
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New York Times Caught Red Handed spreading CIA propaganda on Norway Carnage

An American investigative blogger uncovers how the New York Times tried to link the Norway attack to a Muslim group that doesn’t exist and then how it quietly pulled the story later from its online edition, without offering an apology. Alexander Higgins, also uncovers how two other news outlets, one American and the other British, continued to demonize Muslims hours after a Christian extremist was arrested.

ISLAMABAD, Pakistan—In the first few hours after a Christian terrorist killed tens of Norwegians, the New York Times published a report claiming an unknown Muslim group, Ansar al-Jihad al-Aalami [Supporters of Global Jihad] has claimed responsibility for the attack. Within a couple of hours of the attack, an online report warned that CIA and its broadsheets in the USZ media will exploit the attack to garner European support for the failing Afghan war.

This is exactly what many CIA-affiliated websites and ‘translation companies’ have been doing for the past decade, translating claims of responsibility after every terrorist attack anywhere in the world. As expected, the New York Times published this claim quoting an unknown American analyst who said he saw the claim of responsibility on a website in Arabic and that he translated it into English. The truth is that an ordinary discussion forum in Arabic, like millions of similar online forums, published what appears to be a celebratory note on the Norway attack arguing the attack was punishment for all the wrong done in Libya and Afghanistan, the two wars where Norway is a participant by default because of its NATO membership.

But nowhere in the Arabic was text there a claim of responsibility. Also, the person who posted the text in Arabic used a fake name. So a claim by an unknown group that no one heard of, using a fake profile on a discussion forum? Any real journalist would ignore it. But not the New York Times, which is famous for publishing absolute lies drafted by the CIA. The paper spent the whole of 2002 publishing sophisticated ‘news reports’ about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction complete with expert illustrations of alleged Iraqi weapons. One of NYT’s top reporters, Judith Miller, was discredited because she ran CIA-planted stories under her byline and went to jail in another case of harassment of a USZ diplomat and his wife who exposed USZ government lies on Iraq.

CIA Runs B.S. Story that Muslim Group claimed responsibility for Oslo Bombings - Highlighted Text - URL mentioned in the picture


The credibility of the mainstream USZ media and its links to USZ government and the CIA is an open secret. The Pakistani military has accused the New York Times of running a ‘slander campaign’ against Pakistan, its military and its spy agency at

CIA’s behest. Even the Norwegian media was cautious when the NYT came up with this claim of responsibility. Norway TV did its own translation of the text and discovered there was no explicit claim of responsibility for the attack. The investigative work that reveals NYT’s professional dishonesty was done by Alexander Higgins, and published on his blog under the telling title, Corporate Media Runs False CIA Story Stating Muslim Group Claimed Responsibility For Oslo . Here we reproduce images from Mr. Higgins blog along with their original captions that tell the full story.

See how Fox News misled American viewers. some
parts of the USZ media were desperate to implicate Muslims.
Pro-war lobbies want any excuse to continue a policy of
deception and wars.


Mr. Higgins makes several interesting observations in his report. The first is that Norway is a Muslim-friendly country that has not followed the American policy of harassing its Muslim community. It is also a supporter of Palestinian rights and an independent Palestinian state. The Norwegian government has also formally apologized for a couple of local newspapers that reprinted cartoons offensive to Muslims. So unlike the propaganda in American media, Muslims have little reason to attack Norway.

NY Times Quietly Retracts CIA Lie From Norway Bombing Story After Damage Is Done

The second important observation is that while the American media continues to emphasize that the Christian extremist is anti-Islam, more important is the fact that he is pro-Israhell and a big admirer of anti-Islam writers and bloggers in the USZ. This last point is very critical because it confirms our longstanding argument that the United States of Zionism's government and in particular its main intelligence service the CIA are promoting anti-Muslim feelings inside the USZ and worldwide to continue their interventions in other countries in the name of war on terror. The anti-Pakistan propaganda worldwide is also the work of CIA and other elements of the USZ government. They have been using the same twisted methods of demonizing Pakistan that have come to the surface now after the Norway attacks.

Norway Premier “Begged” Putin To Stop Massacre Planned By Zionist "Elites"

A startling Federal Security Service (FSB) report on the 22 July massacre in Norway states that two-days prior to this catastrophic attack Norwegian Prime Minister Jens Stoltenberg [photo top left with Putin] placed an “urgent” call to Putin “begging” Russia’s leader to help stop the events that left nearly 100 innocent civilians dead.

Norway Premier with Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin

According to the FSB, Stoltenberg first learned of this plot against his country this past Wednesday after reading a “top secret” report prepared for him by the Norwegian Intelligence Service (NIS) on the late March computer attack against Norway’s top military leaders that showed them involved in a conspiracy with Britain’s MI5 Security Service and the United States of Zionism Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to launch a “two-phase” attack upon Norway modeled after false-flag operations in both Australia and America in the mid-nineties.

The false-flag operations being modeled in Norway were based on the 19 April 1995 bombing attack on the Oklahoma Alfred P. Murrah Federal Building said caused a lone right-wing Christian fundamentalist who used a fertilizer bomb that killed 168, and the 28 April 1996 Port Arthur massacre in Australia where a lone gunman killed 35 mainly because the police failed to show up in a timely manner, and which the aftermath of both attacks caused a fundamental shift away from freedoms and liberties these peoples once enjoyed.

The FSB further reports that this false-flag attack on Norway was a “clear textbook example” of an Operation Northwoods operation designed and prepared by USZ Military experts. Operation Northwoods was a series of false-flag proposals that originated within the United States of Zionism government in 1962. The proposals called for the CIA or other operatives, to commit acts of terrorism in USZ cities and elsewhere in order to influence public opinion and have been used by many Western governments over these past five decades.

FSB experts note in this report that the false-flag attacks on Norway further mirror those of Oklahoma City and Port Arthur in: 1.) A large vehicle holding a powerful fertilizer bomb was able to gain undetected entrance to a protected government centre; 2.) The armed police response to an ongoing massacre of civilians was delayed for reasons still not explained; 3.) A lone suspect has been indentified as the sole perpetrator of the attacks contrary to witness statements that more people were involved; 4.) The lone suspect is denied the right to an open hearing before the public.

This report also notes that within hours of these attacks occurring, a “virtual flood” of information relating to the suspected mastermind of this massacre was released indentifying him as a “blond-haired blue-eyed” Norwegian named Anders Behring Breivik [photo 2nd left] and caricatured as a right-wing Christian fundamentalist. A person which (coincidentally?) the United States of Zionism had warned barely 24-hours earlier in a video released by their Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was the type of person they feared most would carry out such a terror attack.

