
Sunday, November 21, 2010

One night in Masjid-e-Aqsa & Black Magic attack

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

UNESCO opened schools on the west bank and GAZA strip for Palestinian kids. In these schools skillful Muslim teachers were appointed and the book which were to be taught were also chosen by UNESCO itself.Israel captured these areas. After some time we started receiving reports that Israel has changed all the textbooks with their own and the Muslim teachers were paid at home and if any teacher tried to complain, he and his family were subjected to severe torture.
The books taught by Israeli teachers would contain blasphemous content against Islam, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W), Qur'an and Arabs.

Qudratullah Shahab Rehmatullah Alaih
Whenever a team of UNESCO visited those institutions, Israel changed the books to original ones, brought back the Muslim teachers and the Arab representatives of the Executive board were humiliated again and again in this matter. The Arabs had very close relations with me(Qudratullah Shahab). They wanted me to go on a covert operation to Israel and I AGREED. I agreed just because of my intense love for AAQA(S.A.W.W) and Islam. First I was nervous because I knew that i was jumping into the death well. But one incident completely change my frame of mind. I was crossing a road that suddenly a speedy car rushed over two pedestrians and they died at the spot. I was saved by just a foot distance, after that I realized that "DIEING FOR SOME CAUSE IS BETTER THEN DIEING FOR NOTHING".
I was trained for few days. My fake Irani Passport was made.
(Note that before the revolution, during the reign of SHAHS in Iran, IRAN and ISRAEL had very friendly terms).

I was on a ten days mission in Israel. I was not supposed to sleep during the mission , but after 5 days , my companion noticed that my condition was not normal, and he told me that I should rest now.
I asked : "What should we do now"?
He smiled but didn't speak anything.

At the time of Isha prayer, he took me to Masjid-e-Aqsa. In those days, the doors of Masjid-e-Aqsa were shut after Isha till Fajr prayers. We prayed there, he left me alone in the mosque with the instruction that after the doors are closed, i can sleep well till Fajr prayers. When I found myself alone in the first Qiblah of the muslims , I began to shiver with fear, I felt as if a 'dog' is kept inside a 'Pakeeza Sheesh Mahal'. Gradually I started to shiver with greater frequency. I went into a state of such a 'Time Tunnel' in which humanity sleeping for million years woke up and was shining like stars. The dust of the roads illuminated by the footsteps of Great Prophets. Prophey Ibrahim (A.S) , Prophet Dawood (A.S) , Prophet Sulaiman (A.S) , Prophet Musa (A.S) , Prophet Issa (A.S) and in the end 'Khatim-ul-Nabiyyeen' , 'Rehmat-ulilaalameen' Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.W) whom Allah Almighty brought from Masji-Al-Haram to Masjid-e-Aqsa on the night of Mairaaj, and angel took him from 'farsh' to 'arsh'.
That night was the destiny of my life.

Now, I will quote some content from Alakh Nagri which will make the above incident clear.
Mumtaz Mufti Sahab says:

I think that Qudrat went to Israel just to spend that night in Masjid-e-Aqsa , the mission was just an excuse. However Qudrat says that he went to Masjid-e-Aqsa just to sleep. I don't believe him !! A person who has such great feelings for Masjid-e-Aqsa as described above would not go there just to sleep, but to do something else.

May be the elders of Zion came to know that a person did something so dangerous in Masjid-e-Aqsa that in the future future, it will cause the destruction of Israel and that's why they used Kaballah (black magic) against Q.U. Shahab. Qudrat spent that night in Masjid-e-Aqsa for a special purpose. Only I am not thinking like this, many other companions of Qudrat feel the same.

After coming back from the mission, One day Qudratullah Shahab (R.A) was waiting on a bus stop to get a bus to reach UNESCO HQ. A black luxurious car stopped in front of him and offered him lift. Shahab sahab got into the car, the man already sitting in the car swounded him by injecting something into his body. The next day Shahab Sahab was found lying un-concious on the same bust stop.

Qudratullah Shahab (R.A) wrote a letter to Mumtaz Mufti Sahab in which he explained how he was effected by Kaballah. The summary of that letter is given below:
My flesh became like a spider's web which could be easily torn apart. When I walked , It seemed as if I am effected by Polio.

Iffat Shahab (Qudratullah Shahab's wife)
Dear Mumtaz! I cannot explain how hardly I spent those days. When I felt nice fragrance, people ran away from me, and when I felt pungent smell in myself, people attracted towards me. I felt as If some laborers are busy breaking my bones. Iffat (Qudratullah Shahab's wife) found bottles of alcohol in my cupboard.

One day, When I could not bear all this anymore, I prayed to Allah to cure me.
After that day as if the same laborers are repairing my bones.

In Pakistan's educational system, we find footprints of the same strategy of Zionists which they adopted in Palestine. If you go through the course books of Pakistani schools, you will see that nowhere is the concept of KHUDI explained. Baba Iqbal is just taught as a "Qaumi Shair" and "Shair-e-Mashriq". In Pakistan Studies, Sir Syed Ahmad Khan is termed as a hero instead of what he really was i.e., a munkir-e-hadith who didn't believe in the existence of Malaika (angels), Western Democracy is termed as Islamic. Mustafa Kamal Pasha, a renowned Freemason is termed as a Hero.

The History book series taught in one of the institution is written by a western author Peter Moss, and most of the chapters are about Catholic, Protestant church, Pope ,Charmalagne etc. What has a Muslim child to do with Churches, Why aren't they taught about the pioneers of Muslim worlds. In Biology books Darwin's Theory has been excluded just recently , few years ago. These are clears signs of Zionist involvement in our educational system. We need to take immediate steps to save the ideology of our youth from getting infiltrated with Zionists Ideas.

Written by Rizwan Khan
Edited by Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force


  1. Was there "Haqal-e-Sulamini" or "Masjid-e-Aqsa"...at first place.........

  2. Temple of Solomon was built on top of Masjid-e-Aqsa
