
Friday, May 27, 2011

{EOP}“Youm-e-Takbeer” – Day of Revival and Pride of the Ummah

On May 28 1998, Pakistan successfully conducted nuclear tests and became the only Islamic country with nuclear capability under heavy pressure from western nations which never wanted to see an Islamic country equipped with nukes. This miracle and gift from Allah revived Muslims in entire world and became pride of Muslims from Pakistan to Arab world to Turkey.
From that date to present day, our enemies are working 24 x 7 to disable Pakistan’s nuclear capability and our current government is ready to fulfill demands of their foreign masters but they are facing stiff resistance at every level – from patriotic Pakistanis who are holding their grounds to give foreign agents a tough fight, to our intelligence agencies and armed forces are ready to break arms trying to touch our nuclear arsenal with false intentions.
A brief visual recap how much in difficult situation and dangerous circumstances Pakistan attained nuclear capability.

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