
Sunday, August 1, 2010

Osama Bin Laden is ‘Probably’ Dead!:

Zainulabedin Ameer | PKKH Editorial
The decade leading up to the events of September 11, 2001, held many signals that indicated a possible major terror strike at the heart of America. There were already some relatively smaller attacks, such as the Oklahoma City bombing, which served as a prelude to what was believed to be imminent. People all over, but mainly in the US, were already being mentally prepared for what was about to happen, a major attack that would change the world we live in. While many were shocked when the WTC was struck by airplanes supposedly flown by suicidal men of Middle Eastern origin, most people might not have been surprised, because, they were well conditioned to believe that extremist Muslims would be to blame for such an attack. And, what ensued immediately after the attack, without any enquiry, was a blame campaign; Osama Bin Laden was the name on every tongue in the electronic and print media. As expected, people acknowledged and repeated what the media said, and everyone was convinced, except for some skeptics, that Osama Bin Laden was to blame for the attacks on the WTC. Today, the international media continues to convince people that Osama Bin Laden is to blame for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, and that he is on the loose. However, if one looks at the facts and considers what prominent individuals, such as state leaders and intelligence directors, have said about Osama’s whereabouts and well being, it seems almost certain that Osama Bin Laden is dead.

When the 9/11 attacks took place, the CIA supposedly had credible information that Osama Bin Laden and his network were responsible. However, at no stage was any evidence furnished. And to this day, no one has seen anything remotely point to Osama Bin Laden, which is probably because there is none at all. Also, there has never been a proper enquiry into the supposed terrorist attacks; the 9/11 Commission never did complete its job – Everyone seemed much too engrossed in the War on Terror that they forgot about investigating what triggered it! Everyone set their eyes on the trail of Osama Bin Laden, which the international media had the world believe was in Afghanistan.
Sure, Osama Bin Laden must have been in Afghanistan, spitting venom and wishing death to America as he usually did. But, the Afghanis did not want a war on their hands; all they asked for was evidence of Osama’s involvement in the 9/11 attacks, which the arrogant US administration did not have. But you see, they [the US] did not need to produce evidence of Osama’s involvement; they had the attention of the world on their side. The Afghanis were not going to be convinced without evidence, but in the eyes of the international community, an attack on Afghanistan was seen as legitimate – This was indeed a dark time for those who believed in the maxim, ‘innocent until proven guilty,’ and the democratic world had thus compromised on its own values, and shamed itself before simple folk.
It is clear enough who the real victims were and are — the poor Afghanis, obviously! They are the ones either running from bullets, bombs and rapists, or fighting to get the infidels of their sacred land. Many believe that the Afghanis [Taliban] are fighting to defend Osama Bin Laden and the supposed Al Qaeda network, but the truth is that their freedom struggle against foreign oppressors has everything to do with protecting their land, and has nothing to do with Osama Bin Laden, who is ‘probably’ dead! Osama Bin Laden lives on as just a name much like Mickey Mouse, which isn’t a real person, but is still a source of billions of Dollars in income. Believed to be buried in the Tora Bora hills without his grave being marked – a Wahabi way of burying the dead – Osama Bin Laden is just a name that is used to keep the War on Terror alive.

