
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Funds for Lowari tunnel digested by Government Dacoits - Project hanging incomplete

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

People of district Chitral have expressed deep concern over the freezing of funds for the construction of Lowari Tunnel project and set-up a protest camp on Wednesday.The protesters are led by Convener Tahaffuz Haqooq Chitral, former MNA Abdul Akbar Chitrali along with scores of inhabitants of Chitral. They displayed banners in the protest camp demanding of the government to resume construction work on tunnel project.

Lowari tunnel project was scheduled to complete by 31 December 2010, but the work was halted due to lack of funds. The project was carried out by a Korean construction company “Sambu”. The company also did not pay salaries to consultants for the last eight months due to stoppage of developmental funds to them. After the prevailing situation, the foreign consultants and engineers had quit work and left for their respective hometowns.The earlier estimated cost of the project was Rs 8 billion, but due to delays and freezing of funds, it will be finalized at amount of Rs 23 billion against stipulated period. The people of Chitral have held the incumbent coalition government responsible for delaying of the project. The present government of dacoits did not release the required funds to the construction company, because of which it compelled to halt development work on the project.

This is not all, reports say that government dacoits have also held back funds of several of the mega projects for the construction of Dams in Pakistan while our idiotic media channels are busy in their circus of WikiLeaks.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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