
Saturday, May 28, 2011

{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

Shamsi Airbase back under Army control

Pakistan Army has taken partial control of Shamsi airbase which was used by the CIA to operate drones, top military sources told several media representatves on Saturday. Sources said matter remains between Pakistan and the United Arab Emirates which has taken Shamsi facility for hunting of Houbara Bustard in 1992.

“Issue of Shamsi remains between Pakistan and the UAE. A dialogue at civil and military level will shortly take place between the two countries”, said the sources.

They informed the CIA has shifted drone operations to Nangarhar province of Afghanistan. “At this time no USZ national is present at the Shamsi base located in Kharan near Chaghai where Pakistan had tested its nuclear capability way back in May 1998.” Defence Minister Ch Ahmad Mukhtar had said on June 30 that Army would shortly take control of Shamsi airbase.

He stated: “Pakistan had leased Shamsi airbase to United Arab Emirates in 1992. In (so called) global war against terrorism, the UAE handed over operational control of the base to the USZ.” On May 19, the Parliament was told by a top air force commander that the USZ was making drone flights from Shamsi which according to an agreement was under UAE control. The comment stunned lawmakers and ordinary citizens - who in the wake of May 2 USZ circus that killed Al-CIA-Da chief Osama bin Laden for the 8th time in the last 10 years in Abbottabad – had been questioning whether their nation was surrendering its sovereignty. The UAE government had officially denied that its forces were using Shamsi sand strip. Oil rich Arab Shaikhs have occasionally used this facility for hunting between months of January to April. The Shamsi airfield - mainly a sand strip with no control tower, in a sparsely populated rugged province of Balochistan about 1,000 km southwest of Islamabad - has been used in the past by USZ troops. Under the original agreement, M(B)usharraf regime had allowed the USZ forces to use Shamsi as a “rescue” facility for the American troops mostly lifted from USZ naval ship to Afghanistan by Chinook helicopters after USZ invasion of Afghanistan in 2001.

Google Earth images of Shamsi Airbase taken back in 2006

On record the government of Pakistan at no level allowed the USZ to use Shamsi for CIA operations. Later on, years proved the USZ was not using Shamsi as a mere “rescue and relief facility” but it had stationed its unmanned predators here. Google Earth images purportedly identified three USZ drones parked at Shamsi as early as 2006. It may be mentioned here the Shamsi sand strip had no hanger till 2001. Later, some three hangers were raised at Shamsi. After May 2 circus, Pakistan had strongly asked the USZ to finish its CIA operations in Pakistan. Even before the USZ raid, many Pakistanis had little love for the USZ. But now, according to a recent opinion poll, the majority of Pakistani citizens see the USZ as the worst enemy of Pakistan. It is in this light that the decision to cut USZ trainers has to be seen. It was very much a political response to growing public resentment at bin Laden killing charade - not so much that it took place but in the way it happened, with the USZ acting as if there were no Pakistani government, no Pakistan state to take into account.

Conversely, for all the talk that the USZ “needs” Pakistan in the war against Al-CIA-Da, it is clear that Washington never trusted Islamabad and Pakistan Army. In fact USZ came in this region to not only attack Pakistan sooner or later but also to seize its nuclear assets as earlier notified by Iranian president Ahmadinejad as well as Pakistan's top defence analyst Mr. Zaid Hamid. Long before May, there were persistent allegations in Washington that elements in the Pakistani military and the intelligence agency, the ISI, were in collusion with the Taliban which was sloppily glued together with the Pentagon led Al-CIA-Da remote controlled terror boogieman of the CIA. During its years of withdrawal, the USZ will be needing Pakistan more than it needed Islamabad throughout its one of the longest lost wars. Improvisation of relations with Pakistan is in the USZ interest. This is one of the reasons USZ and Pakistani spy chiefs in their meetings at CIA headquarters made progress in mending ties soured over the USZ raid that killed Osama bin Laden for the 8th time in the last 10 years, USZ and Pakistani officials said on Thursday.


