
Friday, May 27, 2011

{EOP}Pakistan Is The Hub Of Terrorism:Funny Indian Media

I welcome you to Newshour. Today our topic is Pakistan Exposed Again (as if it was never a topic, in fact it has been the only topic of Newshour since we started to watch that comedy show). I am Aurnab Goswami and joining me on the Newshour today is:

Mr. Niyazi from Karachi, former ambassador of the Terrorist State of Pakistan to the US.
Mr. K.C Singh, words most honest and intelligent political analyst and
Mahroof Raza, the one and only competent and most accurate defence analyst of the universe.

My first question goes to Mr. Niyazi:

Sir, Keeping in view the Osama Bin Laden’s killing in Abbatobad by US forces, how can you say now that Pakistan army was not shielding him? How can you prove to me that Osama Bin Laden was not your guest for all these years? Today! Pakistan stands exposed. He was there and you can’t say that you did not know that he is there. I want an honest answer, Mr. Niyazi. Say yes we shielded him. Say yes Osama financed our army. Say yes Osama was a key adviser to your army chief. Say yes Osama was ISI and ISI was Osama. Come on! World wants an honest answer, Mr. Niyazi…

Mr. Niyazi : Well, I cannot say that. Actually…. ( Aurnab interrupts )

Sir, This is sheer hypocrisy. When I said that, how can you refuse? Pakistan stands exposed. You cannot say that Pakistan does not stand exposed. My next question to KC.

Sir, As it is a known fact that Pakistan stands exposed, what should be our strategy to expose it further?
KC : Pakistan is a hub of terrorism. This is written even in our constitution. We cannot go against our constitution. It is a crime. Hence I repeat, Pakistan stands exposed.

Aurnab : But Sir, How can we expose it further ?
KC : Every suicide blast, every terror act inside Pakistan is the handiwork of Pakistan. Pakistan kills its own people through suicide bombings only to harm innocent Indians. This is the known fact. World knows it. They bomb their Army Installations and Police stations because their old Army Installations and Police stations lack facilities. They then fleece US and extract more money as aid to construct the new infrastructure. They destroy their old war planes and war equipment to replace it with the latest technology all supplied by US free of cost. They destroy their old dilapidated Mosques and Madrasas through suicide bombings only to raise new modern Mosques and Madrasas. They plant bombs in their market places only to demolish encroached upon streets so that they can modernize their towns. This way they strengthen their defences and create most modern infrastructure.

Aurnab: But Sir, what has India to lose from that?
KC : Our boys work day and night in US as cyber slaves, our brilliant people toil hard in the Call Centers of Bangalore to build a stronger United States of America. They pay taxes to the US government from their salaries and US diverts their hard earned money to Pakistan as aid and reward for fighting the war against so called global terrorism. This is unacceptable. We cannot afford to let our boys to work for the people of Pakistan. We are innocent victims of Pakistan’s cleverness.

Aurnab: My next question to my another guest. Mahroof as honestly stated by KC that India is the victim of Pakistan’s terror, how can India stop US from diverting Indian money to Pakistan ?

Mahroof : India is a superpower. It has Nuclear weapons. India has Prithvi missiles, India has INSAS rifles. India has Bollywood with superstars like Rajnikant and Sunny Deol. Indian superstars can destroy Pakistani army singlehandedly. India has strongest economy as per the PPP ratio which is directly proportional to the per capita GDP of the US budget divided by the Industrial output quotient of the foreign investment gained through FDIs which is further inversely proportional to the interest on foreign exchange reserves which is further equivalent to the 10 % of total per capita capital of the world economy divided by our proposed growth figure forecasts of 2065. This proves that India is a super economical power which the world has to acknowledge now. India can dictate to US. India should tell US that we will stop all the services rendered by our super intelligent minds if it does not stop US aid to Pakistan. US will fall to its knees and accept our demands. This is the only way to stop Pakistan from getting US aid. Madam Sonia Gandhi should tell US that either you are with us or you are against us.

