
Tuesday, December 28, 2010

"Iran is now a Nuclear State": Ahmadinejad

Reports from Iran say that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has downplayed sanction resolutions against the Islamic Republic, saying Iran has now become a nuclear country. The United States of Zionism and its allies have been exerting political and propaganda pressure and have issued resolutions against the Iranian nation. All their efforts have failed and Iran has now become a nuclear country, President Ahmadinejad said the in an address to the people of the northern city of Karaj on Tuesday. The Iranian chief executive further added that world powers have two options in dealing with the Iranian nation, saying they can either go ahead with their previous path of issuing sanctions against the Islamic Republic or interact with the Islamic Republic.

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad
"The result of the first approach is already clear. It is not the right way", he noted. The Iranian president emphasized that cooperation and not confrontation is the only way to resolve Iran's nuclear energy program. He also pointed out that Western powers should cooperate with the Islamic Republic and recognize the right of the Iranian nation. President Ahmadinejad stressed the importance of recognizing the rights of the Iranian nation to pave the way for cooperation. "We are open to cooperation based on our rights", he went on to say.

"They cannot give back the nuclear energy from the Iranian nation at the present that Iran has become a nuclear country", he said. President Ahmadinejad also warned Western countries that Iran would give a "regretting" response to anyone who "intends to prevent the Iranian nation from achieving its rights". The Iranian chief executive also dismissed the sanctions resolutions passed by the United Nations against Iran as "illegal" and added that sanctions would only "strengthen the Iranian nation and accelerate the pace of our progress."

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