The critical problem with the flood of information being released on/or by Breivik, the FSB asserts, is to what is true and what isn’t. This issue was made even more important by American computer experts noting that the Facebook page said belonging to Breivik appears to have been faked, and as they note:
1: Why is there a version of Anders Behring Breivik’s Facebook profile not showing Christian / Conservative? Even Google’s cache of the Facebook profile retrieved on Jul 22, 2011 23:52:36 GMT supports this factor.
2: How was Christian / Conservative added prior to the profile being removed from Facebook? If our PDF was printed out/saved at Jul 23 01:39 GMT, and the profile was deleted soon afterwards by Facebook, how was a detained Anders Behring Breivik able to change it?
3: Which then needs to be asked, Who had access to in changing the Profile before it was removed?
Aside from the “most likely” faked Facebook page, Breivik is, also, said to have posted an astonishingly detailed 1,500-page manifesto and video[view on left] titled “2083: A European Declaration Of Independence” datelined “London, 2011” on the Internet that claims “the number of Muslims in Western Europe is “reaching critical mass” and there is a core of Cultural Communist elites in Western Europe who really want to destroy Western civilization” and that “Europe will burn again.”

Breivik further said he regarded himself as a successor to the medieval Knights Templar, and claimed to have been recruited at a meeting in London in April 2002, which was hosted by two English extremists and attended by eight people in total. Breivik’s ties with London, and hence MI5, was due to his father being a top economist at the Norwegian Embassy in London where Anders was described as a “mummy’s boy” and “privileged” son of an elite liberal family. [Especially interesting to note about this description of “mummy boy” Breivik is his stating that the main target of his attack was Norway’s “Mother of the Nation” and former Prime Minister Gro Harlem Brundtland.]

The FSB, however, in this report disputes Breivik’s ties with the Knights Templar stating, instead, that this false-flag attack has provided an “ancillary benefit” to the West’s royal and banking elite classes in discrediting this ancient order as “open warfare” between them looms, and as we had detailed in our 21 July report “Murdoch Threat To Expose Obama As “Christ-Child” Ignites Western Fury.”
To the reason(s) behind this attack, this FSB report states, is a “desperate attempt” by British, European Union and American banking interests to force Norway into their “union” [Norway is not a member of the EU] in order to loot their Sovereign Wealth Fund of its estimated $1.5 Trillion in wealth which without the entire Western economy may collapse. Important note, the FSB says, is that what is being done to Norway has already been done to Libya when in what is now called the “Financial Heist of the Century” these same elites launched an unprovoked attack upon this North African nation and promptly looted it of nearly $150 Billion of their Sovereign Wealth Fund in order to sustain their crumpling empire.

Though there is more, much more, contained in this FSB report that we will have to examine further in order to report to you on it accurately upon it. So, and in closing this first report on this tragedy we’ll end with some of the words attributed to Breivik that in light of what this whole issue is being made out to be do, indeed, note us paying attention to them:
“A majority of the people I know support my views, they are just apathetic. They know that there will be a confrontation one day, but they don’t care because it will most likely not happen within the next two decades I am a pioneer in this fight, and I have no doubt whatsoever that we will see a political shift in our favor sooner than we might expect. It might look grim at the moment, but we are after all fighting a self-defeating ideology (Cultural Communism that is, not Islam). The only pragmatic approach towards Islam is to isolate it to Muslim countries once we are in a position to do so — on September 11th, 2083.”

This article was posted by WhatDoesItMean.Com

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Pakistan Cyber Force
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Labels: Fall of Capitalism, Fall of Zionism, Human Rights Violation by IsraHell, Israhell the Satanic Cult, IsraHell the terrorist, Norway, Norway Bloodbath by NWO, Norway Carnage, Russia, Vladimir Putin

ISI from the inside

When Smashing Lists, a relatively unknown website, declared Pakistan’s Inter-Services Intelligence, the ISI, the best of its kind, it gladdened my heart but also had me worried. Soon after the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, I met an old colleague, a Special Forces officer recently inducted in the ISI. He whispered in my ears: “we have decided to support the Afghan resistance”. Understandably. With the “archenemy” India in the East and now not a very friendly Soviet Union on our Western borders, Pakistan had fallen between “nutcrackers”. We therefore had to take our chances to rollback the occupation; but did we have any against a ‘superpower’, and the only one in the region at that? Soon after the Soviet withdrawal, as the Director General of Military Intelligence, I was assigned to a team constituted to review Pakistan’s Afghan Policy. That, followed by a stint in the ISI, provided the answer.

The Afghan tradition of resisting foreign invaders was indeed the sine qua non for this gamble to succeed. American support took two years in coming but when it arrived, USZ support was one of the decisive factors. The ISI’s role - essentially logistical in that it channelled all aid and helped organise the resistance - turned out to be pivotal. In the process, from a small time player that undertook to punch above its weight, rubbing shoulders with the best in the game, the Americans, catapulted the Agency into the big league. Unsurprisingly, the ISI became a matter of great concern not only for its foes. Cooperation amongst secret services, even within the country, is not the norm. It took a 9/11 for the USZ to create a halfway-coordinating mechanism. Between the CIA and the ISI, however, communication and coordination worked out well as long as the Soviets were in Afghanistan. The shared objective - defeat of the occupation forces - was one reason; respect for each other’s turf, the more important other.
The CIA hardly ever questioned how its Pakistani counterpart dispensed with the resources provided for the Jihad or for that matter how it was conducted. And the ISI never asked if the American providers were over invoicing the ordnance or undermining the Saudi contribution. It did not mean that they trusted each other. Differences, however, surfaced as soon as the Soviets withdrew. To start with, some of the key ISI operatives were vilified, allegedly for having favoured the more radical of the Afghan groups. The charge that the Agency was infested with rogue elements is thus an old one. Twice these vilification campaigns led, under American pressure, to major purges of ISI’s rank and file. If these episodes ever led to changes in policy is another matter. In the early 1990s, we in the ISI understood this shift in American attitude as a big-brother’s desire to establish hegemony, but more crucially - now that the Soviet Union after its withdrawal from Afghanistan had ceased to exist - to cut this upstart service to size.

The CIA was clearly at odds with our declared objective to help the Mujahedeen lead the new dispensation in Kabul, especially if individuals like Hikmatyar were to play an important part in it. And the USZ was indeed unhappy with Pakistan’s efforts to seek Iran’s cooperation after the Islamic Republic had made peace with Iraq. But what seemed to have caused the most anguish amongst our American friends were the prospects of an increasingly confident ISI, vain enough to throw spanners in the work of the sole surviving superpower. These apprehensions were not entirely ill-founded as the Iraq-Kuwait crisis of 1990-91 was soon to show. Sometimes in 1992, General Brent Scowcroft, former national security advisor to USZ Presidents Ford and George H.W. Bush, reportedly conceded that the ISI’s assessment of Saddam’s forces was closer to the mark than their own, which highly exaggerated Saddam’s capacity. Now, if anyone else in the business too was to broadcast its account every time the CIA “sexed-up” a threat to suit American objectives (next time on Iraq’s WMD holding for example), some pre-emption was obviously in order.

Soon thereafter the ISI was cleansed of the old guard, most of them ostensibly for their infatuation with the “Jihadists” in Afghanistan and Kashmir. These purges must have served a few careers but when it came to taking decisions and making policies, the new guard had no choice but to put its shoulder behind the Taliban bandwagon. The Militia was now, like it or not, the only group with a chance to reunify the war torn country; the inviolable and in principle the only condition for Pakistan’s support for the “endgame”, with no ideological or geo-political caveats. Initially the Americans and the Saudis too had wooed Mullah Omar, though for a different reason: their interest in a pipeline that was to pass through territories under the Taliban control. If Pakistan should have ceased all support when this militant regime rejected its advice - on accommodating the Northern Alliance or sparing the Bamyan Statues, for example - remains a moot point. After all, post 9/11 the Taliban did agree to our request to extradite Osama bin Laden, albeit to a third country. That was rejected by the USZ for reasons not for me to second-guess.