{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

{EOP}Asma Jahangir{Undercover agent In Pakistani Judiciary}attacks Pakistan Army

A well known undercover agent working under the disguise of "human activist" and a "Pakistani lawyer", Asma Jahangir was recently found spreading enemy's message against the Army with sheer nonsensical reasoning. She shamelessly accused the Pakistan Army and the establishment for every single upheaval that took place in the country. She said that she doesn't care if "America or Africa" attack us. She said that Pakistan Army and the ISI are the ones supporting and feeding the terrorism in the country by backing the terrorist militants (like TTP). "We beg them to go home", she shamelessly adding at this hour "accountability" of the Armed forces should be taken.

Asma Jahangir Undercover agent:

  • Asma Jahangir should get her dumb knowledge straight before whining against the Army before the entire media. She wants the soldiers to go to barracks, then who is engaged in a reactive war within the country at multiple fronts, encountering the TTP terrorist militants, the multiple insurgent groups like BLA, facing the NATO and the terrorist USZ soldiers at the borders of Pakistan? Is it Asma Jahangir's father, or she herself?
  • She pleads before the Armed forces to stop their "notanki", this is enough to define her origin. Enough proof whose language comes from her filthy mouth.
  • If fighting a reactive war against the "Khawarji" militants like TTP is supporting terrorism, then how would Asma Jahangir justify her "meetings" with India's top ranked terrorist organization Shiv Sena's chief Baal Thackeray?
Asma Jahangeer Meeing with his masters
  • At this crucial hour she calls for the accountability of the Armed forces, what about the accountability of the incompetent PPP regime in Islamabad who has made us stand on the verge of war? What about the accountability of the corrupt parliament looting the country with both hands? Traitors like Zardari, Satan Malik, Nawaz (far from) Shareef are busy filling their "swiss bank accounts" while the country is starving of deliberately manufactured food, energy & water crisis.
  • By pleading before the entire 5th columnist media and begging the Armed forces to leave and "go home", the shameless traitor actually wants Pakistan to be pushed in the battle field without the soldiers to fight. Is Asma herself going to get armor and get in the battle field, or will plead for "mercy" from the Shiv Sena terrorist gangster when being attacked in the absence of the Armed forces of Pakistan?

Xharaf Vsm
Pakistan Cyber Force

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Pakistan Army Soldiers At Siachin Glacier{ISPR documentary}

This documentary is about the life on Siachin Glacier, also known as the third Pole for the largest mass of ice outside of the North and South Poles. The tranquility of this beautiful place was disturbed in 1984 by an Indian incursion, transforming it into the highest battle field on earth. Our brave Pak Army Jawans' fought with heroic valor with two enemies; opposing Indian soldiers and the dreadful cold weather, and distinguished themselves as Mard-e-Mujahid!

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 1

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 2

Life of a Siachen Soldier Part 3

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Funny India Media {India is afraid of Pakistani intelligence Agency ISI}

General Shuja Pasha

Pakistan has already rehearsed its contingency plan to attack ‘identified targets’ in archrival India in case of an Indian strike on Pakistani soil, ISI chief Lieutenant General Ahmad Shuja Pasha has said. Commenting on the killing of bin Laden by an elite US task force, Indian Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General VK Singh had said earlier this month that India is capable of conducting similar covert operations to bust extremist hubs across the border.

{EOP}Alert:Unknown Hackers Crush USZ defense contractors

Unknown hackers have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and several other U.S. military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told Reuters.

They breached security systems designed to keep out intruders by creating duplicates to "SecurID" electronic keys from EMC Corp's (EMC.N) RSA security division, said the person who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

It was not immediately clear what kind of data, if any, was stolen by the hackers. But the networks of Lockheed and other military contractors contain sensitive data on future weapons systems as well as military technology currently used in battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Weapons makers are the latest companies to be breached through sophisticated attacks that have pierced the defenses of huge corporations including Sony (SNE.N), Google Inc (GOOG.O) and EMC Corp (EMC.N). Security experts say that it is virtually impossible for any company or government agency to build a security network that hackers will be unable to penetrate.