Aurnab: Mahroof, your figures are startling. World must acknowledge our power and Indians should be proud of you Mahroof.

My question to Mr. Niyazi again.

Sir, keeping in view the immense power of India, how is Pakistan now going to cooperate with India in exposing itself further. Listening to the honest comments by our other guests, it is now 100 % proved that Pakistan is exposed. How can you run away from the facts now?

Niyazi : Look, whatever they said is not true. Basically ….. (Aurnab interrupts again)
Aurnab: Mr. Niyazi, you are actually trying to evade my question. This is in general, a Pakistani mindset which you are unfortunately having .Do not disagree with what Indians say. You can’t run away from the truth. Come-on, world is watching you. Do not say that whatever stated by my other two guests is a figment of imagination. Pakistan stands exposed again.

My next question to KC again.

Sir, Pakistan’s ISI created Osama, Mullah Omar, Zardari, Kayani, Shuja Pasha, Gilani, Imran Khan, Shahid Afridi, Davood Ibrahim, Syed Salahudin, Hafiz Mohammed Syed, David Coleman Headley, Suresh Kalmadi, Balwa, Raja, Choota Shakeel, Choota Rajan, Arundhati Roy, Sayed Ali Geelani, Nathu Ram Godse, Satwant Singh, Prabhakaran, Mehbooba Mufti, Bhindrawale, Maoits, Naga insurgents, ULFA and historian say even Ravan and Narad Munni too were ISI’s creation. How can Pakistan refute this, keeping in view all the evidences which India has? India has even the evidences that Mehmood Ghaznavi, Babbar, Aurangzeb and Mohammed Ali Jinnah too were ISI’s creation.

KC : How can they say that this is not true ? Let me give you more facts. As per the WHO data, all the female infanticides happening in India has ISI hand behind them. Even, every unexpected pregnancy in India is a handiwork of Pakistan. India has the proof and it will show it to the world. Pakistan stands exposed.

Aurnab: My question to Mahroof.

Mahroof, having given all the evidences, how can Pakistan refuse now. Noteworthy to mention here is that the P.A to the Deputy Secretary of the adviser of the Under Secretary of the Co Chairman on the house committee of the private US department on political strategy under the auspices of the think tank of widows of war veterans of Vietnam war of the US state of Alaska, Mr. Joseph Leibermann has clearly stated that Pakistan is involved in aiding and abetment of terrorism in India. How can Pakistan come clean? US too has vindicated Indian stand now.

Mahroof : India is a super power. It has won diplomatic wars on all the fronts since the times of Chanakya. Pakistan is in mess. India is emerging victorious now. Pakistan should accept its failures now and dismantle Pakistani army and its terror offshoot ISI. Otherwise it will be too late for them as India is a super economical as well as diplomatic power. (Mr. Niyazi wants to interrupt)

Aurnab: Mr. Niyazi, we are hearing you. You can say whatever you want to. We will give equal chance to speak to everyone on the Newshour today. Mr. Niyazi carry on….

Mr. Niyazi carry on, can you hear me. Mr. Niyazi, Mr. Niyazi…… Seems that there is some problem with the line. We are sorry Mr. Niyazi.

Thank you Gentlemen for your participation. I hope Pakistan will now understand that it stands exposed. Wrapping up the debate, a look at the headlines again.

  • Pakistan stands exposed again on aiding and abetment of terrorism in Pakistan.
  • US officials vindicate the Indian allegations about Pakistan’s role in the terrorist attacks inside the Pakistan and elsewhere in the world.
  • Bomb blast in Peshawar. Five civilians injured.
  • Davood Ibrahim buys Lamborghini from ISI money.
  • Zardari planning to visit China next month.
  • Pakistan’s inflation has risen to 7 %.
  • Chennai Warriors have won their quarterfinal match against Mumbai Indians in IPL.
  • Syed Ali Geelani put under house arrest after his plans to offer Friday prayers in a local mosque were promptly exposed.
  • 16 CRPF personnel killed in a landmine blast in Chattisgarh.
Take care. Good night.

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