
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


"All our national life stooges of the past and present colonial masters have led us. Their contribution has been merely to mortgage our children's future and shot change our dignity by making compromises under the guise of the much-abused supreme national interest."

Our Ideology

As a nation we cannot progress as long as our economy depends on handouts from international lenders and donors. The policies of international lenders have strangulated the capacity of the ordinary citizen to live a life of dignity. We must strive for self-reliance. The goal of self-reliance does not in any way imply that we isolate ourselves from the global economy. It only shows our conviction that by restoring the trust of the people in public institutions we can harness their potential and mobilize them for a better tomorrow.

We offer a new and credible leadership that is committed to restoring Pakistan's political and economic sovereignty by building a new bond of trust between the government and the people. Only through the active participation of the people can we collectively mobilize our human and material resources to forge ahead on the road to a confident and self-reliant nation.

We are committed to political stability through credible democracy, transparency in government and accountability of leadership. We believe in federalism and functional autonomy to the provinces.

We strive a moderate society that banishes hatred and religious bigotry. We are focused on addressing the root causes of religious extremism, which are injustice, poverty, unemployment, and illiteracy while Islam and the Two-Nation Theory remain the bedrock of Pakistan's foundations, religious dogma must not be used to whip up passions to create fear in society. On the contrary, a truly Islamic society advocates tolerance, moderation and freedom to practice the religion of one's choice without fear. Sectarianism is a curse that must be eliminated from society.

Our family values bind society. We must preserve and strengthen them, as they are our strengths for the future. Despite the grinding poverty and injustice, it is the structure of the family that keeps the social fabric intact. Mere passing laws do not change ground realities that force parents to send their children to work. We cannot ignore the present dismal of the children in terms of their right to healthcare, nutrition, and education. Our mothers need to be healthy and educated to properly nurture our young.

An Islamic Society must care for its senior citizens who are most vulnerable. They need special attention and care as not only are they vulnerable, but also most valuable and yet most neglected part of society.

Pakistan is a great experiment in nurturing and sustaining political unity among diverse people based on common ideology. Despite the common strands of national unity, we have rich and diverse cultures, including those of the religious minorities. Cultural and ethnic diversity doesn't bring discord but makes our society rich and tolerant. We must nurture and allow every opportunity for this diversity of culture and traditions to flourish.

Our Mission

To establish a just society based on humane values while continuously upholding the self-esteem of the nation. The PTI will restore the sovereign and inalienable right of the people to choose political and economic options in accordance with our social, cultural, and religious values. We are broad-based movement for change whose mission is to create a free society based on justice. We know that national renewal is only possible if people are truly free.

Our leadership approaches the people with sincerity and a sense of history and we pledge to commitment to:

    * Freedom from Political, Economic and Mental Slavery - A self reliant modern Islamic Republic
    * Freedom from Injustice - Inexpensive and quick dispensation of justice
    * Freedom from Poverty - 50 percent increase in per capita income in 5 years
    * Freedom from Unemployment - Two million new jobs every year
    * Freedom from Homelessness - 2.0 lac new housing units every year and complete ownership right to millions living in Katchi Abadis
    * Freedom from Illiteracy - Full literacy in 5 years
    * Freedom to Generate Wealth
    * Freedom from Fear - Complete Freedom of thought and expression
    * Freedom for Women - Free education up to Matric for girls from poor households.
    * Equal right for minorities - no religious discrimination


The constitution was approved by the Central Executive Committee of the party under the Chairmanship of Mr. Imran Khan, Chairman Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf at Lahore on 24 January 1999.

   1. Creation of Pakistan was the result of relentless struggle of Muslims in India under the inspiring- leadership of Quaid-e-Azam Mohammad Ali Jinnah to establish a homeland where they could practice their beliefs and Ideals.
   2. Pakistan was envisaged as a country and society wherein people would live in harmony and peace free from exploitation corruption and prejudices of all kind under a democratic system ensuring justice, equality and prosperity for all citizens.
   3. Concentration of power at the center has negated the spirit of federalism causing a sense of deprivation amongst the federating units which has resulted, in narrow parochialism, ethnicity and division among the people that led to separation of East Pakistan and continues to threaten the integrity and solidarity of Pakistan.
   4. Pakistan fell into the hands of ruling elite consisting of inept, corrupt. and selfish politicians, feudals, civil and military bureaucrats and other vested interests who have plundered Pakistan and have brought it to the brink of disaster.
   5. Colonial system of Government and feudal hold of society nourished a dependency syndrome, which has created a chronic debt-dependent economy curbing initiative and self-reliance.
   6. Justice has disappeared from all walks of life and the state institutions have lost credibility.
   7. The common citizen is deprived of access to basic necessities of life such as food, education, employment, health care, clothing, housing and transportation and has been, made victim of violence in society, breakdown of law and order, institutionalized corruption, tyranny of police and other government departments.

Jammu and Kashmir has remained an incomplete agenda of Pakistan Movement.

Pakistan stands at the threshold of economic disaster, breakdown of institutions, collapse of governance, social disorder, desperation and disillusionment.


We have launched a political party to mobilize the people to extricate Pakistan from its present state of despair and to set it on the path of unity, solidarity, social justice and prosperity.

