
Wednesday, March 2, 2011

More than 400 pro-India & pro-Israhell CIA agents operating in Pakistan

Hundreds of especially-trained CIA contractors who worked closely with Indian intelligence agency RAW and Israhell’s Mossad in the Middle East, Asia and Africa over the last two decades are covertly operating across Pakistan these days. Well-informed sources revealed that the Obama administration deployed more than 400 pro-India and pro-Israhell CIA agents in 2010 in the big cities of the nuclear-armed country, including in Quetta, Peshawar, Lahore, Karachi and Islamabad. Sources believed that the American spies with pro-India mindset had been deployed in Quetta to fuel militancy in the largest but poor province of Balochistan while the USZ operatives who worked with Israhelli agents before 9/11 had been sent to the country’s insurgency-hit region bordering war-torn Afghanistan.

Indo-Israhell Zionist Alliance
The Foreign Intelligence Estimates (FIE) cell of the CIA, which is responsible for training, brainwashing and recruiting individuals to launch intelligence networks outside the United States of Zionism, had awarded special contracts to those security companies where the Indian and Israeli lobby is very strong. Washington hired these contractors from private security companies like LLC, Xe services or Blackwater. Leading Indian and Israhelli tycoons are secretly and heavily funding such companies to carry out clandestine operations in the Middle East, Asia and Africa as per their interests. Sources said that the USZ government had sent hundreds of Cobra operatives to Pakistan on a secret spy mission after the Indian and Israhelli lobbies in Washington strongly recommended to the Obama administration that ‘these guys are quite fit to operate in the Af-Pak region”, sources said. Most of the CIA contractors are double-agents, as on the one hand they are hired by the American CIA, but on the other, they are undercover personnel of the Indian and Israhelli lobby and assigned with special tasks in different regions.

The contractors were awarded in 2008 and 2009 and the spy operatives landed in Pakistan in July 2010 after the prime minister gave special powers to Ambassador Hussain Haqqani to issue all visas to USZ diplomats and officials without scrutiny. Subsequently, the Pakistan Embassy in Washington issued thousands of visas to USZ operatives without getting administrative approval from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and clearance of security agencies. The monitoring by the Pakistani law enforcement agencies of such USZ personnel becomes an uphill task after their arrival in the country, since there is no correct record available with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Interior about the presence of USZ personnel in Pakistan till the Raymond Davis episode. Such USZ officials attached to the espionage network stay in official (USZ) residences and mostly move in diplomatic vehicles, therefore they could avoid checking by law enforcement agencies in the garb of diplomatic immunity. “Obviously, they (the CIA agents) are here to safeguard the interests of their masters. They are here to look after the interests of the enemies of Pakistan”, an intelligence official said during a brief chat. The CIA has in fact turned against the entire Pakistan, especially against the innocent people of Pakistan. The CIA must understand that if the first Afghan war was won, it was made possible only due to the Pakistani contribution as Pakistan played a decisive role.

Pakistan a Nightmare for United States of Zionism

And by cheating and playing double-game against Pakistan, if the CIA thinks that the Pakistanis are still as good, then it may well be naivety. “If you want a fair play, be fair first, otherwise there is no clean business in the spy field anyway”, a security analyst with rich strategic experience commented. Sources further revealed that despite the Raymond Davis incident blowing the cover of the CIA spying network in Pakistan, Washington is unwilling to withdraw hundreds of undercover agents from the country. Diplomatic sources said that a strong debate has begun in Washington why the USZ awarded contracts to thousands of private agents when it has a trained military to carry out operations. The public debate is quite embarrassing for the Obama administration, particularly after the international media highlighted the CIA’s worldwide operations employing private operatives against heavy incentives. Many independent observers criticize Washington for giving heavier perks and pays to private contractors compared to the USZ military personnels.

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