
Thursday, November 4, 2010

RUSSIA, NATO & U.S.Z join hands against Afghanistan (the Graveyard of Empires)

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

Russia has decisively agreed to launch more raids in Afghanistan. The puppet government of Hamid Karzai has been ordered by their masters to "protest" so that its ugly sell out face can be washed just enough for somehow pulling afghan taliban towards table talks by gaining their trust.
  During a meeting with Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, the NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen also called on its Cold War foe to do more to help the alliance in Afghanistan and provide helicopters and training for the some 150,000 U.S.Z - led foreign troops in the war-torn country.

The announcement published by the state-funded BBC comes a week after joint Russian and U.S.Z forces raided what they called "drug smugglers" in Afghanistan's Nangarhar Province near the Pakistani border when in reality they themselves are the largest drug cartels of the modern world. If we turn the pages of history till the 90s then its clearly visible that during the time when Afghanistan was controlled by the Taliban Regime, the drug export from Afghanistan that earlier used to be almost 70% of world's drug traffic, was cut down to 0.2% of the world's total drug traffic. And this ratio exponentially increased once U.S.Z. came into Afghanistan. Some even say that one of the main reasons behind Afghan War was to RE-ESTABLISH THE DRUG CARTEL IN AFGHANISTAN SO THAT CIA COULD GET ITS FUNDING + THE DRUG SMUGGLING COULD BE MAXIMIZED INSIDE CHINA TO PUSH IT BACK TO THE STATE IT WAS IN BEFORE ITS REVOLUTION. HISTORY TELLS US THAT CIA (FORMER JESUITS) HAVE BEEN USING DRUGS AS A SOFTENING UP TOOL FOR THE NATIONS THEY WANT TO CRUSH LATER ON.

(Those who are curious to learn more should search for OPIUM WARS on internet)

It is not yet clear that how many troops Moscow has deployed to Afghanistan for the "so-called drug raid". However, it was confirmed on Wednesday that Russia had sent the first of 16 plane-loads of weapons to Kabul despite "so called protests" of Hamid Karzai, the drone president of U.S.Z appointed in Afghanistan.

Rasmussen later on in one of his statements, stressed that "these activities will continue". The NATO chief is currently in the Russian capital to make the final preparations for a NATO-Russia summit to be held in the Portuguese capital Lisbon later this month. Last week's raid was the first such joint NATO-Russian operation in Afghanistan since the 2001 U.S.Z - led invasion of the war-torn country.

However, Russian military involvement in Afghanistan has a long history. The Soviet Union invaded the country in 1979 and occupied it but was forced to withdraw in humiliation nine years later by Mujahedeen forces. It is important to note that without any significant question, Rasmussen gave a statement in which he has specifically ruled out any possibility of Russian troops getting directly involved in the war, which itself confirms that there IS going to be Russian involvement in the coming days and the recent operation could be a result of backdoor deals made between the United States of Zionism and Russia in recent months.

Under the deal, Moscow would withdraw its objection to the U.S.Z - engineered missile shield project in Poland and the Czech Republic, in return for a greater role in the region.

Afghanistan accounts for more than 90 percent of the world's illicit opium and heroin now after American invasion in 2001. Do keep in mind, as told above, that this ratio was 0.2% during the time of Taliban Regime in the 90's. Even UN statistics say that Afghanistan produced only 185 tons (and decreasing) of opium per year under the Taliban. But since the U.S.Z - led invasion, drug production has surged to 3,400 tons annually. Some reports say the U.S.Z and British forces are protecting poppy production in Afghanistan.

Both the great big evils of the 20th century have now openly joined hands against Afghanistan and their next and ultimate target is Pakistan. But one thing that they do not realize is that bigger powers than them have been resting in hell for hundreds of years, six feet deep, right under the army boots of U.S.Z / NATO soldiers fighting in Afghanistan, unnoticed.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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