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Name & Objective

The name of the political party is "Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf"

The Objectives of the Party are:

   1. To make Pakistan an egalitarian modern Islamic welfare state which upholds the fundamental rights of the people in which all citizen s regardless of caste, creed and religion, can live in peace, harmony and happiness.
   2. To promote and protect the freedom of thought and expression.
   3. To devise, formulate and implement systems and policies so as to eradicate corruption and tyranny in all its forms and manifestations from public life and to create permanent institutions of accountability for those who have corrupted the system (rather than those who have been corrupted by the system) and to recognize, protect and encourage persons of integrity and competence in all walks of life.
   4. To promote tolerance and to eliminate all kinds of prejudices throughout the country; whether provincial, ethnic, religious, sectarian, linguistic or tribal; and to inculcate a spirit of unity, mutual affection, brotherhood and prosperity for all.
   5. To replace prevalent colonial system of government with a Vibrant, responsive and democratically decentralized form of governance.
   6. To promote and enforce provincial autonomy.
   7. To devolve and decentralize state power to local bodies by providing constitutional protection to them in order to ensure community participation in planning and development of all regions of Pakistan.
   8. To promote equality, unity, solidarity and brotherhood amongst the citizens and to strive for a Pakistani identity.
   9. To prelude personal enrichment by politicians and public officials through abuse of authority by enacting laws prohibiting conflict of interest.
  10. To eliminate nepotism, favoritism and jobbery from the national life and to make merit as a criterion in all walks of life.
  11. To ensure independence of judiciary and to provide inexpensive and expeditious system of justice through a healthy, responsive, credible and effective court system.
  12. To eliminate VIP culture, arrogant display of wealth and authority, double standards of dispensation of rights and justice, repression and oppression of the down-trodden by the state functionaries.
  13. To eliminate the curse of illegal wealth, feudal coercion and administrative interference in politics and elections.
  14. To weed out smugglers, drug pushers, qabza groups and other parasites and anti-social elements.
  15. To reform the electoral system that would bring about accountability of election expenses and drastically reduce election spending, and to prevent defaulters and the corrupt from, participating in elections, thus facilitating persons of integrity and modest means to get elected to the legislatures.
  16. To abolish feudalism and to implement land reforms and the state lands so acquired, to be distributed amongst the landless peasants.
  17. To introduce just and equitable system of land tenure and to protect the tiller and cultivator from the excesses of the revenue administration and feudal exploitation.
  18. To tax all sources of income including agriculture and to ensure payment of government and public dues and to eliminate massive financial leakages throughout the country.
  19. To extend equal and adequate educational and health facilities to all citizens throughout the country and to achieve 100% literacy.
  20. To introduce a uniform system of quality education and to develop core 'curriculum for all strata of society and to discourage elitism.
  21. To endeavor for sustained low inflation economic growth through major improvements in the social and physical infrastructure and support facilities in order to promote economic activity and prosperity for all throughout Pakistan.
  22. To contain inflation and stabilize prices of the necessities of life.
  23. To endeavor for universal employment through massive economic, industrial and agricultural development.
  24. To uphold dignity of labour, to promote socio-economic and political emancipation of the working classes to ensure just wages for all workers and peasants.
  25. To redress the grievances and problems of fixed income groups like clerks, pensioners and senior citizens.
  26. To promote and protect investments by overseas Pakistanis and other investors, cutting layers of regulations, securing investment environment, transparency and durability in economic policies.
  27. To reform and restructure the civil services at all levels by providing constitutional protection to civil servants against politicization and interference, and to promote specialization and efficiency.
  28. To recognize, promote and implement policies that protect the rights of women belonging to all strata of society, specially middle and working classes as equal citizens and to encourage participation of women in the national and political life.
  29. To provide for representation for women.
  30. To provide for special seats for labour technocrats, professionals and intellectuals in the legislatures.
  31. To protect the rights and interests of the minorities and to respect their aspirations.
  32. To introduce joint electorates throughout Pakistan.
  33. To ensure that all unjust laws, especially manipulation by the government, and restrictions contrary to the freedom of press and rights of the journalists and press workers are abolished.
  34. To release electronic media from governmental strangulation and monopoly.
  35. To strive for the right of the citizens to have free access to public information.
  36. To introduce police reforms in order to make it responsive to the needs of citizens.
  37. To introduce and implement extensive judicial reforms in order to provide expeditious justice through an efficient court system.
  38. To ensure participation of the youth, the future leaders of Pakistan, in the national mainstream.
  39. To train the youth and modernize their skills through technical education and employment opportunities.
  40. To reduce the age of voters to 18 years so that the youth of the country may equally contribute to the national life.
  41. To ensure participation of Overseas Pakistanis in the electoral process.
  42. To strengthen family as a unit and to promote family values.
  43. To preserve, protect and promote the rich and diverse cultural heritage of Pakistan.
  44. To pursue an independent foreign policy conducive to national interest with special emphasis on relations with regional countries and the Muslim Ummah.
  45. To strengthen national security and defence against external and internal threats.
  46. To strive for the right of self-determination for the people of Kashmir.
  47. To support international efforts for welfare and dignity of global community and to establish a just international economic order.
  48. To enforce Islamic Provisions of the Constitution on nonsectarian basis.

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The membership of Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf will be open to all citizens of Pakistan, regardless of religion, caste, creed, gender and place of residence, who are at least. 18 years of age and fully subscribe to the constitution and objectives of the party. The membership fee will be prescribed and payable at the time of signing the membership form, those who sign the membership form shall be deemed to have relinquished membership of any other political party.

The Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf shall consist of following organizations:

A Primary Organization shall consist of a Mohalla in urban area or part thereof and a Village in rural area or part thereof.

A Ward Organization shall consist of a Ward in ad urban local council or a Halqa of a District Council in rural areas.

A Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Divisional/Zonal Organization consisting of Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Division or a Zone in a District or a City as delineated by the Provincial Organization.

A District Organization shall consist of a District under the law.

A City Organization shall consist of the urban limits of each of the following cities:

Karachi, Hyderabad, Sukkur, Quetta, Lahore, Faisalabad, Multan, Rawalpindi, Gujranwala, Sialkot, Sargodha, Bahawalpur, Peshawar, Abbotabad and such other cities as are notified by the Central Executive Committee from time to time.

Provided that if a city mentioned hereinabove is part of a District, then the District Organizations shall consist of the areas of the District excluding the limits of the city.

A Divisional Organization shall consist of a Civil Division in a Province.

A Provincial Organization shall be formed for each Province.

An Organization shall be formed for Federal Capital Territory.

An Organization shall be formed for Federally Administered Tribal Areas.

An Organization shall be formed for Federally Administered Northern Areas.

An Organization shall be formed for Overseas Pakistanis.

A National Organization shall be formed for the entire country including Overseas Pakistanis.

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Office Bearers and Members of the Organization

   1. Each Primary Organization shall consist of at least 30 Members. Each Primary Organization shall consist of the following office bearers:
          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Two Vice Presidents.
          * Secretary.
          * Joint Secretary.
          * Finance Secretary and
          * Publicity Secretary.

      The office bearers shall be elected by the Members of the Primary Organization. In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of up to 10 Members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex officio members of the Working Committee.
   2. Each Ward Organization shall consist of office bearers of all Primary Organizations Within its area, who shall form into its electorate and shall elect the following office bearers:
          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Two Vice Presidents.
          * Secretary.
          * Two Joint Secretaries.
          * Publicity Secretary, and
          * Finance Secretary.

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of up to 10 members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex officio members of the Working Committee.
   3. Each Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Division/Zonal Organization shall consist of office bearers of all the Ward Organizations within its area which shall form its electorate and shall elect the following office bearers:
          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Two Vice Presidents.
          * Secretary.
          * Two Joint Secretaries.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.
          * Secretary Legal Affairs.
          * Secretary Public Welfare.
          * Secretary Literacy, and
          * Secretary Culture.

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of upto 10 members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex-officio, members of the Working Committee.

      (A public grievance Cell/Committee to be constituted for redress of public grievances and to attend to social problems.)
   4. District Organizations

      There shall be a District Organization for each District which shall consist of office bearers of all Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Division/Zonal Organizations in the District.

      A District Organization shall elect the following office bearers:

          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Four Vice Presidents.
          * General Secretary.
          * Two Joint Secretaries.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.
          * Secretary Legal Affairs.
          * Secretary Public Welfare.
          * Secretary Youth/Student Affairs.
          * Secretary Literacy.
          * Secretary Culture and
          * Secretary Publicity.

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of 20 members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex officio members of the Working Committee.

      Provided that the President and Secretary of the Women Wing of the District Organization shall be ex officio Vice President and joint Secretary of the District Organization.

      Provided that the President of the Youth Wing of the District shall be ex officio Secretary Youth/Student affairs.

      Provided further that the District where there is concentration of labour, an ex officio Secretary Labour who is the President of the Labour Wing of the District, shall also be included in the District Organization.
   5. City Organizations There shall be a City Organization for each City named in Article IV (5) above which shall consist of office bearers of all Zonal Organizations in the City.

      A City Organization shall elect the following office bearers:

          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Four Vice Presidents.
          * General Secretary.
          * Two Joint Secretaries.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.
          * Secretary Legal Affairs.
          * Secretary Public Welfare.
          * Secretary Youth/Student Affairs.
          * Secretary Literacy.
          * Secretary Culture.
          * Secretary Publicity.

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Working Committee of 20 members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex officio, members of the Working Committee.

      Provided that the President and Secretary of the Women Wing of the City Organization shall be ex officio, Vice President and joint Secretary of the City Organization.

      Provided that the President of the Youth Wing of the City Organization shall be ex officio Secretary Youth/ Student Affairs.

      Provided further that the city where there is concentration of labour, an ex officio Secretary Labour who is President of Labour Wing of the City, shall be included in the City Organization.

      Divisional Organizations

      There shall be a Divisional Organization for each Civil Division which shall consist of office bearers of all District and City Organizations within the Civil Division.

      A Divisional Organization shall elect the following office bearers:

          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Four Vice Presidents.
          * General Secretary.
          * Two Joint Secretaries.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.
          * Secretary Legal Affairs.
          * Secretary Welfare.
          * Secretary Publicity, and
          * Secretary Youth/Student Affairs (to be nominated by the President of Provincial Organization.)
            In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a working committee of 20 members to be nominated by the President. The office bearers shall be ex officio members of the Working Committee.

            Provided that the President of the Women Wing of the City Organization shall be ex officio vice president of the City Organization.

            Provided that the formation of a Divisional Organization, the number of its office bearers and its functions may be varied, with the approval of Central Executive Committee, to suit the specific needs of the efficient and smooth operation of the- Party Organization in each Province.
   6. Provincial Organizations

      There shall be a Provincial Organization in each Province of Pakistan which shall consist of Provincial Council and Provincial Executive Committee.

