
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Muslim Ummah's Pride Pakistan Army - A Force To Be Reckoned With

The situation today has made it clear of who stands on which side, deciding to

support which agenda in political, economic and military aspects of our nation. People living in or out of Pakistan have been criticizing the Army And ISI; the two pillars on which Pakistan is standing after all the indignant acts of our politicians, the people purchased by them and our innumerable enemies who have disguised themselves in order to infiltrate between us to weaken our vision of optimistically working for the prosperity of Pakistan and introducing the rightful system of caliphate. The media is doing the best it can to literally murder our ideology but it's only the weak who get deviated. By the grace of Allah we have been blessed with one of the finest armies in the world who continue to have an incredible performance today and throughout history even when outnumbered.

Pakistan Army maintained division and brigade strength presences in some of the Arab countries during the past Arab-Israhelli Wars, and aided the Coalition in the first Gulf War. Other major operations undertaken by the Army include Operation Black Thunderstorm and Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Apart from conflicts, the Army has been an active participant in UN missions and played a major role in rescuing trapped American soldiers from Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993 in Operation Gothic Serpent.

Kashmir War in 1948 convinced India that Pakistan is certainly not an easy target. The Indian Cabinet in New Delhi had decided to destroy and undo Pakistan by economic and military means which resulted in a full-scale war. On August 1948, the first anniversary of Pakistan, General Headquarters sent the following message to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: " Loyal and grateful greetings from the Army on the first anniversary of Pakistan. We serve and shall serve Pakistan with all our hearts and souls. Pakistan and its Creator Zindabad." On 14th December India was taken by surprise in a pre-attack artillery bombardment the Beri Pattan bridge area containing ammunition, rations, petrol and supplies in a two-mile area was totally destroyed together with Indian divisional Headquarter, isolating the Indian forces in that sector.
On 30 December, India asked for ceasefire with effect from 1 January 1949 which was accepted as now the fate of Jammu and Kashmir was taken over by the UN. However, India didn't step back and concentrated on Pakistan‘s borders and transgressed into Azad Kashmir and West Pakistan territory forty eight times. The Indian Air Force violated Pakistan 's air space thirty times thus bringing the two countries very close to another all out war. Than on September 6, 1965, without a formal declaration of war, Indians crossed the international border of West Pakistan and launched a three-pronged offensive against Lahore, Sialkot and Rajasthan. On 7 September a single Pakistan Air Force Pilot, Squadron Leader M.M. Alam, Sitara-i-Juraat, in his F-86 Sabre shot down five Indian Air Force attacking Hunter aircraft in a single sortie, an unbeaten world record “On night 6/7 September three teams of our Special Services Groups were para-dropped on Indian Air Force bases at Pathankot, Adampur and Halwara to neutralize them.
The biggest tank battle since World War II was fought on the Chwinda front by 6 Armoured Division with under command 24 Infantry Brigade Groups and valiantly supported by 4 Corps Artillery (Brigadier A.A.K. Choudhry, Hilal-i-Juraat). The main effort of the Indian Army was blunted, inflicting heavy troop casualties on the enemy. Pakistan Air Force support helped turn the tide of the battle. Before a counter offensive by 6 Armoured Division on 22 September could be launched, Indian cowards asked for cease-fire in the United Nations. Pakistan Army captured 20 officers, 19 Junior Commissioned Officers, and 569 Other Ranks.

1965 War, the Inside Story by R.D. Pradhan:
In Chapter 8 titled “Of Cowardice and Panic”, the author describes the cowardice of Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad, the Indian general commanding officer in Lahore sector. When the general was fired upon by Pakistani forces, he “ran away”. On learning that, Lt. Gen. Harbakash Singh and the corps commander drove in a Jonga to the battlefront. Army commander found that the enemy (PAF) air attack had created a havoc on G.T. Road. (Indian) Vehicles were burning and several vehicles of 15 Division abandoned on the road, the drivers having run away, leaving some of the engines still running. Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad was hiding in a recently irrigated sugar cane field. As described by Harabakash Singh: “He (Prasad) came out to receive us, with his boots covered with wet mud. He had no head cover, nor was he wearing any badges of his rank. He had stubble on his face, not having shaved.” Seeing him in such a stage, Harbakhash Singh asked him: “Whether he was the General Officer commanding a division or a coolie? Why had he removed badges of rank and