The ISI was thereafter subjected to another purge in the hope that the refurbished setup would put its heart and soul behind the new decree: ‘chase anyone resisting the American military operations in Afghanistan all the way to hell’. That came to millions on both sides of the Pak-Afghan borders; likely to be around long after the USZ troops had gone home, with some of them turning their guns inwards as one must have noticed. Under the circumstances, neither the ISI nor other organs of the state had any will to operate against groups primarily primed to fight “foreign occupation”. If they also had the right to do so, or how this intrusion was otherwise to be defined, can be discussed ad-infinitum. Pakistan in the meantime has to fight a number of running battles. So, this time around as well, it is not any “rogue elements” in the ISI but the complexity of the crisis that necessitates selective use of force; essentially against the “rogue groups”, some of them

undoubtedly planted or supported by forces inimical to our past and present policies.

If our political and military leadership also had the gumption to support the war against the Nato forces - in the belief that some of the present turmoil in the area would not recede as long as the world’s most powerful alliance was still around - does not seem very likely. Indeed, the ISI suffers from many ailments, most of them a corollary of its being predominantly a military organisation and of the Army’s exceptional role in Pakistani politics. But that is of no great relevance to this piece which is basically about the Agency’s role in the so-called “war on terror”; a euphemism for the war raging in the AfPak Region. The most important takeaway from this fascinating snapshot of the ISI, the Taliban, and Pakistan’s view of America and its strategic choices is that Pakistan will never be a predictable puppet of USZ interests.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Turkey to double size of its army

With Prime Minister Erdogan’s Islamist AK party having seized its third landslide election victory in Turkey, many throughout the international community have been watching to see what will be next on the Turkish agenda. Now there are strong indicators in the Turkish media that Turkey is planning on literally doubling the size of its army – this coming from the nation that already has the largest army in Middle East and the second-largest army in NATO, second only to the United States. Presently, Turkey’s army has over 500,000 troops. Its army is larger than France, Germany and England combined. And now Turkish media are reporting that they are planning on adding another 500,000 paid soldiers.

According to Egemen Bağış, a state minister and Turkey’s chief EU negotiator, the purpose of the army is to kill two birds with one stone, overcoming two of Turkey’s biggest challenges: terrorism and unemployment. This move would create half a million new jobs for Turkey while answering once and for all Turkey’s problem with Kurdish separatist terrorists in the southeast. Bağış spoke to journalists at the Turkish ambassador’s office in Brussels. “The government is prepared to hire 500,000 people. … This structural change will also contribute to our struggle with unemployment”, he said. Interested in how current events relate to biblical prophecy? Watch Joel Richardson’s powerful, 4-Session, 2-DVD set “Understanding the Times”.

Turkey’s nation defense minister, Vedci Gonul, stated that the new army is “the future of Turkey”. But he also said that the actual number of paid soldiers is yet to be determined pending a government study. According to Gonul, the creation of such a large army could take several years to complete. A poll conducted shows that 80 percent of Turks support the idea while only 9 percent are opposed. Despite the government’s claims that the purpose of the army would be to address terrorism, skepticism concerning such a massive force is well-deserved. First of all, creating an army this size merely to address Turkey’s terrorism problem, primarily from the PKK, a Kurdish separatist group in the southeast, would be like trying to kill an ant using a nuclear warhead. Secondly, such a move certainly will only reinforce the concerns of those who believe that Turkey has broad-ranging neo-Ottoman regional aspirations.

The silence of the Western media has been surprising. Imagine Israel announcing an expansion of its forces by 500,000 men to address its Palestinian terrorism problem. Yet the Western media has yet to comment regarding Turkey’s grandiose plans. Such an expansion would be particularly concerning in light of the Turkish government’s recent swing toward Islamist political alliances. They have worked to significantly reinforce strategic alliances with both Iran and Syria, two of the most well-established state sponsors of terrorism globally, while significantly cooling its relationship with Israel and the United States. Despite this, the Obama administration this past January, sold the Turkish Air Force 100 F-35 Lightning II fighter jets. Turkey already manufactures it’s own F-16s.

It is also essential to once again remind ourselves of the recent accomplishments of the Islamist AK party under Prime Minister Erdogan’s leadership. In just the past several years, the AK party has edged ever closer to establishing a full-blown dictatorship, all in the name of democracy. Since 2002, they have managed to accomplish the following:
occupy the presidency;
occupy the seat of prime minister;
gain a large majority of seats in the parliament;
fill the judiciary with Islamist-leaning judges;
behead the top echelons of the military;
infiltrate the police force (over 70 percent of officers are members the Islamist Gulen movement);
intimidate and imprison Turkish journalists (there are more Turkish journalists in prison than any other nation in the world – more than China or Iran).
The nation’s leadership is now working toward a bill authorizing them to rewrite the Turkish Constitution, giving them far more sweeping powers over the military and judiciary. In last month’s victory speech, Prime Minister Erdogan couldn’t have made his regional ambitions any clearer:
“Believe me, Sarajevo won today as much as Istanbul, Beirut won as much as Izmir, Damascus won as much as Ankara, Ramallah, Nablus, Jenin, the West Bank, Jerusalem won as much as Diyarbakir.”

In a follow up commentary piece, J.E. Dyer, a retired U.S. Naval intelligence officer asked how the world would take it if Nicolas Sarkozy had proclaimed that a victory for him was a victory for Moscow as much as Paris, for Washington as much as Lyon, for Ankara as much as Marseilles. Dyer then very appropriately reminded us that such comments are, “imperialist at worst, absurdly arrogant at best – to speak of your electoral victories as conferring benefits on foreign humanity – especially on those once occupied by your nation in its days of empire”. For years, several others and I have been warning of Turkey’s neo-Ottoman dreams and regional ambitions. And for just as many years, the compliant left-wing media has mocked the notion. Within the next several years, with doubling of the Turkish army, it appears as though there will be 500,000 more reasons to worry about Turkey’s regional ascension.

120 confirmed killed in Russian ship sink

The confirmed death toll from the sunken cruise vessel Bulgaria has risen to 120 people, after the divers discovered one more body on the riverboat, the Emergencies Ministry said on Sunday. "Another body has been discovered. Therefore, the confirmed death toll has risen to 120", the ministry said. The twin-deck riverboat Bulgaria capsized and sank on the Volga River on July 10.

There were 201 people aboard the riverboat. As many as 79 people were rescued. The fate of two people is yet unknown. The ship was delivered to shallow waters late on Saturday, allowing the divers to continue their search for missing persons. Rescuers are expected to finish their work on Sunday to seal the riverboat and pump out water and transfer the cruise ship to the Investigative Committee for investigation.