      A Provincial Council shall consist of the following:

         1. Presidents and General Secretaries of all Divisional Organizations within the Province.
         2. Presidets and General Secretaries of all the District Organizations within the Province.
         3. Presidents and General Secretaries of all City Organizations within the Province.
         4. Presidents of all Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Division/Zonal Organizations within the Province.
         5. Presidents of all Divisional, District and City Women, Wing Organizations.
         6. Members of the Provincial Assembly, who are party members, shall be ex officio members.
         7. Technocrats, Professionals and intellectuals from amongst the members of the Party in the Province to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Provincial President.
         8. Provided that the number of technocrats, professionals and intellectuals shall not exceed one-third of the number of members belonging to clause (a) to (e) above.

      Twenty members with five members each from Women Wing, Youth/Student Organizations, Labour Organizations and Minorities within the Province to be nominated by the Chairman in consultation with the Provincial President.

      The Provncial Council shall elect the following office bearers:

          * President.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Four Vice Presidents.
          *  General Secretary.
          * Four Joint Secretaries.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.
          * Secretary Legal Affairs.
          * Secretary Public Welfare.
          * Secretary Literacy.
          * Secretary Culture.
          * Secretary Labour and
          * Secretary Publicity.

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be a Provincial Executive Committee of 30 members to be nominated by the President out of the members of the Council. The office bearers shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

      Provided that the nomination of the members by the President shall be subject to prior approval by the Central Executive Committee.

      Provided that President of the Women Wing in the Province shall be ex officio Vice President.
   7. National Organization

      There shall be a National Organization for the entire country including Overseas Pakistanis, which shall include the National Council and the Central Executive Committee.

         1. The National Council shall include as many elected members as are the number of districts and the Constituencies of the members of the National Assembly in the country. The members of the National Council shall be elected by the District and City Organizations. Each District or City Organization shall elect as many members from the District as are the number of constituencies of National Assembly plus one district seat from that District.
         2. The Presidents and General Secretaries of the Provinces shall be members of the National Council
         3. There shall be twenty members, five elected each from Youth Organization, Labour Organization, Minorities and Overseas Pakistani Organization.
         4. There shall be representatives of women one elected from each Civil Division in Pakistan by the Women Organization of that Division, one each from Islamabad, FATA and FANA.
         5. Technocrats, professionals and intellectuals in the country, to be nominated by the Chairman, who shall not exceed one third of the number of the members belonging to classes (a) to (d) above.

      The National Council shall elect the following office bearers:

          * Chairman.
          * Senior Vice President.
          * Four Vice Presidents - one from each Province.
          * Secretary General.
          * Four Joint Secretaries - one from each Province.
          * Finance Secretary.
          * Information Secretary.

      Provided that the President of the Women Wing shall be ex-officio Vice President of the National Council.
   8. Central Executive Committee

      In addition to the office bearers, there shall be an Executive Committee of upto 40 members to be nominated by the Chairman from amongst the members of the National Council. The Presidents of the Provinces shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee.

      Vote of no-confidence

      Office bearers of National and Provincial Councils can be removed through a vote of no-confidence.

      A vote of no-confidence can be passed against the Chairman by two-third of the total membership of the 'National Council. A vote, of no-confidence can be passed against other office bearers by majority of the total membership of the National Council.

      A vote of no-confidence can be passed against any office bearer of a Provincial Organization by a majority of the total membership of the Provincial Council.

      Provided that a vote of no-confidence shall not be voted upon unless the office bearer concerned has been given at least two weeks notice prior to such a vote. Provided further that all members of the National and Provincial Organizations, as the case may be, including nominated ones, shall have a right to participate and exercise their votes in a vote of no-confidence.

      Provided further that a vote of no-confidence cannot be moved by less than one-fifth of the total members of the Council as the case may be.

      Provided further that if a vote of no-confidence fails against an office, bearer, no fresh motion for vote of no-confidence can be moved against him for at least a period of six months.

      Functions of the Organizations

      Primary, Ward and Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Division/Zonal Organizations

      The functions of the Primary, Ward and Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Diviision/Zoanal Organizations shall be:

          * To motivate people to joint the Party;
          * To promote, disseminate and implement the Party Programmes amongst the people within their respective areas.
          * To work for social uplift and development of their respective areas.
          * To feed the Provincial and National Organizations With information about the problems in their respective areas to facilitate the formulation of Party policies, at the National and Provincial levels which are responsive to the real issues and actual problems of the people.
          * To work and assist the affectees in their respective areas during emergencies like floods, epidemics, earthquakes and other national disasters.
          * To work at the grass root level for mass literacy and education,, for setting up basic health facilities, for building and maintenance of infrastructure and to educate people in better civic facilities and sanitation.
          * To identify corruption, exploitation, injustices, excesses, pollution and other problems in their respective areas and mobilize public opinion against the perpetrators and to wage moral and legal struggle for their eradication.
          * To establish conciliation bodies at the local level for promoting harmony and social justice.
          * To perform all other functions that are defined else where in this Constitution; and
          * To perform any other acts or functions in pursuance of the policies laid down by Central/Provincial Executive Committees from time to time.

