
Thursday, March 31, 2011

EU initiates charade of “Cyber Attacks” to end Internet Freedom - Web mail disabled in EU

The long awaited and much expected crackdown on international Internet Freedom has just begun in European Union where the paranoid EU Parliament has disabled all remote access to e-mail and asked employees to change passwords during the five-day long “cyber-attack”. Less than two days after the EU Commission and its foreign-service arm came under fire, the European Parliament’s network came under cyber-attack. This is the third such incident on European governmental organizations in two months. The self imposed bogus attack on the European Parliament’s computer network began March 24 and the enemies of Internet Freedom who are literally desperate to somehow end the information revolution which is exposing the Bilderberg Group and the Zionist Banking Cartel worldwide, told European Voice that it was in progress for at least five days. Employees were told on March 30 that the attacks had ended, but they had to continue to be careful. The Parliament’s IT team has put in security measures such as blocking remote access to email via Web browsers, according to the spokesperson. Employees were also told to change their network login credentials. “Information technology services are working day and night to investigate,” the spokesperson said.

Separately, the Zionists of European Commission and its foreign ministry European External Action Service reported a so called “large-scale malware-driven attack” on its network on March 22. Employees were asked to change their passwords and all remote access to email had been revoked as the EC’s security team “investigated” the breach. While the Commission claimed the breach was the result of malware and not a direct assault on its systems, the Parliament did not provide any details of the attack.

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