In the western media, after 9/11, reports on Osama Bin Laden’s probable whereabouts continued to be released every now and again. Additionally, there have also been some rather obscure videos, in which Osama appeared to have a new look; he seemed to have a trimmed beard, which no longer carried age-distinct grey streaks – that’s outrageous for a man who was supposed to be religious! Moreover, he seemed to be in better health, which is a little strange given that he was suffering from renal failure, and there was no facility in Afghanistan for regular dialysis.
It is quite understandable why there has been an immense amount of doubt cast over Osama Bin Laden’s well being and survival; many state leaders and prominent figures believe that he is ‘probably dead.’ The most striking comment came from ex-prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, in a BBC interview, Frost Over the World, in November 2007, when she said the man who tried to kill her, Omar Sheikh, is the same man that killed Osama Bin Laden. Not surprisingly, this portion of her interview was omitted when the BBC aired the program. Now, here is a credible political leader who has never been known to make mistakes in her statements, and there can be very little doubt cast over what she said.
It is interesting to also note that while we consider Benazir Bhutto’s statement to be credible, hardly a month earlier, in October 2007, she said that she was prepared to co-operate with the American military to locate Osama bin Laden. What can we derive from this? Was she at first ready to play along with the US? Did that attempt on her life in October change the way she was going to deal with the Americans? Whatever really happened and whatever changed her mind, something went terribly wrong somewhere, and next we knew, she was killed in what we might call a classic assassination; it was one in which the man who pulled the trigger was instantly disposed off. To understand what really happened and who was responsible for this heinous crime, we’d need to have a separate discussion.
Statements Made About Osama Bin Laden’s Whereabouts, Illness and Death Arranged Chronologically:
Besides Benazir Bhutto’s statements made in November 2007, there are many other leaders and authorities who are almost totally convinced that Osama Bin Laden is dead. These individuals largely base their assessments on the fact that he was an ailing man whose health had deteriorated rapidly between 2000 and 2002, and on the fact that there has been no credible footage of him giving any statements since 2002.
• As far back as October 2002, in an interview on CNN, Afghan President Hamid Karzai said: “I would come to believe that [bin Laden] probably is dead.”
• In April 2005, a statement of Dr. Clive Williams, Director of Terrorism Studies at the Australian National University, was published in the Sydney Morning Herald. It stated that “…documents provided by an Indian colleague suggested bin Laden died of massive organ failure in April last year [2004].”In his own words, Dr. Williams said: “… It’s hard to prove or disprove these things because there hasn’t really been anything that allows you to make a judgment one way or the other.”
• Later in 2005, the CIA decided to disband “Alec Station”, which is a unit that explicitly focused on the whereabouts of Osama Bin Laden. Why would they discontinue such an operation when their task had not been accomplished?
• In September 2006, the L’Est Républicain, a French newspaper, quoted Director générale de la sécurité extérieure [DGSE], a French secret service. It said that Osama bin Laden had breathed his last in Pakistan on August 23, 2006, due to typhoid fever. It was believed that he had suffered paralysis in his lower limbs due to the fever. The L’Est Républicain also said that it was the Saudi security services that first got the news of Osama Bin Laden’s death on September 4, 2006. The Saudi government was informed about this through its secret service, which in turn, informed the French secret service. Since the news was a major story that slipped out of the mouth of the French Director General, it could have easily hampered the so-called War on Terror, which the French were a part of. In an attempt to cover up this news, Michèle Alliot-Marie, the French defense minister, said it was regrettable that this report was published even though French President Jacques Chirac announced that there had been no confirmation on Osama Bin Laden’s death.
When it came to the US authorities having to make a statement about the reports of Bin Laden’s death, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said: “No comment, and no knowledge.”
Around the same time, Nic Robertson from CNN claimed that he had gotten information from an unknown source regarding the Saudi intelligence already knowing about Osama Bin Laden’s water-borne illness. However, he said that he had no confirmation on exactly what the disease was or that the man had died.
• In March 2009, The American Spectator released an essay, written by Angelo Codevilla, an International Relations professor at Boston University. In his essay, Professor Codevilla put forward the argument that Osama bin Laden had been dead for many years.
• In April 2009, Pakistan’s President Asif Ali Zardari, in an interview with the Telegraph, said that Osama bin Laden could be dead. He said that there was ‘no trace’ of the man, and intelligence officials were clueless about his location. Ex-President Pervez Musharaf also believed that Osama Bin Laden could be dead, and Pakistan’s intelligence agencies share the same view.
• As recently as a week ago, Pakistani Interior Minister, Rehman Malik, said that there was no trace of Osama Bin Laden anywhere in Pakistan. Indeed, there has been no report of his whereabouts for years. However, Hillary Clinton, much like George W. Bush, tends to rely on her gut feeling; she asserts that Osama Bin Laden is hiding in the tribal areas of Pakistan. Where she gets this information from is for anyone to guess, particularly when even the CIA had decided to disband “Alec Station,” in 2005, acknowledging by this action that Osama Bin Laden is dead.
Osama Bin Laden is Not in Pakistan, and this is Not Pakistan’s War:
It seems fairly obvious that when Mrs. Clinton makes statements insisting that Osama Bin Laden is in Pakistan, she is trying to make grounds for stretching the war from Afghanistan to Pakistan. The obvious attempt is to dump the burden of this war on Pakistan so that the US can save its face and make an exit from Afghanistan. A day prior to Clinton’s statements, Admiral Mullen hinted that ‘Pakistan can win this war in the long run.’ Hold on a second! This is NOT Pakistan’s war! As soon as you pack up and leave along with India, the attacks that are made on Pakistani targets will cease! We are well aware that the US with Indian connivance in Afghanistan is doing its best to make it look like it is Pakistan’s war by training militants and sending them over into neighboring Pakistan to carry out attacks. What other business does India have in Afghanistan? While we know the obvious answer to this question, we must ask our government to back out of the Af-Apk Transit Trade Agreement, which is certainly part of their plan to allow infiltration of militants, RAW agents, illegal weapons, etc. to cause chaos inside Pakistan. The Af-Pak Transit Trade Route is nothing but a last minute trick the Americans are trying to use. We should not fall for this!
Finally, someone must inform Mrs. Clinton that she lacks intelligence; she does not know anything about Osama Bin Laden’s whereabouts or his well being! She should stop making false claims about him being in Pakistan, when most credible sources and intelligence agencies acknowledge that Osama Bin Laden is ‘probably’ dead.

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