CIA terrorists spread their tentacles in South Punjab

The Americans have increased their contacts with local influential figures in South Punjab to establish a network of their secret service operatives there, informed sources have revealed. The renewed efforts at extension of their clandestine operations through setting up bases of CIA’s cobra operatives in the region where demands for autonomy fuelled by rising sense of deprivation have increased in recent months – come after Pakistan refused permission to the USZ to establish its consulate in Multan. And now the Americans are using the diplomatic facade to secure niches for their spies and hitmen in and around Multan, following their agenda of weakening Pakistan.

Security sources informed TheNation that a couple of days back a special USZ delegation comprising Deputy Political Consular Constance Arvis, Branch Chief Critical Factory Analysis Joint IED Defeat Organisation Daniel Perron, Technical Analysis Chief Robert Best and Pakistan Desk In-charge at USZ Embassy Ms Amy Flohr flew to Multan from Islamabad on a special plane. The delegation went to Pak Arab Fertilisers and inspected the plant, where the plant owner who is also former Multan Nazim, Mr Faisal Mukhtar and his brother Mr Fawwad Mukthar gave them ‘briefings’. The USZ team did not share details of their visit with the Foreign Office, as required under the law. They simply intimated that some USZ officials would visit Multan.

Sources informed that as part of their earlier efforts the Americans had purchased one-acre piece of land in Dera Ghazi Khan at a price much higher than the local rates. But they had to wrap up their plan upon the timely intervention of Pakistan’s security agencies. The CIA then advised USZ diplomats to employ middlemen for the aforesaid purpose. Resultantly the land was purchased in the name of some locals and construction was started when again it came on the radar of security agencies which duly thwarted this new attempt of the CIA too. “After the CIA’s failure at establishing a private cell in Dera Ghazi Khan, now they wish to run such a cell in Multan. They are also patronising various banned outfits in South Punjab in order to disintegrate Pakistan”, a security source said. To a query regarding the motive behind visit to a fertilisers factory, he said, “Though urea is also used in explosives, the chief reason of the visit is to pave way for the establishment of private cell in Multan”.

Top-level sources in foreign ministry said: “In fact, we have received a lot of secret correspondence by security agencies about the CIA operatives’ involvement in a number of nefarious plots against Pakistan. This is the reason we refused them establishment of new consulates”. The USZ government had requested the Pakistan to allow them open two new consulates in Quetta and Multan, but the request was refused by the Foreign Ministry. In this regard, a former USZ Consulate General Brian D Hunt had visited various shrines in Och Sharif and Mutlan and contacted different local influential. The ministry sources also said that the replacement of foreign minister Makhdoom Shah Mehmood Qureshi with Hina Rabbani Khar was also part of this game. The former foreign minister had refused to forged record in his ministry whereby the CIA man could have been shown as a diplomat to secure immunity for him under the international law. Raymond Davis, the CIA Station Head in Pakistan, committed murder of two innocent Pakistanis in cold blood near Mozang Crossing in Lahore on January 27, 2011.

Presently, the USZ is running one embassy in Islamabad and three consulates in three provincial capitals, Karachi, Peshawar and Lahore; whereas Pakistan has one embassy and two consulates in America. Informers said the USZ also wanted its own security at its diplomatic missions but was refused by the Pakistan. Nevertheless, the Americans have established three check posts near USZ embassy in Islamabad and all of the security arrangements are made by the USZ government.

Norway carnage puts USZ extremists in spotlight

The man accused of the killing spree in Norway was deeply influenced by anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists in the United States of Zionism, lacing his 1,500-page manifesto with quotations from them, The New York Times reported Monday. In the document he posted online, Anders Behring Breivik, who is accused of bombing government buildings and killing scores of young people at a Labour Party camp, showed that he had closely followed the acrimonious American debate over Islam, the newspaper citing the document said. His manifesto, which denounced Norwegian politicians as failing to defend the country from Islamic influence, quoted Robert Spencer, who operates the Jihad Watch Web site, 64 times, and cited other Western writers who shared his view that Muslim immigrants pose a grave danger to Western culture.

More broadly, the mass killings in Norway, with their echo of the 1995 bombing of the federal building in Oklahoma City by an antigovernment militant, have focused new attention around the world on the subculture of anti-Muslim bloggers and right-wing activists and renewed a debate over the focus of counterterrorism efforts. In the United States of Zionism, critics have asserted that the intense spotlight on the threat from Islamic militants has unfairly vilified Muslim Americans while dangerously playing down the threat of attacks from other domestic radicals, the Times said. The author of a 2009 Department of Homeland Security report on right-wing extremism withdrawn by the department after criticism from conservatives repeated on Sunday his claim that the department had tilted too heavily toward the threat from Islamic militants.
The revelations about Mr. Breivik’s American influences exploded on the blogs over the weekend, putting Mr. Spencer and other self-described “counterjihad” activists on the defensive, as their critics suggested that their portrayal of Islam as a threat to the West indirectly fostered the crimes in Norway. Spencer wrote on his Web site, jihadwatch.org, that “the blame game” had begun, “as if killing a lot of children aids the defence against the global jihad and Islamic supremacism, or has anything remotely to do with anything we have ever advocated.” He did not mention Breivik’s voluminous quotations from his writings, the paper pointed out. The Gates of Vienna, a blog that ordinarily keeps up a drumbeat of anti-Islamist news and commentary, closed its pages to comments Sunday “due to the unusual situation in which it has recently found itself.” Its operator, who describes himself as a Virginia consultant and uses the pseudonym “Baron Bodissey,” wrote on the site Sunday that “at no time has any part of the Counterjihad advocated violence.”
The name of that Web site - a reference to the siege of Vienna in 1683 by Muslim fighters who, the blog says in its headnote, “seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe” - was echoed in the title Breivik chose for his manifesto: “2083: A European Declaration of Independence.” He chose that year, the 400th anniversary of the siege, as the target for the triumph of Christian forces in the European civil war he called for to drive out Islamic influence. Marc Sageman, a former C.I.A. officer and a consultant on terrorism, said it would be unfair to attribute Breivik’s violence to the writers who helped shape his world view. But at the same time, he said the counterjihad writers do argue that the fundamentalist Salafi branch of Islam “is the infrastructure from which Al Qaeda emerged. Well, they and their writings are the infrastructure from which Breivik emerged.” “This rhetoric,” he added, “is not cost-free.”

Dr. Sageman, who is also a forensic psychiatrist, said he saw no overt signs of mental illness in Breivik’s writings. He said Breivik bears some resemblance to Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, who also spent years on a manifesto and carried out his mail bombings in part to gain attention for his theories. One obvious difference, Dr. Sageman said, is that Kaczynski was a loner who spent years in a rustic Montana cabin, while Breivik appears to have been quite social. Breivik’s declaration did not name Kaczynski or acknowledge the numerous passages copied from the Unabomber’s 1995 manifesto, in which the Norwegian substituted “multiculturalists” or “cultural Marxists” for Kaczynski’s “leftists” and made other small wording changes. By contrast, he quoted the American and European counterjihad writers by name, notably Spencer, author of 10 books.

