
Thursday, September 23, 2010

IslamoPhobia - Analysing the Truth

Source: Pakistan Cyber Force Page
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Caliph Alp Arsalan, the Caliph of Muslim Ummah, faced the leaders of Roman Emperor in a battle. Muslims had a victory over Christians and the Muslim Caliph managed to take Roman Emperor as a prisoner of war. He called the Roman Emperor to his audience and he asked him “if I had been the prisoner and you my captor then what would you have done to me?” The Roman Emperor said, “if I had you in my power I would have tortured you to death”. The Caliph smiled and said “but this is not what I have heard that Hazrat Esa (A.S) taught , I have heard that your Prophet taught forgiveness and gentleness so I shall forgive you and I shall set you free and allow you to return to your lands”, and that is what he exactly did. At a time when Caliphate could have been merciless, he choose to be merciful because that is what the prophet Muhammad(S.A.W.W) taught.

Today this religion of peace and mercy is entitled as “Evil”,”Satanic” and Religion of hatred & terrorism. Disease named Islamophobia is spreading like a fire in Global Village. It is an irrational fear of Islam or Muslims, nothing but a propaganda of Globalist Zionist media, a bundle of false allegations.

Islamophobia - A package containing the biggest lies of history

Islamophobia has become a topic of increasing sociological and political importance. Islamophobia has increased since British Muslims' denouncement of Salman Rushdie's "The Satanic Verses" and the September 11 attacks.

Here are some islamohpobic acts being reported in different parts of world.
  • Balkans: In the 1990s, the Bosnian Genocide and Kosovo War, both of which involved the "mass murder of innocent Muslims," have been linked to Islamophobia.
  • Canada: Halima Mautbur, from the Canadian Council on American-Islamic Relations called an attack on a hijabi Muslim woman "an Islamophobic incident".On January 4, 2010, in Hamilton city of Ontario, Canada the largest mosque of the city on Stone Church Road was firebombed..
  • Denmark: Doudou Diène in a report prepared by the UN Commission on Human Rights released on March 7, 2006 mentioned the publishing of the cartoons at the heart of the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy regarding, "The development of Islamophobia or any racism and racial discrimination...
  • France: 148 French Muslim graves were desecrated near Arras. A pig's head was hung from a headstone. On December 13, 2009, The Mosque of Castres in southern France, was vandalized in the night. Additionally, a pig feet was hung on the mosque.The Islamic headscarf ban at schools in 2004 has been accused of being Islamophobic.
  • Germany: On July 1, 2009, Marwa El-Sherbini was stabbed to death in a courtroom in Dresden, Germany. She had just given evidence against her attacker who had used racist insults against her because she wore an Islamic headscarf.
  • Nigeria: During the Yelwa massacre on May 2, 2004, a Christian militia killed hundreds of Muslims in Yelwa, Nigeria, and thousands of Muslims were forced to flee the area.
  • United Kingdom: In March 2006, Jamia Masjid mosque in Preston was attacked by gangs of white youths using brick and concrete block. The white youths damaged a number of cars outside the mosque and stabbed a 16 year-old Muslim teenager. In the same town, a 20 year-old Muslim, Shezsan Umarji, was killed by three youths in July 2005. On July 6, 2009, the Glasgow branch of Islamic Relief was badly damaged by a fire which police said was started deliberately, and which members of the Muslim community of Scotland allege were Islamophobic.In July 2005, a Muslim man, Kamal Raza Butt, was beaten to death outside a corner shop in Nottingham by a gang of youths who shouted anti-Islamic abuse at him."Neil Lewington, a violent extremist nationalist convicted in July 2009 of a bomb plot; Terence Gavan, a violent extremist nationalist convicted in January 2010 of manufacturing nail bombs and other explosives, firearms and weapons; a gang attack in November 2009 on Muslim students at City University; the murder in September 2009 of Muslim pensioner, Ikram Syed ul-Haq; a serious assault in August 2007 on the Imam at London Central Mosque; and an arson attack in June 2009 on Greenwich Islamic Centre." Other Islamophobic incidents mentioned in the report include "Yasir, a young Moroccan," being "nearly killed while waiting to take a bus from Willesden to Regent's Park in London" and "left in a coma for three months"; "Mohammed Kohelee," a "caretaker who suffered burns to his body while trying to prevent an arson attack against Greenwich Mosque"; "the murder" of "Tooting pensioner Ekram Haque" who "was brutally beaten to death in front of his three year old granddaughter" by a "race-hate" gang; and "police officers" being injured "during an English Defence League (EDL) march in Stoke".
  • United States of America: Zohreh Assemi, an Iranian American Muslim owner of a nail salon in Locust Valley, New York, was robbed, beaten, and called a "terrorist" in September 2007 in what authorities call a bias crime.The attack followed two weeks of phone calls in which Iranian-American Zohreh Assemi was called a "terrorist" and told to "get out of town", friends and family said. While en route to Chicago, Shahrukh Khan, a well-known Bollywood actor, was held for what he described as "humiliating" questioning for several hours in Newark Airport, New Jersey because of his common Muslim surname Khan. He was released only following the intervention of the Indian embassy.[122][123]On August 25, 2010, a New York taxi driver was stabbed after a passenger asked if he was Muslim.The Dove World Outreach Center church in Gainesville, Florida planned to burn Qurans on the ninth anniversary of the 9/11 attacks.
With regard to this Islamophobia the real question is what we should do as a muslim? There is no doubt that we need to look at prophetic methodology, what was our Prophet(S.A.W.W)’s sunnah. Our Prophet(S.A.W.W) was born in a society surrounded by immorality, idolatry and racism but he didn’t run away to find light in darkness instead he become light for those people and taught the true meaning of spirituality i.e., "Call them towards worshiping one God". As a muslim we should be proud of the fact that we belong to a religion of mercy revealed to the prophet of mercy by the Lord of mercy. We should become beckon of light like our prophet(S.A.W.W) did.

