
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Analysing Afghan Great Game - History is taking a steep turn

Source: Pakistan Cyber Force Page
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The political and and military elite of The U.S, Pakistan and Afghanistan met in Islamabad. This meeting is the equivalent of Yalta Conference which made seminal decisions about the spheres of influence in the world.
A couple of days before the seminal meeting in Islamabad, the National Security Archive in Washington released several documents from 2001 that shed considerable light on the ups and downs of the U.S.-Pakistan relationship since the 9/11 attacks. The meetings in Islamabad took note of these events and tried to stay clear of the minefields.
The Islamabad Conference included the regional heavy weights. Most importantly the conference will be known for those it did not invite. While the U.S was present as an occupation power, and Afghanistan as the occupied country. It is pedagogical to note that Pakistan hosted the conference because it held the strings to success in Kabul.

A trip down memory lane showed the world that Pakistan was right a decade ago.

Wendy Chamberlin
The discussions between former Ambassador to Pakistan Wendy Chamberlin, Richard Haas, Pakistani intelligence officials revealed the following. “We will not flinch from a military victory…but a strike will produce thousands of frustrated young Muslim men, it will be an incubator of anger that will explode two or three years from now”.
The zionist Richard Haas
The former Inter-Services Intelligence chief Gen. Mahmud Ahmed (per a 12-page document entitled “Islamabad 5337) “expressed his reservations” after Ambassador Chamberlin had “bluntly” ruled out a dialogue with the Taliban, saying the time for it was finished as of Sept. 11. Gen. Mahmud also requested the ambassador “not to act in anger”.

Pakistan was ignored then.

That was then and this is now.

The current Islamabad meeting was about resolving issues, nursing wound and laying out an infrastructure for Afghanistan. Had the zionist Henry Kissinger been present, he could have recognized it as a chapter out of his Magna Opera A World Restored: Metternich, Castlereagh and the Problems of Peace. Perhaps Machiavelli would have been able to pin “the Prince” on at least player in the meeting.
Prince Muqrin bin Abdul Aziz, Saudi Arabia’s intelligence chief who is also a special envoy of King Saud, was assigned to deal with the Taliban.

The zionist puppet Obama worried about Afghan game in White House
The Pakistani, Emirate and Saudi authorities have apparently convinced the spiritual leader of the Afghan National Resistance (Taliban, Haqqanis, and Rabbanis) Mullah Mohammad Omar to hold talks with the globalist puppets Obama and Hamid Karzai and their administrations so that a face saving post-exit strategy could be expedited Afghanistan.
Commander Mullah Mohammad Omar
For the first time in a decade Mullah Omar has shown a flexible attitude while agreeing to hold talks with the Americans. Mr. Omar had earlier insisted that all U.S troops leave Afghanistan before any peace talks could begin. This has changed. After getting the international approval in London which was validated by the Loya Jirga, Afghan puppet president Hamid Karzai has set up a high peace council to facilitate talks with Taliban leaders. A few weeks ago, the world was skeptical if Pakistan could deliver. Now even Mullah Omar has agreed to negotiation. The powers to be in Pakistan have brilliantly been able to broker a peace deal.
There is consensus that the U.S will stop fighting, and there will be a consensus government in Kabul. As a face saving exercise, a few thousand troops will remain in Afghanistan to monitor Al-Qaeda. Most of the 100,000 soldiers will leave Afghanistan.
There are two visions of peace in Afghanistan.
  1. The U.S will retreat to the Non-Pakhtun areas in the north and west.
  2. The U.S will keep some presence and withdraw and hand over the Pakhtuns areas to Islamabad. Pakistan will use its power and influence in stabilizing the Southern and Eastern regions.
This was agreed upon and ratified by the Pakistanis with the puppet Mr. Karzai who sees a precarious future for himself. He doesn’t want to end up like Mr. Najibullah who was found hanging on a Kabul lamppost after conducting a very successful trip to India in which he had signed a number of agreements with Delhi.
Pakistan has tasted “strategic depth” and will not allow its sovereignty to be compromised once the Americans have left. According to most sane analysts (barring the ever babbling Rupert Murdoch crowd and the 5th columnist subversives in Pakistani Media) Washington is dependent on Pakistani support in controlling Afghanistan and would not antagonize the Pakistani Army.

So where does all of this leave India?

Indian Prime Minister ManMohan Singh
The cementing of U.S - Pakistani relations leaves the Indians out in the old in Afghanistan. The $1.3 billion was wasted on arts and crafts projects–but in geopolitical advantage, Delhi was unable to gain much. The Indo - U.S transactional relationship is limited to India buying a whole bunch of stripped down versions of U.S merchandise. The main globalist enthusiast Condaleeza Rice is no longer Secretary of State in U.S so she cannot anoint India as the next Superpower!
If wishes had wings, they would fly and assist India in hoping for a moderating influence on Islamabad. India hopes to remain active in Afghanistan and wants to say that it has a legitimate interest in the Hindu Kush. It is pedagogical to note that today India is embroiled in Kashmir. Tamils, Nexalites and 7 Sister States have raised hell in almost 60% of India's territory which has crippled the Indian Army both psychologically and financially. The hunger bomb has also exploded in India with full force and right now, India is by far not in a position to make extra-territorial demands.

The U.S wants to get out of Afghanistan at all costs and as rapidly as possible. It cannot afford to antagonize Pakistan. Islamabad can make things very difficult for everyone in Kabul if it wants to. India is under tremendous pressure to close its consulates in Jalalabad and Qandahar. The quid pro que for America is a Consulate in Quetta.

Pakistan - Afghanistan Border
The U.S wants to build a strategic relationship with India - but in the Pacific. Pakistan has increased its decibel level on Kashmir and the expected fireworks in the UN should be fun to watch. What is also true is that fact that Delhi can never go back to the status quo in Kashmir.

The future of Central Asia is changing rapidly and at the end of the day, India is the ultimate loser.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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