      District and City Organizations

      The functions of the District and City Organizations shall be:
          * To supervise and co-ordinate with the Primary, Ward, and Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Divlsion/Zonal Organizations.
          * To settle all disputes all relation to Primary and Ward Organizations within their respective regions.
          * To disseminate the objectives of the Party within their respective areas.
          * To establish regional offices throughout their respective areas and report to the Divisional and Provincial Organizations.
          * To co-ordinate between the Primary, Ward and Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Diviision/Zonal Organizations, on the one hand and Divisional Organizations and Provincial Organizations on the other hand.
          * To meet at least once in three months.
          * To constitute bodies and to lend support for redressal of injustices and excesses identified by the Primary, Ward and Tehsil/Taluka/Sub Divislon/Zonal Organizations, Within their areas.
          * To perform all other functions that are defined elsewhere in this constitution; and
          * To perform any other acts or functions in pursuance of the policies laid down by the Central/Provincial Executive Committees from time to time.

      Divisional Organizations

      The functions of the Divisional Organizations shall be:
          * To supervise and co- ordinate with the District and City Organizations.
          * To disseminate, the objectives of the party within their respective areas.
          * To monitor regional offices through their respective areas and to report to the Provincial Organization.
          * To co-ordinate between the District and City Organizations on the one hand and the Provincial Organizations on the other.
          * To meet at least once in three months.
          * To perform all other functions that are delegated by the Provincial and National Organizations.

      Provincial Organizations

      A Provincial Council shall be responsible for the work of the Party Organization in the Province.

      The Provincial Council shall meet at the discretion of its President at least once in a year, to perform the following functions-.
          * To consider all matters arising from time to time relating to the aims and objects and performance of the Organization and to take appropriate decisions in these matters within its jurisdiction.
          * To take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of the National Council and Central Executive Committee.
          * To control, direct and regulate all activities of lower Organizations within its jurisdiction.
          * To approve budget and appoint auditors.

      In the event of occurrence of vacancy of an office bearer due to death, permanent incapacitation, removal or resignation, the Provincial Council shall elect such an office bearer for the remaining term of office.

      Provided that one-third of the total membership of a Provincial Council may requisition a meeting of the Council and, on receipt of such requisition, the President shall convene the meeting of the Council within fourteen days. The quorum of a Provincial Council shall be one-fourth of the total membership of the Council. However, the quorum of an adjourned meeting shall be one-fifth of the total membership.

      Provided further that the Chairman may direct the President to call a meeting of the Provincial Council and the President shall call such a meeting within fourteen days of the receipt of such direction.

      National Council

      The National Council shall be the supreme body of the Party, which shall review the progress of the Party from time to time, and shall formulate programmes and policies suitable to the needs and demands of the time. The National Council shall meet at the discretion of the Chairman at least once in a calendar year.

      Its functions shall be
          * To consider all matters arising from time to time relating to the aims and objects and performance of the Organization and to take appropriate decisions in these matters.
          * To supervise the activities of specialist Committees for carrying out such duties as may be entrusted to them, such as Economic Affairs, International Affairs, Agriculture, Education, Labour, Health etc.
          * To approve annual budgets and to appoint auditors.

      For the purpose of, meeting, the quorum shall consist of one fourth of the total membership of the council. However, quorum of an adjourned meeting shall be one-fifth of the total membership.

      In the event of occurrence of vacancy of an office bearer due to death, permanent incapacitation, removal or resignation, the National Council shall elect such office bearer for the remaining term of office.

      Provided that one-fifth of the total membership of the National Council may requisition a meeting of the Council and, on receipt of such requisition, the Chairman shall convene the meeting of the Council within thirty days.

      Executive Committees

      There shall be Executive Committees at the National and Provincial levels.

      Functions of a Provincial Executive Committee

      A Provincial Executive Committee may be summoned by the President at his discretion at any time. However, not more than sixty days shall elapse between two successive meetings of the Executive Committee. The functions of the Executive Committee shall be as under:
          * To carry out day-to-day functions of the Provincial Council.
          * To act as executive authority of the Party in the Province.
          * To take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of the Provincial Council.
          * To control, direct and regulate all activities of lower Organizations within its jurisdiction.
          * To place it’s reports of all actions taken, orders passed and activities done, before the Provincial Council at its annual meeting, for approval.
          * To carry out directives of the Chairman or Central Executive Committee or the National Council.
          * To form sub-committees for carrying out specific purposes assigned to them.

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Functions of Central Executive Committee

The Central Executive Committee may be summoned by the Chairman at his discretion at any time. However, not more than sixty days shall elapse between two successive meetings of the Executive Committee. The functions of the Executive Committee shall be as under:

   1. To assist the Chairman to carry out day-to-day functions of the National Council.
   2. To lay down the party policy and to guide the party at the national level.
   3. To act as executive authority of the party at the national level.
   4. To take all necessary steps to give effect to the decisions of the National Council.
   5. To control, direct and regulate all activities of Provincial Executive Committees.
   6. To control, direct and regulate all activities of the Organisations for the Federal Capital territory, Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Federally Administered Northern Areas and Overseas Pakistanis.

      In case the Central Executive Committee is of the opinion that a Provincial Executive Committee is not carrying out the aims and objects of the Party, it may suspend the Provincial Executive Committee and, summon the Provincial Council to take appropriate action in this behalf. In the meantime, the Central Executive Committee can assume unto itself the functions of the Provincial Executive Committee.
   7. To place it’s reports of all actions taken, orders passed and activities done, before the National Council at its annual meeting, for approval.
   8. Term of Office
      The term of office for all the Organizations at all levels shall be four years. The process of elections of all Organizations shall be commenced one hundred and twenty days before the expiry of the term and shall be concluded thirty days before the expiry of the term. Provided that the Chairman, after consultation with the Central Executive Committee, can extend the term of office of any Organization in an emergent situation, by a period not exceeding one year.

