
Monday, December 27, 2010

Israhelli Satans advancing - USZ retreating

Some extremely sinister geo-political changes are taking place on the globe in the pro-Zionism world. Sources close to the French government believe that USZ President Barack Obama has lost the battle to Israhelli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and is continuing to retreat. Meanwhile acting Puppet Palestinian Authority (PA) Chief Mahmoud Abbas sees himself in a better diplomatic and political position, as his close aids tell him that several major European governments would soon open Palestinian embassies in their countries and that more governments will recognize the Palestinian state based on the borders before the 1967 war, and the European Union would acknowledge the creation of a Palestinian state in “due time". This will ensure that Israhell's existence is not endangered.

Nevertheless, the Israhelli-Palestinian direct talks have come to a standstill. The new USZ policy to set aside old tactics and resort to new approaches serve as a seal of approval for such failure. The policy that claims “the USZ has got the solution” has reached the same conclusion as that of both direct and indirect talks, which is to allow the expansion of settlements as well as the occupation. Since the mid-1970s, Israhell has taken advantage of the imbalance in international forces and expanded settlement activities in the name of defending security, ideological or national interests, making a regional solution far more possible to achieve. The latest solution to tackle the issue has been the “exchange of land”. The idea may seem to work for the barren desert of Naqab, but will prove ineffective when it comes to the cities of al-Quds or al-Khalil. The exchange of land is not only linked with settlement or political issues, but it has also Israel's religious motives behind it.

The Israhelli society is becoming more ideological. The religious Zionism, which was initially on the margins of political Zionism, has now been penetrating into the hearts and minds of Israhellis. The expansion of ideological aspects should not only be traced to the Israhelli parliament or religious parties, but also to the army and the social life of Israhell. Extremist rightwing Israhelli parties, which used to hesitate to comment on war or peace, have now taken over the control of the situation while leftist elements are losing their power. The symbol of rightwing extremists is no longer Yigal Amir, who murdered former Israeli Prime Minister Ishaq Rabin and changed the political arena of Israhell. But there are those groups that are capable of changing or influencing the government through parliament.

Earlier, Israhelli rabbis issued a ruling, forbidding the rental or sale of homes to Arabs, though the ruling does not only apply to Arabs since, in fact, includes all non-Jews. The Israhelli cabinet has apparently stated that it would not abide by the ruling and would impede its impact on direct talks. But the government's declaration would not work in a society where the basic principles of Anti-Christ are gradually taking root. The rabbis can tell which soldiers in the army are originally Jewish, regarding the fact that after the fall of the Soviet Union and the immigration of Russians, many of the immigrants are not considered Jewish. Israhell's left-wing parties had introduced “the right of existence” as the philosophical reason behind Israhell's creation while extremist right-wingers believe in the “historical right of existence”, which means banishing those who are considered as aliens. The growing power of satanic parties comes along with Israel's growing power as well as a technological gap widening between Israhell and its Arab neighbors. There are still some individuals in Israhell believing that such privilege should be used as a tool against the West to reach a historical solution and to best guarantee the Israhelli interests. They say that Israhell is in need of peace and a Palestinian state is an alternative to a Palestinian-Jewish state. This idea has certain supporters in the USZ government, and Washington believes that the creation of a Palestinian state is the only way to protect the Jewish identity of Israhell. Some even argue that this is the only way to ensure the existence of Israhell.

Mehmood Abbas, sold out Palestinian Authority chief

This is while such ideas are waning. The settlement activities are controlling the public opinion and loyalty to Israhell equals supporting settlement activities. Various opinion polls suggest that the likelihood for extremist rightwing parties to win in any election is mounting. Which regime would refuse a proposal by the USZ government to get modern aircrafts and enjoy all-out political support in the UN and its affiliated organizations in exchange for a three-month halt in settlement activities? Even the Obama administration did not have a hope in bringing a dramatic change to the direct talks within three months. The USZ idolizes democracy in Israhell and Netanyahu is well aware that neither the Obama administration nor any other future USZ administrations would change that policy. The latest ratification by the USZ House of Representatives that opposes the recognition of a Palestinian state reinforces the idea in Israhell that the USZ has certain interests if the Middle East conflict remains unsolved.

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