan. As soon as they enter Pakistan, the pathetic war policy makers of US will start blaming Islamabad for “harboring the insurgent” and “providing safe havens” to them.

On ground statistics at the start of 2010 in Afghanistan

Admiral Mullen and General David H. Patraeus should look at this map of Afghanistan and explain to the world public why the insurgents need any safe havens. The Afghan Mujahideen the so called Taliban control 80% of the territory. Why would be need FATA for re-supplies. Most of the arms they use are American arms taken from NATO, ISAF and US forces. Why would the need 303s from Waziristan?

So when America gets its troops, it will continue its mantra about “safe havens”. Blaming Pakistan is natural for a failing super power who has lost 80% of the Afghan countryside to the insurgents.

Meanwhile in Washington, "the current year of fighting in Afghanistan is the fourth year in a row that insurgents have gained the upper hand ", US Admiral Mike Mullen said Friday.

Mullen, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told lawmakers on Capitol Hill that the level of violence in Afghanistan is 80 percent higher than 2009. “Certainly from that standpoint, we’re not winning,” he said. “And in an insurgency, you’re either winning or you’re losing.”
Military planners earlier this year described the US mission in Afghanistan as close to failure, prompting a top-level review of the war strategy. US President Barack Obama in December 1 address to the nation ordered 30,000 troops to report to duty in Afghanistan in a renewed push to prop up the Kabul government.
Neo-cons must be happy sacrificing innocent Americans for their filthy globalist aims
Mullen said his top officers began calling on foot soldiers and civil affairs experts to stand ready within 72 hours of the presidential speech. The 30,000 troops fell short of what the top military brass had asked for, though NATO foreign ministers came forward recently with a pledge to commit 7,000 troops to the war. But with the growing number of Afghan resistance fighters, US now seems to be doomed just like the great Soviet Union which had more than half a million troops on ground whereas US only has less than 80,000. It's just a matter of time before the WhiteHouse officially announces its defeat in the Graveyard of Empires.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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