Breivik frequently cited another blog, Atlas Shrugs, and recommended the Gates of Vienna among Web sites. Pamela Geller, an outspoken critic of Islam who runs Atlas Shrugs, wrote on her blog Sunday that any assertion that she or other antijihad writers bore any responsibility for Mr. Breivik’s actions was “ridiculous.” “If anyone incited him to violence, it was Islamic supremacists,” she wrote.

Muslim Ummah's Pride Pakistan Army - A Force To Be Reckoned With

The situation today has made it clear of who stands on which side, deciding to

support which agenda in political, economic and military aspects of our nation. People living in or out of Pakistan have been criticizing the Army And ISI; the two pillars on which Pakistan is standing after all the indignant acts of our politicians, the people purchased by them and our innumerable enemies who have disguised themselves in order to infiltrate between us to weaken our vision of optimistically working for the prosperity of Pakistan and introducing the rightful system of caliphate. The media is doing the best it can to literally murder our ideology but it's only the weak who get deviated. By the grace of Allah we have been blessed with one of the finest armies in the world who continue to have an incredible performance today and throughout history even when outnumbered.

Pakistan Army maintained division and brigade strength presences in some of the Arab countries during the past Arab-Israhelli Wars, and aided the Coalition in the first Gulf War. Other major operations undertaken by the Army include Operation Black Thunderstorm and Operation Rah-e-Nijat. Apart from conflicts, the Army has been an active participant in UN missions and played a major role in rescuing trapped American soldiers from Mogadishu, Somalia in 1993 in Operation Gothic Serpent.

Kashmir War in 1948 convinced India that Pakistan is certainly not an easy target. The Indian Cabinet in New Delhi had decided to destroy and undo Pakistan by economic and military means which resulted in a full-scale war. On August 1948, the first anniversary of Pakistan, General Headquarters sent the following message to Quaid-e-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah: " Loyal and grateful greetings from the Army on the first anniversary of Pakistan. We serve and shall serve Pakistan with all our hearts and souls. Pakistan and its Creator Zindabad." On 14th December India was taken by surprise in a pre-attack artillery bombardment the Beri Pattan bridge area containing ammunition, rations, petrol and supplies in a two-mile area was totally destroyed together with Indian divisional Headquarter, isolating the Indian forces in that sector.
On 30 December, India asked for ceasefire with effect from 1 January 1949 which was accepted as now the fate of Jammu and Kashmir was taken over by the UN. However, India didn't step back and concentrated on Pakistan‘s borders and transgressed into Azad Kashmir and West Pakistan territory forty eight times. The Indian Air Force violated Pakistan 's air space thirty times thus bringing the two countries very close to another all out war. Than on September 6, 1965, without a formal declaration of war, Indians crossed the international border of West Pakistan and launched a three-pronged offensive against Lahore, Sialkot and Rajasthan. On 7 September a single Pakistan Air Force Pilot, Squadron Leader M.M. Alam, Sitara-i-Juraat, in his F-86 Sabre shot down five Indian Air Force attacking Hunter aircraft in a single sortie, an unbeaten world record “On night 6/7 September three teams of our Special Services Groups were para-dropped on Indian Air Force bases at Pathankot, Adampur and Halwara to neutralize them.
The biggest tank battle since World War II was fought on the Chwinda front by 6 Armoured Division with under command 24 Infantry Brigade Groups and valiantly supported by 4 Corps Artillery (Brigadier A.A.K. Choudhry, Hilal-i-Juraat). The main effort of the Indian Army was blunted, inflicting heavy troop casualties on the enemy. Pakistan Air Force support helped turn the tide of the battle. Before a counter offensive by 6 Armoured Division on 22 September could be launched, Indian cowards asked for cease-fire in the United Nations. Pakistan Army captured 20 officers, 19 Junior Commissioned Officers, and 569 Other Ranks.

1965 War, the Inside Story by R.D. Pradhan:
In Chapter 8 titled “Of Cowardice and Panic”, the author describes the cowardice of Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad, the Indian general commanding officer in Lahore sector. When the general was fired upon by Pakistani forces, he “ran away”. On learning that, Lt. Gen. Harbakash Singh and the corps commander drove in a Jonga to the battlefront. Army commander found that the enemy (PAF) air attack had created a havoc on G.T. Road. (Indian) Vehicles were burning and several vehicles of 15 Division abandoned on the road, the drivers having run away, leaving some of the engines still running. Maj. Gen. Niranjan Prasad was hiding in a recently irrigated sugar cane field. As described by Harabakash Singh: “He (Prasad) came out to receive us, with his boots covered with wet mud. He had no head cover, nor was he wearing any badges of his rank. He had stubble on his face, not having shaved.” Seeing him in such a stage, Harbakhash Singh asked him: “Whether he was the General Officer commanding a division or a coolie? Why had he removed badges of rank and

not shaved? Niranjan Prasad had no answer.”
War of 1971 is another piece of history of the Pakistan Army when they were badly outnumbered against the Indian army who set their filthy eyes on East Pakistan. By October India's immoral covert armed terrorists had concentrated four times our strength in over 12 divisions (400,000) supported by five regiments of tanks, and about 50,000 activists trained and equipped by Indian Army. Indian Navy's one aircraft carrier, eight destroyers/frigates, two submarines and three landing crafts, against our four gunboats, eight Chinese coasters and two landing craft supported them. Eleven Indian Air Force squadrons – 4 Hunter, 1 SU-7, 3 Gnat and 3 MiG 21 – from five airfields around East Pakistan faced our one valiant Number 14 squadron of F-86F Sabres based on a single airfield around Dhaka . Pakistani soldiers fought against heavy odds, inflicting heavy casualties, bloodied but "unbowed” when an Indian commander, through a messenger asked for our Jamalpur battalion to surrender, encircled by two brigades, the commanding officer, Lieutenant Colonel Sultan Ahmad, Sitara-i-Juraat of 31 Baloch replied in a message wrapped around a bullet which read, “I want to tell you that the fighting you have seen so far is very little; in fact the fighting has not even started. So let us stop negotiating and start the fight.” India attacked West Pakistan. Fighting against overwhelming odds in both wings of the country raged with full fury. Before our counter offensive could be launched in West Pakistan , India asked for cease-fire in the United Nations, yet again.
The Ghazis and Shaheeds proved in their supreme hour of trial all the military virtues of Faith, Honour and the spirit of Jehad. On 4 December 1971, the United States of Zionism moved a draft resolution calling for cease-fire and withdrawal of Indian forces, which was vetoed by Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Thereafter, another six resolutions including one by China were introduced calling for cease-fire and withdrawal of forces, some of which were accepted by Pakistan. However, due to behind the scene political machinations by India and her allies their passage and implementation was stalled till Dhaka fell on 16 December 1971 and the cease-fire had been perfidiously converted to surrender. “I took a careful look at the documents and was aghast to see the heading – which read Instrument of ‘Surrender'……”, writes Lieutenant General J.F.R.Jacob, Chief of Staff, Indian, Eastern Army. (Lieutenant General J.F.R.Jacob, “Surrender at Dacca : Birth of a Nation”)
2 Indian fighters destroyed in Kargil

In Kargil in 1999 a fierce battle was fought between the two enemy countries which started because of the extreme weather conditions in Kashmir as it was a common practice of both the armies to leave the forward posts and reoccupy them after the extreme conditions. Fortunately in May 1999, the Pakistan Army reoccupied them earlier than the Indian Army, thus inflicting heavy casualties on the enemy.