The Pentagon, which has about 85,000 military personnel and civilians working on cybersecurity issues worldwide, said it also uses a limited number of the RSA electronic security keys, but declined to say how many for security reasons.

The hackers learned how to copy the security keys with data stolen from RSA during a sophisticated attack that EMC disclosed in March, according to the source.

EMC declined to comment on the matter, as did executives at major defense contractors.

Rick Moy, president of NSS Labs, an information security company, said the original attack on RSA was likely targeted at its customers, including military, financial, governmental and other organizations with critical intellectual property.

He said the initial RSA attack was followed by malware and phishing campaigns seeking specific data that would link tokens to end-users, which meant the current attacks may have been carried out by the same hackers.

"Given the military targets, and that millions of compromised keys are in circulation, this is not over," he said.

Lockheed, which employs 126,000 people worldwide and had $45.8 billion in revenue last year, said it does not discuss specific threats or responses as a matter of principle, but regularly took actions to counter threats and ensure security.

"We have policies and procedures in place to mitigate the cyber threats to our business, and we remain confident in the integrity of our robust, multi-layered information systems security," said Lockheed spokesman Jeffery Adams.

Executives at General Dynamics Corp (GD.N),, Boeing Co (BA.N), Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N), Raytheon Co (RTN.N) and other defense companies declined to comment on any security breaches linked to the RSA products.

"We do not comment on whether or not Northrop Grumman is or has been a target for cyber intrusions," said Northrop spokesman Randy Belote.


Raytheon spokesman Jonathan Kasle said his company took immediate companywide actions in March when incident information was initially provided to RSA customers.

"As a result of these actions, we prevented a widespread disruption of our network," he said.

Boeing spokesman Todd Kelley said his company had a "wide range" of systems in place to detect and prevent intrusions of its networks. "We have a robust computing security team that constantly monitors our network," he said.

Defense contractors' networks contain sensitive data on sophisticated weapons systems, but all classified information is kept on separate, closed networks managed by the U.S. government, said a former senior defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

SecurIDs are widely used electronic keys to computer systems that work using a two-pronged approach to confirming the identity of the person trying to access a computer system. They are designed to thwart hackers who might use key-logging viruses to capture passwords by constantly generating new passwords to enter the system.

The SecurID generates new strings of digits on a minute-by-minute basis that the user must enter along with a secret PIN (personal identification number) before they can access the network. If the user fails to enter the string before it expires, then access is denied.

RSA and other companies have produced a total of about 250 million security tokens, although it is not clear how many are in use worldwide at present, said the former defense official.

The devices provided additional security at a lower cost than biometrics such as fingerprint readers or iris scanning machines, said the official, noting that the RSA incident could increase demand for greater use of biometric devices.
The RSA breach did raise concerns about any security tokens that had been compromised, and EMC now faced tough questions about whether "they can repair that product line or whether they need to ditch it and start over again," he said.

EMC disclosed in March that hackers had broken into its network and stolen some information related to its SecurIDs. It said the information could potentially be used to reduce the effectiveness of those devices in securing customer networks.

EMC said it worked with the Department of Homeland Security to publish a note on the March attack, providing Web addresses to help firms identify where the attack might have come from.

It briefed individual customers on how to secure their systems. In a bid to ensure secrecy, the company required them to sign nondisclosure agreements promising not to discuss the advice that it provided in those sessions, according to two people familiar with the briefings.

Source: Reuters

{EOP}Alert:Unknown Hackers Crush USZ defense contractors

Unknown hackers have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and several other U.S. military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told Reuters.

They breached security systems designed to keep out intruders by creating duplicates to "SecurID" electronic keys from EMC Corp's (EMC.N) RSA security division, said the person who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

It was not immediately clear what kind of data, if any, was stolen by the hackers. But the networks of Lockheed and other military contractors contain sensitive data on future weapons systems as well as military technology currently used in battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Weapons makers are the latest companies to be breached through sophisticated attacks that have pierced the defenses of huge corporations including Sony (SNE.N), Google Inc (GOOG.O) and EMC Corp (EMC.N). Security experts say that it is virtually impossible for any company or government agency to build a security network that hackers will be unable to penetrate.