   9. Selection of Party candidates

      The Chairman shall constitute Parliamentary Board for each Province which shall select Party candidates for National and Provincial Assemblies within the Province. District and City Organizations concerned shall recommend at least three persons for selection as Party candidate in each constituency.

      Provided that the Parliamentary Board concerned shall give due consideration to the recommendations of the District/City Organization and the criteria and qualifications laid down for selection of candidates.

      Provided further that the Parliamentary Board shall give preference to the candidate belonging to middle and working classes in order to ensure participation of the people across the board.

      However, only such persons shall be selected for nomination as Party candidates who fulfil the following qualifications:
          * Whose sources 'of income and wealth are not based on corruption.
          * Whose standard of living Is In accordance with his known sources of Income.
          * Who has not obtained plots and permits through influence and bribery.
          * Who has not used his influence to get remission of loans.
          * Who has not been involved in any kind of political horse trading or changed his political affiliation for the sake of personal gains.
          * Who has not been convicted or charged with an offence of moral turpitude.
          * Who is not known to have affiliation with the underworld, or known to have amassed wealth from illegal and anti-social activities like gambling, prostitution, smuggling, qabza group, drug pushing, narcotic dealing, boot-legging and loan sharking.
          * Who is willing to disclose his assets and assets of his immediate family before filling his nomination papers.

      All these qualifications are in addition to and not in substitution of the qualifications provided for the membership of the Parliament and the Provincial Assemblies under the Constitution and the laws of Pakistan.

  10. Powers and Functions of Office Bearers

      Office bearers of Organizations, except Chairman and Secretary General, the Presidents and General Secretaries of the Provinces

      The President shall be the Chief Executive of the relevant Organization and shall exercise administrative control over other office bearers. He shall preside over the meetings of the Organization.

      The Vice Presidents shall exercise the responsibilities delegated to them by their Presidents.

      The General Secretary or Secretary shall, after the President, be responsible for the Organizational work of the Party. He shall attend all meetings of the Organization and Working Committees; keep a record of the deliberations of the Organization and Working Committee in accordance with the rules in this behalf. He shall be responsible for preparation of the agenda under the guidance of the President and for the issue of notices of Organization and Working Committee meetings. He shall present financial statement before the Organization for approval.

      A joint Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the performance of his duties and functions.

      The Information Secretary shall perform the function of public relations and publicity in accordance with the policy of the Party.

      The Finance Secretary shall maintain accounts of all money received and keep them in a bank or in safe custody in the name of the Organization. He shall make such payments as authorised by the Organization or Working Committee or its President and operate the account jointly with the President/Secretary under the authority of the President and prepare half yearly accounts. The President may authorise any office bearer to perform the duties of the Finance Secretary in the absence of the Finance Secretary.

      The Secretary Legal Affairs shall look after the legal matters of the Party at his respective level. He shall also be responsible for maintaining liaison with the legal cells of the Party in order to seek redressal of any grievances that the Party members may have due to political victimization or any other reason arising out of the Party work.

      The Secretary Welfare shall look after any welfare programmes that the Party decides to undertake in its respective area/province.

      The Secretary Literacy shall work within his respective area for mass literacy programme that the Party may initiate at various levels.

      The Secretary Culture shall be responsible for holding cultural programmes in his respective area to popularise the Party amongst common citizens.

      The Secretary Publicity shall be responsible for publishing and maintaining party publicity materials like pamphlets, hand bills, news letters etc, and shall be responsible for distribution of the same amongst party workers and the public at large in his respective area.

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Powers of the Chairman

The Chairman shall be the Head and the Chief spokesman of the Party and shall exercise all powers inherent in his office. He shall ensure that the Organization at all levels works in accordance with the aims and objects of the Party.

He shall have the power to delegate any of his powers to the Secretary General or to any member of the Central Executive Committee.

He shall have power to suspend any office bearer at the national and provincial levels pending disciplinary action against him.

In the event of removal or suspension of an office bearer, he may delegate power and duties of such office bearer to any other member of the Party.

He shall have all other powers which have not been specifically stated including power of interpretation of the Party constitution for successful functioning of the Organization. Provided that an appeal against the Chairman's interpretation could be made to the National Council.

He may appoint special Assistants/ Consultants/ Advisers at the National or Provincial level, in addition to the office bearers elected, if he is satisfied that such appointment is necessary in the Party interest.

He may appoint Specialized Committees as approved by the Central Executive Committee from time to time.

In the event of the incapacitation due to illness or detention of the Chairman,, the Senior Vice President shall act as Chairman of the Party.

The Chairman shall be the appellate authority against any order passed by a Provincial President.

Powers and Functions of the Secretary General

The Secretary General shall, after the Chairman, be responsible for looking after the Organizational work of the Party, take all suitable measures and actions which are necessary to promote the Party and implement its alms and objects.

He may advise the Chairman on any national or political issue or matters of Party Organization.

He shall have the power to recruit, with the approval of the Chairman, salaried persons for the central office of the Party and shall supervise and guide them.

He shall issue from time to time, directives to members and Organizations of the Party in accordance with the directions of the Chairman and the policies and programmes set down by the National Council and the Central Executive Committee.