Politicians will come and go, leaders will come and go and nations will rise and fall but Islam and Muslim Ummah shall remain as long as we call mankind towards the worship of Allah. We have to say it loud and clear that its we the Muslim Ummah who is the victim of terrorism.

Ask those people who call us terrorist that,
  1. Iraq attacked America or America attacked Iraq?
  2. Afghanistan attacked America or America attacked Afghanistan?
  3. Pakistan broke India or India broke Pakistan by invading its army in East Pakistan?
  4. Pakistan occupied Kashmir or India occupied a muslim territory?
  5. Chechnya possessed Russia or Russia possessed Chechnya?
  6. Palestine possessed Israel or Israel possessed Palestine?
  7. America bombarded Pakistani border areas killing thousands of civilians in the name of "Al-Qaeda" or Pakistan bombarded America?
We must therefore counter attack, using the smartest weapons available. As far as internet trooping is concerned, we should flood the internet with billions of messages that would communicate to the world the truth and the facts about Israeli Nazism. We must expose Israel for what it is, a Nazi-like state that is based on murder, ethnic cleansing and lies. We the Muslims, along with honest and conscientious people from every creed and race under the sun including Jews and Christians who are opposed to oppression, must make every possible effort and go to any extent necessary to expose Israeli Nazism to all people. Zionism can’t be defeated by prayers alone. Israeli Nazism has a fixation, namely controlling the world by controlling governments and regimes, as is already the case in the United States, Canada and several other western countries. Needless to say, the main obstacle hindering the consummation of Zionist global hegemony is the Muslims of the world, or more correctly the vital Muslim forces that are mindful of the task of shielding the dignity of Muslim peoples from the ghoul of Zio-Nazism.The battle against evil Zionism is not difficult at all. The only obstacle that the Muslims in history never had, is the love for this world and fear of death (وھن). If we decide to take our destiny in our hands today, Zionism will be history within a matter of few months. Zionism is not omnipotent and will be destroyed eventually. Evil powers can’t sustain themselves for ever.

Main body written by Usha Khan
Edited by Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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