
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

David Patraeus failed in Afghanistan, removed by Pentagon

It seems, the four-star general of the Afghanistan war, David Petraeus who is regarded as a hero of the American army and a tower of hopes of that country, crumbled, faced fiasco and being forced to leave Afghanistan. David Petraeus assumed the slot of the top general in Afghanistan, following Mc Crystal mocking American high-ranking officials in an interview given to the Rolingstone journal. Obama put pressure on Mc Crystal to step down and replaced him with David Petraeus.

General David Patraeus, USZ former terrorist in chief
in Afghanistan
Though the sources close to David Petraeus claim that he leaves his post at his own will but experts and the ground realities indicate that he leaves the country because of the humiliation and seatbacks he is facing in his mission; and due to the fact that America is entangled in the war of Afghanistan ever more; the American troops casualties have comparably spiraled up many times; the country is grappling with financial melt-down and the American image as a murderer and criminal has been exposed to the world and to the Afghan people because of the mass murder of civilians committed by the American troops. It should be said that the killing of common people was Petraeus strategy in the first place.

The Obama Administration was predicting that it will keep the war machine running which had almost broken down, if they send general Petraeus to Afghanistan — the army man who had been made larger-than-life figure by hypes of the American information machine network. They thought that they would defeat the Mujahideen; would expand the writ of the Kabul Puppet Administration and would pave the way for realization of American anti-Islamic and ani-Afghan ambitions. But during the past year, though the general resorted to perpetrating brutalities, using both muscles and ploys but obtained nothing. Contrarily, Mujahideen's writ extended to areas where they had had no influence during the past nine years. They were able to launch attacks against those sensitive centers, both foreign and internal, that they never imaged of before that. Among the hundreds of such examples, we can mention a few like, the attacks in the Ministry of Defense, and the Air Corp of the Kabul Puppet Regime and the jailbreak in Kandahar.

According to a survey published by Western media outlets at the end of the last year, the Mujahideen had launched 18,000 attacks during 2010 while the year was not ended completely. If we divide that number by 12 months, we will have 50 attacks every day at average. If we presume that only one foreign soldier has been killed in 3 attacks, then the casualties counts would reach 6,000 soldiers dead. However, in general, there are usually more foreign soldiers casualties during any single attack. These are some of the prominent indicators of the frustrated and failed mission of David Petraeus. The main focus of Petraeus in Afghanistan has been to flare up tribal, lingual, geographical and religious differences and frictions so that Afghanistan will divide by ethnicity and the thread of its national unity will unfurl. But the Almighty Allah foiled this diabolic scheme of Petreaus. Mujahideen took the sparks of jihad to every corner of Afghanistan during the term of Petreaus posting. The strongholds of Jihad became active in the north like they are in other parts of the country. This proved that Afghanistan is a single entity, enjoying unbreakable coordination and bondage.

The other dangerous schemes of Petraeus were the formation of Arbakis and local militias. Thus he wanted to create rifts between the Mujahideen and the common people. But the Afghan people were aware of the consequences of this wicked plan. They are still remembering the bitter memories of the past communist regime. So they decisively foiled this devilish conspiracy and a strong reaction of the Afghan masses came to the open. The American sources may ascribe Petraeus transfer to his poor health, or that he is suffering from cancer or he is going to be appointed as chairman of the European Union or that he is a pick for chairmanship of CIA, the diabolic network. Though, he may be appointed to one of these slots, but the real cause for his transfer is that, this key figure of Pentagon, a general emblazoned with so many medals and stars is that he clearly failed to deliver the “good”. He has faced humiliation, bearing multi-facet stigmas on his face. Therefore, Pentagon and the White House had to remove him as he was adding to the already accumulated humiliation. The powers-that-be in American will replace him by another snowman to keep the attention of the public of the West engaged for some time.

(Official Mujahideen sources reporting from Afghanistan)

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