In the event of death, permanent incapacitation or resignation of the Chairman, the Secretary General shall convene a meeting of the National Council to elect a new Chairman.

He shall record the minutes of the meetings of the National Council and Central Executive Committee.

He may refer the case of any office bearer of the Party to a Disciplinay Committee for action against him.

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Powers and Functions of Provincial President

A Provincial President shall be the head and chief spokesman of the Party in the Province and shall exercise all powers inherent in his office. He shall ensure that the Organization at all levels within the Province works in accordance with the aims and objects of the Party.

He shall have the power to delegate any of his authority to the General Secretary or any member of the Provincial Executive Committee.

He shall have power to suspend an office bearer upto the level of Divisional Organization pending disciplinary action against him.

During the period of suspension of an office bearer, he shall delegate his power to any member of the Party within the Province.

He may appoint specialized committee as approved by the Provincial Executive Committee from time to time.

He shall ensure that all directives of the Chairman and the Central Executive Committee issued from time to time are fully complied, within the Province.

In the event of incapacitation of the President due to illness or detention, the senior Vice President shall act as President.

Powers and Functions of Provincial General Secretary

The General Secretary shall, after the President, be responsible for looking after the organizational work of the Party, take all suitable Measures and actions which are necessary to promote the Party and implement Its aims and objects.

He may advise the President on matters of Party Organization.

He shall have the power to recruit, With the approval of the President, salaried persons for the Provincial office of the Party and shall supervise and guide them.

He shall issue from time to time, directives to members and Organizations of the Party Within the Province in accordance with the directions of the Chairman and the policies and programmes set down by the National Council, the Central Executive Committee, the Provincial Council, Provincial President and the Provincial Executive Committee.

In the event of death, permanent incapacitation or resignation of the President, the General Secretary shall convene a meeting of the Provincial Council to elect a new President.

He shall record the minutes of the meetings of the Provincial Council and Provincial Executive Committee.

He may refer the case of any office bearer of the Party to a Disciplinary Committee for action against him.


Responsibilities of Organizations

All Organizations of the Party shall, within their respective jurisdictions, act in advancement of the aims and objects of the Party.


Membership fees shall be retained by the Provincial Organizations. All Organizations at the various levels shall, however, have the authority to require the lower Organizations to contribute a proportion of their income to their funds as and when such necessity arises. To maintain the independence of the Party and to finance the implementation of its aims, objectives and programmes, the Central and Provincial Executive Committees shall authorize fund raising activities to meet the financial targets. Proper accounts of the funds shall be maintained which shall be audited by the auditors appointed by Central and Provincial Executive Committees.

Amendment to the Constitution

An amendment to the Constitution can be moved by the Central Executive Committee before the National Council. An amendment can also. be moved by one-tenth of the membership of the National Council.

The constitution of the Party can be amended by the National Council provided that the proposed amendment is approved by at least a two-third majority of the members present. The Chairman may refer to the Council for reconsideration of the amendment. which may again be passed by two-third of the members, present.

Provided that the proposed amendment shall. be circulated amongst the members of the National Council fourteen days prior to the meeting.

Differences and Disputes

All matters, differences and disputes at meetings of various Organizations of the Party shall be decided by a majority of votes.

Party Election Commission and its Procedure

The Central Executive Committee shall appoint a Central Election Commissioner for a period of five years who shall in consultation with the Chairman appoint members to the Central Election Commission.

The Central Election Commission shall be responsible for holding Party elections at the level of Central and Provincial Organizations.

The Central Election Commission shall appoint Provincial Election Committees which shall be responsible for holding elections at all tiers below the Provincial Organizations.

The Central Election Commission shall frame its own rules for conduct of elections.

Results of the elections at all levels shall be intimated immediately to Central Election Commission.

The Central Election Commission or a Provincial Election Committee may release the results of election to the Press.

Only one appeal against the decision of an Election Committee shall be permissible. The appeal shall lie before the higher forum within a week of such decision.

The members of Election Commission shall be drawn from the National Council, They shall be disqualified from contesting any party election during the period of their tenure.

Quallfications for election to Party Office

Only such members of the party shall be eligible for election to party offices who fulfill the following qualifications:

Whose sources of income and wealth are not based on corruption.

Whose standard of living is in accordance with his known sources of income.

Who has not obtained plots and permits through influence and bribery.

Who has not used his influence to get remission of loans.

Who has not been involved in any kind of political horse trading or changed his political affiliation for the sake of personal gains.

Who has not been involved in any kind of political horse trading or changed his political affiliation for the sake of personal gains.

Who has not been convicted or charged with an offence of moral turpitude.

Who is not known to have affiliation with the underworld, or known to have amassed wealth from illegal and anti-social activities like gambling, prostitution, smuggling, qabza group, drug pushing, narcotic dealing, boot-legging and loan sharking.

Who is willing to disclose his assets and assets of his immediate family before filing his nomination papers.

Efficiency and Disciplinary Matters

The following Organizations shall be authorised to take actions for inefficiency and violation of discipline against the following Organizations:

Organization under Authorised Appellate

Disciplinary Organization Organization


1- Primary and Ward District & City Divisional

Orqanizations Organizations Organizations


2- Tehsil/Taluka/ District & City Provincial

Sub-Divisional/Zonal Organizations Executive

Organizations Concerned Committee

3- District/City/Divisional Provincial Central

Organizations Executive Executive

Committee Committee

4- Organizations for

Federal Territory,

Federally Administered

Tribal Areas, Central

Federally Administered Executive

Northern Areas or Committee

Overseas Pakistanis


That where the authorised Organization for disciplinary action is Central Executive Committee, the Organization concerned shall have a right of review.

