
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Baba Iqbal's igniting message to the youth

Iqbal was deeply concerned with the students. His message is particularly addressed to the younger generation of the Muslims. He always taught the Muslim youth 'to make their nest within their own ego (Khudi) although they had education to western lines'. Iqbal r.a repeatedly urged the Muslims to recognize and explore their own self rather than becoming a blind follower of the other nations. He pleads:

"O Muslim! Remember, you can not construct your life by imitating others. Under the law of nature Man can really progress only through his own research and ideas. (What Allama Iqbal means is when a nation imitates another nation, it is  bound to be subjugated by the other).  A living nation is capable of creating new worlds through its own thought and deeds. Therefore, if you have the determination of a REAL Muslim, then look into yourself and delve deep in the Quran. You will discover that its verses hide hundreds of new worlds and its moments conceal thousands of new eras. In order to solve the current problems only the application of a single point of the Quran is sufficient. But you can comprehend this point only if your breast contains an understanding heart. A Muslim is one the signs of Allah and hence has the vitality to survive and progress in every age. When one world becomes outworn, he can construct another through the teachings of the Holy Quran.

He wanted them to cultivate the love of Allah and tread steadfastly on the path which Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h) has carved out for the Muslims. The development of an atheistic trend among the Muslim youth disturbed Iqbal profoundly, for he always kept before his mind's eye, an important observation of Jamaluddin Afghani which is recorded in his work entitled 'Radd-e-Naturia' (Refutation of the Naturists). Afghani observes that in the West even if no were to become an atheist, one remains at least a nationalist or a patriot and eventually succeeds in exploring a new method for the welfare of his people through the novelty of his thought and actions. But in the world  of Islam, drifting towards atheism always implies renunciation of one's own cultural traditions and begging for the thoughts and ideas of others. How ashamed Iqbal was of the development of an atheistic trend among the Muslim youth, can be judged from the poem entitled: "Haali's dialogue with Saadi of Shiraz in Paradise", Saadi asks Haali about the condition of the Muslims youth and in reply Haali says:

"When one is equipped with religion, one's ideas achieve loftiness. But as it is not so, the nature of the youth is earth bound. If the foundation of the garden's wall is shaking, it is manifest that the beginning of the end of the garden has commenced. Since it didn't get water from the sacred well of the Community, the younger generation of Muslims has succumbed to the atheistic trend. But do not mention this in the presence of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), lest the Muslims of India consider me a tell-tale."
In Javid-nama, Iqbal has revealed the secret and significance of the faith of Islam of the Muslim youth. In Zarb-e-Kalim he pleads:
"If you were to look at the world through your own eyes, the heavens would illumine by the light of your vision. But this begging of thoughts and ideas from others- have you no access even to your own self?!"

Iqbal believed that the economic paradise of Muslims was concealed in the historical continuity of their religious and cultural traditions. If the youth were to carry out research, keeping this fundamental fact in view, they could certainly bring a new society into bring through creative thought and action.
"Your eye must not be impressed by a borrowed heaven because your paradise lies hidden in your own blood. Therefore, strive constantly O being of Clay, and behold the reward of your endeavour!"
In the poem, Fountain of Zarb-e-Kalim, he says:
"The flow of the stream in the lap of the dust is a sight which displeases my eye. Do not look at that, dear Youngman!  But look at this  - the fountain has risen by its inner force (Khudi)." 
Hence Iqbal consistently impresses upon the students that Islam carries a revolutionary message, and that if they determine to construct their nation in the light of Qur'anic teachings, they can realise the social ideal of Islam!

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