The Indian Army was humiliated as there was a shortage of coffins for their dead soldiers who were disowned since the dead bodies were not even collected and consequently rotted. The Indian media has been creating stories of bravery as per their side but the following video narrates the real story quite well:

The Special Services Group ranks 3rd in the world which is similar to the USZ army special forces known as the Green Berets and the British Army's SAS. It has conducted a number of operations including Operation Clean Wash to destroy a group of terrorists in Makkah in 1979 after the Saudi forces were unsuccessful. The Pakistan Army trains and carries out joint military exercises with the Muslim armies of the world. And yet people have forgotten of these miraculous stories and chosen the easier way rather than standing firm on the right side of the valiant. It's not hatred of why the Muslim Ummah around the world is under attack but fear that slowly poisons our enemy of the day we'll learn to stand up as one Ummah. We're under attack mentally and physically, people who degrade the Army and ISI are just too determined to make a nuisance of themselves. Millions of Muslims have sacrificed their lives around the world in the name of Islam, as freedom wasn't gifted to us in a golden platter. Do not dare to disrespect them.

Pakistan was born when it seemed impossible, we became a prestigious nuclear state when it seemed quite so impossible and now will you back off when it's time to redeem our destiny when it again seems impossible? Pakistan is just the beginning of a new Muslim Order in the world.

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Jewish settlers are terrorising Palestinians, says Israhelli General

A senior Israhelli army commander has warned that unchecked “Jewish terror” against Palestinians in the occupied West Bank threatens to plunge the territory into another conflict. In unusually outspoken comments, Major General Avi Mizrahi took aim at extremist Israhelli settlers, and said the yeshiva, or religious seminary, in Yitzhar, one of the most radical Jewish strongholds in the West Bank, should be closed, calling it a source of terror against Palestinians. The general’s comments are likely to put him at odds with Israhell’s pro-settler government, which has resisted USZ-led efforts to curb settlement expansion in a bid to revive stalled peace talks. The foreign minister, Avigdor Lieberman, himself lives in a West Bank settlement. All settlements are regarded as illegal under international law.

The army has anxiously watched an upsurge in violence by hardline settlers, who in recent months have set fire to a West Bank mosque, burned Palestinian olive groves, and vandalised Palestinian property. Settlers have killed three Palestinians this year. “What’s happening in the field is terrorism”, General Mizrahi told Channel 2′s Meet the Press, and it “needs to be dealt with”. The Israhell Defence Forces (IDF), he said, fears “terrorism against Palestinians is likely to ignite the territories”. The general’s criticism points to frustration within the army’s high command at their ability to check violent settlers. Palestinians and Israhelli NGOs frequently accuse the army of siding with settlers in conflagrations with Palestinians, prompting the army to respond that it is obliged to protect its citizens and does not set policy.

The number of violent incidents has spiked in recent months, partly because of the murder earlier this year of five members, including three children, from one Jewish family in Itamar, a settlement near Nablus. Two Palestinians were charged with the crime. Human rights groups suggest that the more radical settlers, many of whom oppose a two-state solution on the premise that the whole of Israhell is bequeathed to them by God, are agitating against Palestinian moves to seek statehood recognition at the United Nations in September. Some fear that the surge in violent attacks against Palestinians could compound rising frustrations with the stalled peace process and trigger more violent riots. “The army is very afraid that [action by settlers] at a critical moment could set off a Third Intifada”, said Adam Keller, spokesman for Israhelli human rights body Gush Shalom, referring to a mass Palestinian uprising.

“The fact that the army is nervous is making the settlers more aggressive”, he said. The Israhelli commander General Mizrahi blamed the courts for failing to rein in the most radical of the settlers – a small proportion of the roughly 500,000 Israhelli settlers who are living beyond the Green Line in East Jerusalem and the West Bank.

Friday, July 22, 2011

China: “Pakistan is our Israel”

When a USZ delegate once confronted a Chinese diplomat about Beijing’s uncompromising support for Pakistan, the Chinese reportedly responded with a heavily-loaded sarcastic remark: “Pakistan is our Israel”. But judging by China’s unrelenting support for some of its allies, including North Korea, Burma, Zimbabwe and Sudan, its protective arm around these countries is no different from the USZ and Western political embrace of Israel – right or wrong. While China is battling the West over exchange rates, import tariffs and its territorial claims in the South China Sea, Beijing is also lobbying furiously to stall a Western- inspired proposal for a Commission of Inquiry on possible war crimes by the military junta in Burma (Myanmar).“Such a commission should not be seen as a way to punish the government, but to prevent impunity and help prevent further abuse”, says the UN Special Rapporteur on Myanmar, Tomas Ojea Quintana. But China, which in January 2007 exercised its veto, along with Russia, to prevent Security Council sanctions against Burma, has not shown any willingness to back the proposal – even for a watered-down commission. “Clearly”, says one Asian diplomat, “China is trying to reassert its political clout at the United Nations as a counterweight to its defensive stand on currency and trade issues”. The New York Times newspaper said on Tuesday that the USZ administration is facing a “confrontational relationship” with an assertive China and is trying to respond to “a surge of Chinese triumphalism” by strengthening Washington’s relationship with Japan and South Korea.
Ki-moon, who needs China’s support in the Security Council if he decides to run for a second term next year, is currently on his fourth trip to China, having visited the country in May and July 2008, and in July 2009. In recent months, China has prevented a Security Council resolution against North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean ship and also tried to suppress a UN report alleging the use of Chinese-made bullets in attacks on UN peacekeepers in Darfur, Sudan. “China sees value in promoting its image as the Security Council member defending the rights of the developing world, and China sees value in relying on the UN to counter USZ power”, said Linda Jakobson, director of the programme on China and Global Security at the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI)
Jakobson, an in-house China expert at SIPRI, points out that Beijing also sees value in participating in UN peacekeeping operations “both because this enhances the image of China as a responsible power but also because it gives Chinese military experience”. Still, China relented to USZ and Western pressure in supporting four Security Council resolutions imposing sanctions against Iran, one of Beijing’s staunchest political, economic and military allies. The fourth round of sanctions, all of them aimed primarily at Iran’s nuclear programme, was imposed in June this year. Justifying his country’s support for the resolution, Chinese Ambassador Li Baodong was quoted as saying that Beijing wanted to make sure that sanctions would not affect the Iranian people or its normal overseas trade. Jakobson said that China agreed to these sanctions after much deliberation and on the condition that the energy sector was excluded.