not shaved? Niranjan Prasad had no answer.”
War of 1971 is another piece of history of the Pakistan Army when they were badly outnumbered against the Indian army who set their filthy eyes on East Pakistan. By October India's immoral covert armed terrorists had concentrated four times our strength in over 12 divisions (400,000) supported by five regiments of tanks, and about 50,000 activists trained and equipped by Indian Army. Indian Navy's one aircraft carrier, eight destroyers/frigates, two submarines and three landing crafts, against our four gunboats, eight Chinese coasters and two landing craft supported them. Eleven Indian Air Force squadrons – 4 Hunter, 1 SU-7, 3 Gnat and 3 MiG 21 – from five airfields around East Pakistan faced our one valiant Number 14 squadron of F-86F Sabres based on a single airfield around Dhaka . Pakistani soldiers fought against heavy odds, inflicting heavy casualties, bloodied but "unbowed” when an Indian commander, through a messenger asked for our Jamalpur battalion to surrender, encircled by two brigades, the commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Sultan Ahmad, Sitara-i-Juraat of 31 Baloch replied in a message wrapped around a bullet which read, “I want to tell you that the fighting you have seen so far is very little; in fact the fighting has not even started. So let us stop negotiating and start the fight.” India attacked West Pakistan. Fighting against overwhelming odds in both wings of the country raged with full fury. Before our counter offensive could be launched in West Pakistan , India asked for cease-fire in the United Nations, yet again.
The Ghazis and Shaheeds proved in their supreme hour of trial all the military virtues of Faith, Honour and the spirit of Jehad. On 4 December 1971, the United States of Zionism moved a draft resolution calling for cease-fire and withdrawal of Indian forces, which was vetoed by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Thereafter, another six resolutions including one by China were introduced calling for cease-fire and withdrawal of forces, some of which were accepted by Pakistan. However, due to behind the scene political machinations by India and her allies their passage and implementation was stalled till Dhaka fell on 16 December 1971 and the cease-fire had been perfidiously converted to surrender. “I took a careful look at the documents and was aghast to see the heading – which read Instrument of ‘Surrender'……”, writes Lieutenant General J.F.R.Jacob, Chief of Staff, Indian, Eastern Army. (Lieutenant General J.F.R.Jacob, “Surrender at Dacca : Birth of a Nation”)
2 Indian fighters destroyed in Kargil

In Kargil in 1999 a fierce battle was fought between the two enemy countries which started because of the extreme weather conditions in Kashmir as it was a common practice of both the armies to leave the forward posts and reoccupy them after the extreme conditions. Fortunately in May 1999, the Pakistan Army reoccupied them earlier than the Indian Army, thus inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.

The Indian Army was humiliated as there was a shortage of coffins for their dead soldiers who were disowned since the dead bodies were not even collected and consequently rotted. The Indian media has been creating stories of bravery as per their side but the following video narrates the real story quite well:

The Special Services Group ranks 3rd in the world which is similar to the USZ army special forces known as the Green Berets and the British Army's SAS. It has conducted a number of operations including Operation Clean Wash to destroy a group of terrorists in Makkah in 1979 after the Saudi forces were unsuccessful. The Pakistan Army trains and carries out joint military exercises with the Muslim armies of the world. And yet people have forgotten of these miraculous stories and chosen the easier way rather than standing firm on the right side of the valiant. It's not hatred of why the Muslim Ummah around the world is under attack but fear that slowly poisons our enemy of the day we'll learn to stand up as one Ummah. We're under attack mentally and physically, people who degrade the Army and ISI are just too determined to make a nuisance of themselves. Millions of Muslims have sacrificed their lives around the world in the name of Islam, as freedom wasn't gifted to us in a golden platter. Do not dare to disrespect them.

Pakistan was born when it seemed impossible, we became a prestigious nuclear state when it seemed quite so impossible and now will you back off when it's time to redeem our destiny when it again seems impossible? Pakistan is just the beginning of a new Muslim Order in the world.

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