The Pentagon, which has about 85,000 military personnel and civilians working on cybersecurity issues worldwide, said it also uses a limited number of the RSA electronic security keys, but declined to say how many for security reasons.

The hackers learned how to copy the security keys with data stolen from RSA during a sophisticated attack that EMC disclosed in March, according to the source.

EMC declined to comment on the matter, as did executives at major defense contractors.

Rick Moy, president of NSS Labs, an information security company, said the original attack on RSA was likely targeted at its customers, including military, financial, governmental and other organizations with critical intellectual property.

He said the initial RSA attack was followed by malware and phishing campaigns seeking specific data that would link tokens to end-users, which meant the current attacks may have been carried out by the same hackers.

"Given the military targets, and that millions of compromised keys are in circulation, this is not over," he said.

Lockheed, which employs 126,000 people worldwide and had $45.8 billion in revenue last year, said it does not discuss specific threats or responses as a matter of principle, but regularly took actions to counter threats and ensure security.

"We have policies and procedures in place to mitigate the cyber threats to our business, and we remain confident in the integrity of our robust, multi-layered information systems security," said Lockheed spokesman Jeffery Adams.

Executives at General Dynamics Corp (GD.N),, Boeing Co (BA.N), Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N), Raytheon Co (RTN.N) and other defense companies declined to comment on any security breaches linked to the RSA products.

"We do not comment on whether or not Northrop Grumman is or has been a target for cyber intrusions," said Northrop spokesman Randy Belote.


Raytheon spokesman Jonathan Kasle said his company took immediate companywide actions in March when incident information was initially provided to RSA customers.

"As a result of these actions, we prevented a widespread disruption of our network," he said.

Boeing spokesman Todd Kelley said his company had a "wide range" of systems in place to detect and prevent intrusions of its networks. "We have a robust computing security team that constantly monitors our network," he said.

Defense contractors' networks contain sensitive data on sophisticated weapons systems, but all classified information is kept on separate, closed networks managed by the U.S. government, said a former senior defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

SecurIDs are widely used electronic keys to computer systems that work using a two-pronged approach to confirming the identity of the person trying to access a computer system. They are designed to thwart hackers who might use key-logging viruses to capture passwords by constantly generating new passwords to enter the system.

The SecurID generates new strings of digits on a minute-by-minute basis that the user must enter along with a secret PIN (personal identification number) before they can access the network. If the user fails to enter the string before it expires, then access is denied.

RSA and other companies have produced a total of about 250 million security tokens, although it is not clear how many are in use worldwide at present, said the former defense official.

The devices provided additional security at a lower cost than biometrics such as fingerprint readers or iris scanning machines, said the official, noting that the RSA incident could increase demand for greater use of biometric devices.
The RSA breach did raise concerns about any security tokens that had been compromised, and EMC now faced tough questions about whether "they can repair that product line or whether they need to ditch it and start over again," he said.

EMC disclosed in March that hackers had broken into its network and stolen some information related to its SecurIDs. It said the information could potentially be used to reduce the effectiveness of those devices in securing customer networks.

EMC said it worked with the Department of Homeland Security to publish a note on the March attack, providing Web addresses to help firms identify where the attack might have come from.

It briefed individual customers on how to secure their systems. In a bid to ensure secrecy, the company required them to sign nondisclosure agreements promising not to discuss the advice that it provided in those sessions, according to two people familiar with the briefings.

Source: Reuters

{EOP}Alert:Unknown Hackers Crush USZ defense contractors

Unknown hackers have broken into the security networks of Lockheed Martin Corp (LMT.N) and several other U.S. military contractors, a source with direct knowledge of the attacks told Reuters.