“This can be seen as a compromise solution on China’s part,” she said. “The exclusion of the energy sector was crucial”. Jakobson also pointed out that China wants to protect the massive investments by Chinese energy companies already in Iran or under negotiation with Tehran, and China wants to ensure that its long-term strategic plans for energy security are not threatened. In a detailed policy paper released last month, and titled “New Foreign Policy Actors in China”, SIPRI said the increasing sway of large state-owned energy companies have an increasing influence on foreign policy deliberations in China. Jakobson, who co-authored the report with Dean Knox, said this is one example of that sway though it is noteworthy that there are other foreign policy actors who presumably were not inclined to advocate China’s support of the resolution.
On the other hand, she said, there were presumably actors who advocated China’s support for the resolution because China supports non-proliferation and does not want to see Iran go nuclear. “If China had not supported the resolution, it would reflect badly on China’s image and undermine its efforts to portray itself as a responsible global power”, Jakobson said. She said China attaches great importance to the United Nations and would like to see the role of the UN strengthened – though Beijing is wary of many proposals that want to expand Security Council membership and/or give power to members other than the present five permanent members, the United States of Zionism, Britain, France, Russia and China. The SIPRI report argues that actors outside the traditional power structure are increasingly shaping China’s foreign policy.

Influential new actors on the margins include Chinese state- owned enterprises, especially energy companies, which, due to their widespread international outreach, affect China’s bilateral relationships and diplomacy at large. The others include local governments, especially in border and coastal provinces, which seek more lucrative trade and foreign investment opportunities. At the same time, there is growing importance of researchers, who serve as advisors to officials and media, and netizens, who constitute a new pressure group that China’s leaders at times feel compelled to take into account, not least during international crises. The findings also point to a fracturing of authority in foreign policy formulation. Diversification outside China’s official decision making apparatus – along with changes within it – means that foreigners can no longer expect to only deal with one government agency or Party organ but must take into account multiple actors that have both a stake and say in the decision-making processes.

Enticing Fury
Pakistan Cyber Force

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Epic Hypocrisy - Zionist UN cashes in Somalian Famine to boost its falling credibility

After butchering millions in Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan, Palestine and Pakistan's "humanitarian" drone attacks, the Zionist UN has called for immediate action to contain the “widespread famine” in the Horn of Africa, where some 12 million people are in need of emergency aid in the drought-hit region. It is ironic to note that this area has been in need of emergency aid ever since America toppled the popular Somalian leader Siad Baree (former fighter in Afghanistan against the Soviet Union) and pushed Somalia into the crisis in which it is today.

Talk about double standards. On Wednesday, UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called on donor countries to immediately come up with $1.6 billion in aid for two regions in Somalia, which are declared famine zones, AFP reported. "Nearly half of the population -- 3.7 million people -- are now in crisis", said Ban, adding that "This will have an increasingly devastating effect, not only in Somalia but also in neighboring countries. We need donor support to address current needs and prevent a further deterioration of the crisis. Humanitarian agencies need urgent funding to save lives. If funding is not made available for humanitarian intervention now, the famine is likely to continue and spread”, the UN secretary general added. Who knows whether this money is being gathered for Somalians or for NATO so that it can continue its bombings in Libya and Afghanistan? Of course that is so very “humanitarian” also as Obama has been Baracking about it all year long.We shared an article earlier about the Zionist owned International Red Cross which is the well known crisis cashing machine however the article was deleted by google due to “humanitarian” violation. Here is another version of the article which is indirectly related to this charade because that too is a Zionist institution just like the UN which is a silent spectator of Israhell's arrest campaign against On Wednesday, the UN declared two regions of southern Somalia in a famine due to the worst drought in decades but at the same time, it supports genocide in Palestine where Israhell arrests Palestinian children as young as 6 years old and puts them in jail. It is about time that the world wakes up and looks through this scam of United Nations which is fooling the world at the same time fulfilling the agenda of the Zionist imperialists by disgustingly twisting the terms "humanity" and "terror" to achieve its diabolical goals. The UN is now desperately pulling all the strings available in order to support its rapidly falling worldwide credibility but it is too late now.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

China Daily slams USZ's overtly pro-India stance

China has taken careful note of USZ Zionist Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's speech pitching for a larger global role for India in East Asia, with an official Chinese think tank saying Washington's "overtly pro-India stance" will hurt its larger goal of fighting militancy in Pakistan. "Not surprisingly, counter-terrorism is one of the top issues on Clinton's agenda during her (recent) visit to India", says an article titled "USZ-South Asia policy", published in the state-run China Daily.

Both the USZ and India are doing the "opposite of what they should have done to help Pakistan fight terrorists", said the article written by Fu Xiaoqiang, Director of the Centre for Counter-terrorism Studies at the state-owned China Institute of Contemporary International Relations. Referring to the CIA-RAW backed Al-CIA-Da proxies of non-Muslims in disguise of Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, The article argued that, "Their hard stance could provoke Pakistanis and help Islamic extremists strengthen their base in Pakistan", argues the article.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Gaddafi to continue battling NATO and Al-CIA-Da rebels - Zionist media lies smashed

Deeply loved by the Libyans, Libyan Leader Muammar Gaddafi says he will continue fighting against the NATO and the CIA backed revolution, vowing to retake the lost areas from anti-Libya forces. "This war was imposed on us, and our only choice is to fight -- men, women and children -- with all our weapons to liberate (the rebel strongholds)of Benghazi, Misratah and Al-Jabal Al-Gharbi (the Nafusa mountains southwest of the capital)”, Gaddafi was quoted by AFP as saying on Tuesday. "We will march on the cities controlled by the traitors and mercenaries of NATO to retake them. NATO's bombs do not scare us", Gaddafi added. Gaddafi's speech was broadcast over loudspeakers to supporters in al-Aziziya, 50 kilometres (30 miles) west of the capital, Tripoli. The Libyan ruler said millions of people will fight with him to defend their honor as well as the country's oil resources and rightfully so, the Libyans showed their love on 1st July, 2011 when more than 1 million gathered in the capital to show their love for Gaddafi.Earlier on Tuesday, Gaddafi troops carrying flags of the revolutionary forces shelled opposition positions near the oil-rich eastern town of Brega, killing eight fighters and injuring dozens more, said Mohammed Idris, a doctor at the hospital in the nearby city of Ajdabiya. The attack comes a day after the fake CIA-backed revolutionary claims that they had seized control of Brega which is the oil rich town of Libya. Sources from Libya revealed that Brega is completely under Gaddafi's control and the Zionist mainstream media is spreading disinformation in order to hurt the morale of Libyan troops and its people. Revolutionaries have made absolutely zero progress and due to financial meltdown, NATO's military campaign is also dying out gradually as the “humanitarian” hyenas are running out of funds.

CIA involved in Mumbai Terror Attacks: PCF analysis confirmed by General Qayyum

PCF report regarding CIA's involvement in Mumbai Terror Attacks has now been confirmed as Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum has suspected the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) hand in the recent multiple blasts in Indian commercial city of Mumbai to mount pressure on Pakistan to allow USZ military trainers.In an interview with IRNA, Lieutenant General (retd) Abdul Qayyum clarified that the involvement of Pakistan in the Mumbai blast is out of question.Pakistan has reportedly expelled 100 USZ trainers which have promoted to block $800 million military aid to Pakistan. Deputy Foreign Minister Hina Rabbani Khar told the Senate Committee that the $500 million cut in USZ aid to Pakistan is due to the drop in USZ trainers in Pakistan. Three deadly bomb blasts rocked Mumbai during rush hour on Wednesday killing 21 people and wounding at least 150 others. Pakistani President Zardari and Prime Minister Gilani have also strongly condemned the attacks.

