
Sunday, November 21, 2010

The MOSSAD Stooge Rehman Malik's blathering against Pakistan

Read on Pakistan Cyber Force Facebook Page

One of the top puppet show makers for MOSSAD and CIA in Pakistan, Interior Minister Rehman Malik on Sunday said that there was no external hand involved in creating terrorism in Pakistan and it is the local people who were involved in these crimes. Talking to reporters at Karachi Airport, Malik said Taliban, Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Jhangvi were all coordinating with each other. He said Lashkar-e-Jhangvi was involved in creating terrorism in Karachi and that no terror activities could take place in the country unless terrorists had local support. Mr Malik however, forgot to mention in front of the media that his own puppet masters control the chains of all these organizations and that such terrorism in Pakistan is rooted in the presence of CIA, RAW and MOSSAD in Afghanistan whose soul aim is to destabilize Pakistan and enforce subversion inside the country's less developed provinces. By giving this recent statement, Mr. Rehman Malik actually refuted his own statement that he himself had delivered earlier.
This clearly shows that Mr. Rehman Malik is serving the Green flag on the outside but on the inside he has wrapped himself up in Red, White and Blue. Some are also of the opinion that this recent statement from the American Stooge Rehman Malik seems to be a fake drama whose larger purpose is to fan the ever-blazing flames of international propaganda against Pakistan to declare it as a non-deserving state for any Nuclear Programs at all.

Senior defence analyst and former Army Chief General(Ret) Aslam Baig said that:

Not only is the foreign hand involved in this recent act of terrorism in Karachi, but also the interior ministry has got all the solid proofs regarding the entire inside story and Mr. Malik is deliberately concealing the facts from the Pakistani Nation as well as the international community. If the allied forces leave Afghanistan today, I guarantee that all these waves of terrorism inside Pakistan as well as the entire Af-Pak region will perish immediately. Mr. Malik should ask his lords in America to stop Drone attacks inside Pakistan and killing innocent civilians including women and children if he is so much against terrorism.

Former intelligence head of ISI, General(Ret) Hameed Gul said:

I do not know who is Mr. Malik defending by trying to prove the international terrorist network of CIA / RAW / MOSSAD as innocent.

To me, it is obvious where the real terrorists are hiding inside Pakistan. And that certainly is not in Waziristan or any of the so called "Tanzeems" rather the bulk of them are sitting safe and sound inside the department of interior ministry and president house Islamabad. Pervez Yahoodboy lobby is jumping up and down with endless joy at this recent absurd statement from the Interior Ministry but none of them knows what the future is about to bring for the traitors of Islam and this motherland.

Enticing Fury

Pakistan Cyber Force

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