
Friday, December 3, 2010

Operation "Keen Sword" expanding - Japan and USZ launch biggest-ever joint war games

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Japan and the United States of Zionism have launched their biggest-ever joint military exercises off Japan's southern islands near South Korea amid growing tensions in the Korean Peninsula. The drills, named "Keen Sword", will continue until December 10. Washington has deployed more than 10,000 troops, 20 warships and 150 aircrafts to take part in the operation. Tokyo recently invited South Korean military officials to observe the exercises. The exercises come several days after an exchange of artillery fire between the two Koreas.

Operation "Keen Sword"

However, USZ and Japanese officials claim the drills were planned before the Korean clashes. The developments come days after Japanese on the southern Island of Okinawa re-elected incumbent governor Hirokazu Nakaima, who wants an end to the American military presence in the island. Nakaima, who wants the USZ Futenma airbase off Okinawa altogether, defeated his opponent who agreed to relocate the base to a less crowded area on the island.

Futenma hosts about half of the USZ troops in Japan as the row over the airbase has given new headaches to Japan's puppet Prime Minister Naoto Kan. Futenma has provoked a wave of angry protests in the country, with the nation demanding a complete removal of the airbase off Okinawa, which has been under the US command since the end of World War II.

Analysts and war specialists all over the globe look at these war games as USZ's last step towards its funeral, not only as a superpower, but also as a "united states". Economically crushed state is pushing itself to its limits only for keeping its ego as a superpower alive and to show the world that it still exists, but unfortunately, or fortunately, not for long now. Some also say that the globalists using American machinery for their globalist agenda deliberately leaked American documents using WikiLeaks just to warn the true American diplomacy that they own them, and if they try to hinder in their globalist plans, they can destroy American image worldwide and make it alone in the international community. They already own dollar and most probably the upcoming American currency as well.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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