“This is very unfortunate”, said Abdul Qayyum. He said that India has not blamed Pakistan so far for the attacks. “Now India has realized that suspension of dialogue process is not the proper way to solve the regional issues”, opined the analyst. He said that there can be a third party behind these attacks. “It could even be the CIA so that Pakistan allow USZ military trainers and start military operation in the tribal areas”, viewed Abdul Qayyum. He was of the view that the recent Mumbai blasts would not affect the relations between Pakistan and India. To a question the analyst said that any country that is against good relations between nuclear Pakistan and India can be involved in the attacks. “Possibility of Israhell behind the blast cannot be ruled out”, he believed.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Pakistan Army attacked by USZ-NATO terrorists in SWA - 4 soldiers martyred

SOUTH WAZIRISTAN - At least four Pakistani soldiers were martyred and two others sustained injuries when mortar shells fired from across the border by USZ-NATO backed forces hit a check post in South Waziristan Agency on Tuesday. At least 3 mortar shells fired from Afghanistan hit a security check post in Angoor Adda in South Waziristan. As a result, four security personnel were martyred on the spot, while two others sustained injuries. The check post was completely destroyed in the attack. Officials said more than 20 mortar shells were fired from across the border and three of them slammed into a paramilitary forces check post. In recent weeks, tensions have sharply risen on the border between Pakistan and Afghanistan, as USZ-NATO backed attacks inside Pakistani territory have stepped up in which many people, including security men, have been martyred.

Agencies add: Officials on Tuesday accused the USZ-NATO backed Afghan puppet army of firing mortar bombs across the border, killing four Pakistani soldiers and stepping up a recent surge of cross-border violence. “Four soldiers were martyred and two others were wounded in this cross-border attack”, a security official in Peshawar told AFP, saying that the shelling continued for around two hours. “More than 20 mortar shells were fired from across the border. Three shells slammed into a paramilitary Frontier Corps checkpost in Angoor Adda”, he added. Another security official in Wana, the main town in South Waziristan, confirmed the incident and casualties. The incident sparked panic among the locals. They staged a protest and chanted slogans against USZ-NATO backed Afghan Puppet National Army for targeting cross-border attacks.

Hamid Karzai's Key Ally murdered in Operation Badar

Kabul: A senior adviser to Afghan President Hamid Karzai has been murdered at his home near the parliament in Kabul, a senior government official told AFP on Sunday. Jan Mohammad Khan, former governor of southern Uruzgan province and a key ally of the embattled president, was killed in an attack that was still ongoing, according to Afghan news channel Tolo TV. The killing comes less than a week after the president's half-brother Ahmed Wali Karzai was assassinated by a close friend at his home in the southern province of Kandahar, birthplace of the Taliban. “He (Khan) was very close to Karzai. He was as important as AWK (Ahmed Wali Karzai)”, said the official, speaking on condition of anonymity

Why We hate "Aman ki Asha"

If you are in a war, instead of throwing grenade, throw flowers at you enemy, it may stop them and they might start thinking about love, peace and harmony and consider war destructive, and while they are thinking about this, THROW A GRENADE!! Sounds familiar? Yes! its the same strategy used by our arch-rival ENDia through their paid proxies in our electronic media to defeat us. Backstabbing is old hobby of Hindus and we can never forget the urdu proverb

“بغل میں چھری ، منہ میں رام رام”

Being a Muslim and Pakistan, we believe firmly in two-nation theory and there is no doubt about it. But many of us don’t know its historic background and Islamic significance and hence fell prey to the enemy propaganda about the so-called Peace by the corrupt and sold-out media outlet. We all know what happened before Ghazwa-e-Khyber, if you don’t remember, let me recall it for you! The Muslims of Madina had signed peace pacts with the jews settled over there, Jews never accepted Muslims, they plotted against Islam time and again and in the battle of Khandaq, joined hands with Quraysh breaking the peace pact. Once the Muslims won that battle, they expelled all jews from Madina. The jews escorted to Khayber, and still plotted against Muslims. In the end, the muslims were compelled to besiege the fortified city of Khayber and were victorious with the grace of Allah.

Similarly, the muslims signed the treaty of Hudaibiyah with the kuffar of Makkah, but that was also not respected by them, and the Prophet (S.A.W.W) ordered the conquest of Makkah.

Hence, from both the historic revelations, we can easily conclude that the kuffar can never become the friends of Muslims, and extending the hand of friendship towards them is just foolishness!

It is clearly written in Quran that:

“O ye who believe! take not the Jews and the Christians for your friends and protectors: They are but friends and protectors to each other. And he amongst you that turns to them (for friendship) is of them. Verily Allah guideth not a people unjust.” [Quran 5:51]

Now let us go into the recent past, what the creators of Pakistan believed! This is recorded in the pages of history, after the Lukhnow Pact, Qauid-e-Azam was given the title of “Ambassador of Hindu-Muslim Unity”.t should be noted here that in those days, the great Quaid used to think the muslims and hindus can be friends, but once he was betrayed by the crooks hindu leader Nehru, he was so much disappointed that he decided to leave politics. This was the turning point of the life of our great Quaid, Allama Iqbal (R.A) assisted him and gave him spiritual influence and made him believe that muslims cannot afford to lose a leader of his caliber. This was the time when Quiad-e-Azam came to know that Hindu were not worth trusting, and hence the muslims had no other choice but to carve out a separate homeland in this region.

The two-nation theory states that Muslims and People of other religion are two different entities and they can never live together or become allies. In our previous article about Aman Ki Asha , we mentioned some atrocities in the pre-partition time in which millions of muslims were martyred. According to an estimate, about 5 million muslims were slaughtered during the partition. The cries of our mothers and brothers still reverberate in our ears. But the enmity and hostility of Hindus with Muslims will never end. The history is witness that India has never let go a single opportunity to damage and harm Pakistan,. And even in future, they will not miss any chance of doing so! India is still violating many treaties, the best example that can be quoted here is that of the Indus Water Treaty that was signed in 1960 about the distribution of water between the two countries and it has waged a Hydrological war against Pakistan to create artificial famine and floods.In such situation, when the enemy has loaded all its weapons to destroy country, would any sane person extend a hand of friendship towards such enemy? Would any patriot forget all the martyrs and the blood that they have shed for the only reason that we are muslims and Pakistan? NO! we will not forget a single martyr, we will not forget what happened on 16th August 1946 in Calcutta! We will not forget a single Kashmiri, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi, Pashtoon and Bengali brother and sister who have sacrificed themselves for the sake of this land of pure, for the sake of this sabz hilali, for the sake of sabz gumbad! We will not forget a single martyr of our beloved Army who have sacrificed themselves for keeping this sabz hilali. We are watching every move of Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq and their wifes, daughters and sons! We are noting down the names of all those traitors who are on a task of dismembering this land! InshAllah they will meet their fate soon.

Pakistan Zindabad,

Pak Foj Paindabad!