
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

CIA involved in Mumbai Terror Attacks: PCF analysis confirmed by General Qayyum

PCF report regarding CIA's involvement in Mumbai Terror Attacks has now been confirmed as Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum has suspected the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hand in the recent multiple blasts in Indian commercial city of Mumbai to mount pressure on Pakistan to allow USZ military trainers.In an interview with IRNA, Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum clarified that the involvement of Pakistan in the Mumbai blast is out of question.Pakistan has reportedly expelled 100 USZ trainers which have promoted to block $800 million military aid to Pakistan. Deputy Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told the Senate Committee that the $500 million cut in USZ aid to Pakistan is due to the drop in USZ trainers in Pakistan. Three deadly bomb blasts rocked Mumbai during rush hour on Wednesday killing 21 people and wounding at least 150 others. Pakistani President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have also strongly condemned the attacks.

“This is very unfortunate”, said Abdul Qayyum. He said that India has not blamed Pakistan so far for the attacks. “Now India has realized that suspension of dialogue process is not the proper way to solve the regional issues”, opined the analyst. He said that there can be a third party behind these attacks. “It could even be the CIA so that Pakistan allow USZ military trainers and start military operation in the tribal areas”, viewed Abdul Qayyum. He was of the view that the recent Mumbai blasts would not affect the relations between Pakistan and India. To a question the analyst said that any country that is against good relations between nuclear Pakistan and India can be involved in the attacks. “Possibility of Israhell behind the blast cannot be ruled out”, he believed.

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