
Sunday, February 27, 2011

Obama's "Baracking" exposes the reality of Libya's "revolution"

The Zionist globalist President of USZ, Barack Obama has urged Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi to step down immediately, saying his government had lost its legitimacy. "The Libyan people deserve a government that is responsive to their aspirations and that protects their universally recognized human rights", Obama said on Saturday. It was Obama's most direct demand yet that Gaddafi step down. Obama and Merkel also reaffirmed their “support” for the Libyan people's demands for universal rights. This direct call by the Zionist Obama has clearly exposed the secret hand involved in subversion inside Libya and the rest of Middle East. It should be noticed that Obama has not told puppet dictators in Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Qatar & UAE to step down yet because so far they are serving their masters good. No sanctions have been slapped against them when they oppress, persecute & kill those who oppose USZ & its puppets. Actually he never will, because they serve USZ & they allow military bases & spies on Muslim lands. He did not want his Egyptian slave  Mubarak to step down until he refused to wage war against Iran for the sake of USZ and Israhell. USZ-Israhell  then devised a way to keep a similarly biased regime who would serve them as good as Mubarak had been doing before his refusal. The plan comprised of transferring power to the military, armed, supported and owned by USZ.

The Zionist Barack Obama

Libyan security forces have reportedly killed dozens of thugs who were apparently mercenaries coming from foreign secret forces for the soul purpose of destabilizing Libya and assassinating protesters in order to spark the misunderstandings further between separatist groups and government. Zionist channels like Al-Jazeera, CNN and FOX are doing venomous propaganda against Libya by spreading fake rumors and simple Libyans are falling in their propaganda trap in masses. Libya is bracing for more violence as thousands of protesters, seeking the ouster of the Gaddafi regime, are moving toward the capital. According to the latest reports, demonstrators have already passed through the suburbs of Tripoli.

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