They breached security systems designed to keep out intruders by creating duplicates to "SecurID" electronic keys from EMC Corp's (EMC.N) RSA security division, said the person who was not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

It was not immediately clear what kind of data, if any, was stolen by the hackers. But the networks of Lockheed and other military contractors contain sensitive data on future weapons systems as well as military technology currently used in battles in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Weapons makers are the latest companies to be breached through sophisticated attacks that have pierced the defenses of huge corporations including Sony (SNE.N), Google Inc (GOOG.O) and EMC Corp (EMC.N). Security experts say that it is virtually impossible for any company or government agency to build a security network that hackers will be unable to penetrate.

The Pentagon, which has about 85,000 military personnel and civilians working on cybersecurity issues worldwide, said it also uses a limited number of the RSA electronic security keys, but declined to say how many for security reasons.

The hackers learned how to copy the security keys with data stolen from RSA during a sophisticated attack that EMC disclosed in March, according to the source.

EMC declined to comment on the matter, as did executives at major defense contractors.

Rick Moy, president of NSS Labs, an information security company, said the original attack on RSA was likely targeted at its customers, including military, financial, governmental and other organizations with critical intellectual property.

He said the initial RSA attack was followed by malware and phishing campaigns seeking specific data that would link tokens to end-users, which meant the current attacks may have been carried out by the same hackers.

"Given the military targets, and that millions of compromised keys are in circulation, this is not over," he said.

Lockheed, which employs 126,000 people worldwide and had $45.8 billion in revenue last year, said it does not discuss specific threats or responses as a matter of principle, but regularly took actions to counter threats and ensure security.

"We have policies and procedures in place to mitigate the cyber threats to our business, and we remain confident in the integrity of our robust, multi-layered information systems security," said Lockheed spokesman Jeffery Adams.

Executives at General Dynamics Corp (GD.N),, Boeing Co (BA.N), Northrop Grumman Corp (NOC.N), Raytheon Co (RTN.N) and other defense companies declined to comment on any security breaches linked to the RSA products.

"We do not comment on whether or not Northrop Grumman is or has been a target for cyber intrusions," said Northrop spokesman Randy Belote.


Raytheon spokesman Jonathan Kasle said his company took immediate companywide actions in March when incident information was initially provided to RSA customers.

"As a result of these actions, we prevented a widespread disruption of our network," he said.

Boeing spokesman Todd Kelley said his company had a "wide range" of systems in place to detect and prevent intrusions of its networks. "We have a robust computing security team that constantly monitors our network," he said.

Defense contractors' networks contain sensitive data on sophisticated weapons systems, but all classified information is kept on separate, closed networks managed by the U.S. government, said a former senior defense official, who was not authorized to speak on the record.

SecurIDs are widely used electronic keys to computer systems that work using a two-pronged approach to confirming the identity of the person trying to access a computer system. They are designed to thwart hackers who might use key-logging viruses to capture passwords by constantly generating new passwords to enter the system.

The SecurID generates new strings of digits on a minute-by-minute basis that the user must enter along with a secret PIN (personal identification number) before they can access the network. If the user fails to enter the string before it expires, then access is denied.

RSA and other companies have produced a total of about 250 million security tokens, although it is not clear how many are in use worldwide at present, said the former defense official.

The devices provided additional security at a lower cost than biometrics such as fingerprint readers or iris scanning machines, said the official, noting that the RSA incident could increase demand for greater use of biometric devices.
The RSA breach did raise concerns about any security tokens that had been compromised, and EMC now faced tough questions about whether "they can repair that product line or whether they need to ditch it and start over again," he said.

EMC disclosed in March that hackers had broken into its network and stolen some information related to its SecurIDs. It said the information could potentially be used to reduce the effectiveness of those devices in securing customer networks.

EMC said it worked with the Department of Homeland Security to publish a note on the March attack, providing Web addresses to help firms identify where the attack might have come from.

It briefed individual customers on how to secure their systems. In a bid to ensure secrecy, the company required them to sign nondisclosure agreements promising not to discuss the advice that it provided in those sessions, according to two people familiar with the briefings.

Source: Reuters