That for the purposes of disciplinary action and hearing appeals, the concerned Organization shall form i subcommittee to act on its behalf, which shall submit the report after due enquiry or hearing, to the Organization concerned.

That no action against any Organization shall be taken unless it has been given a show-cause notice containing in detail the allegations against it and providing adequate opportunity, including inquiry into the facts constituting the allegations against such Organization.

That Central Executive Committee can take action against any Organization at any level on its own motion if it is of the opinion that such Organization is not performing its functions under the Constitution or is functioning in a manner detrimental to the party interest.

Special Organizations

There shall be special Organizations for Women, Youth/Student, Labour and Overseas Pakistanis, which shall form wings of the Party. These wings shall be autonomous in their working. The Central Executive Committee shall frame rules for internal working of these wings.

Temporary Provisions

Until the adoption of this constitution by the National Council, the Central Executive Committee shall have the power to make appropriate amendments in the Constitution.

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International Constitution

I. Preamble:
A separate international organization for non resident Pakistani members of PTI is
required as per section IV, paragraphs 10 and 11 of the PTI Constitution. The overseas
membership of the party has seen a tremendous increase in the recent past and
organizations have been formed in several countries and cities. The Constitution does
not clearly define the responsibilities, role and task of the international organizations.
This addendum is being issued to streamline the working of the International
Organizations and will come into force immediately.

II. Mission Statement:
The task of the International organizations would be to promote the PTI manifesto of
Justice, Humanity and Self esteem to the international media, think tanks pressure
groups and lobbies as the only viable option to put Pakistan on the path of democracy
and economic prosperity and to form a support network for PTI internationally.

III. Membership:
1. Membership of PTI international is open to all Pakistani expatriates and those
holding dual nationality.
2. To become a member of PTI International and possess voting rights, a person
must register online as a member and subscribe a monthly fee of US $10 per month (or
equivalent), or the person may pay an annual amount ($120) in advance
3. Payments are to be made online via www.moveforjustice.org or through direct debit
to an approved account or by cheques,.
4. No one is permitted to collect cash fees or donations on behalf of PTI, except
Heads of International Chapters.
5. International students or individuals residing in lesser developed countries abroad
can apply for a reduced monthly membership fee.

IV. Primary Organizations and Office holders
1. The primary organization within a city/ district, state or country will consist of at
least 30 members and will be designated as a Chapter.
2. Each Chapter will elect a President, Vice President and General Secretary for a
term of 2 years.
3. Where the membership of a chapter exceeds 100, an executive council of 10
members will be formed to assist the President.
4. Additional office bearers maybe elected or nominated by the Executive council.
Separate wings for women and youth may be formed
5. There would be only one Chapter in each city/district.
6. Where there is more than one Chapter in any country, a ‘Country Coordinator’
may be elected by the Executive councils of city/district Chapters.

V. Higher Organizations
1. Presidents of all International Chapters and Country Coordinators will form the
International Executive Council (IEC)
2. The IEC shall nominate 4 members (representing different areas) on one year
rotational basis, to represent them in the Central Executive Committee of PTI.
3. An International Coordinator shall be appointed by the Chairman PTI to act as the
head of the IEC.
4. A steering committee (ISC) comprising International coordinator, the 4 IEC
members and 2 members designated by Chairman from Pakistan will be formed under
the chairmanship of the Secretary General to oversee the affairs of the International

VI. Responsibilities and Authority
1. The ISC shall set guidelines in all international matters (political, administrative
or financial), approve amendments to the International Charter and be the final appellate
body against a decision of the IC or any other international office-bearer.
2. The IEC will be the Executive arm of the PTI internationally and will ensure that
all Chapters function in accordance with the International Charter and the guidelines
laid down by the ISC.
3. As the head of the IEC, the International coordinator shall ensure that the
International Organization at all levels works in accordance with the aims and
objectives of the Party. He shall coordinate closely with the senior office bearers of the
party for achieving the tasks assigned to the international organization. The IC would
have the following specific responsibilities and authority:

• Maintaining a register of international members of the party
• Maintaining proper accounts of funds raised for the party thru membership
fees or donations.
• He may appoint special Assistants/ Consultants/ Advisers if he is satisfied
that such appointment is necessary in the Party interest. Any paid
appointments must be approved by the IEC.
• He shall have the power to suspend any overseas member, pending
disciplinary proceedings against him in the IEC.
• In the event of removal or suspension of an office bearer, he may delegate
power and duties of such office bearer to any other member of the Party.
• The IC shall be the appellate authority against any order passed by an
Overseas Chapter President.
• The IC shall appoint a neutral person of known integrity as Election
Commissioner in the region where elections are to be held.

4. Country Coordinators shall assist the IC in organizing activities and events in their
country. While they would not exercise any executive powers by virtue of their
appointment, such powers may be delegated to them by the IC for a specific purpose or
specified time.
5. President of each Chapter will be the administrative head of his organization. He
shall report directly to the IC on all matters concerning the party. His specific
responsibilities shall include:

• Carrying out a membership campaign in his area of responsibility.
• Maintaining proper record of membership and Funds collected for the party.
• Holding regular meetings of the Chapter.
• Organizing Media events and fund raisers for the party.

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