
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The key to Success - Ishq-e-Rasool s.a.w

"Ishq-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w) : The only pill that cures all diseases"

Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) is the most blessed prophet in the history of mankind. And his ummah is the luckiest of all the Ummahs. Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) was Allah's most beloved prophet and that can be known from the fact that he is the only prophet who is sent salutation from the Allah Almighty himself. No other prophet had the previlage of recieving salutations from Allah. This demonstrates the status of Holy Prophet Muhammed s.a.w.

Balaghal ula bikamaalihi [He(s.a.w.s) reached the highest place by his Perfection]
Kasha fad-dujaa bijamaalihi [He(s.a.w.s) removed darkness by his Beauty]
Hasunat jami'u khisaalihi [Beautiful are all his(s.a.w.s) Attainments]
Sallu 'aleyhi wa aalihi [Send blessings to Him(s.a.w.s) and his Family]                   
(Sheikh Saádi)

Quran Says: Indeed, Allah confers blessing upon the Prophet, and His angels [ask Him to do so]. O you who have believed, ask [ Allah to confer] blessing upon him and ask [ Allah to grant him] peace. [33:56]
Similarly Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w) also loved Allah more than any other existence in the world, This mutual love is responsible for all the blessings on the ummah of Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.w). But the question to be asked here is, How can we please Allah and get many more blessings?
  • The answer is very simple and is given in Quran by Allah Himself:
"Say (Oh Muhammad): ‘If you (truly) love Allah then follow me, so that Allah may love you and forgive your sins.’ And Allah is All-Forgiving, All-Compassionate." (3:31).

So, loving the Messenger of Allah means you indirectly love Allah, and in return you would be blessed by Allah on this world and the hereafter.
How can this love help us get blessing from Allah Almighty?In the above verse Allah Almighty has Himself showed us the criteria of getting blessed and loved by Him. Obey the Prophet s.a.w and get loved by Allah.
Love means Respect.
Love means Obeying
ادب پہلا قرینہ ہے محبت کے قرینوں میں

Both Love and Respect are the pre-requisite to develop a relation with Prophet Muhammed s.a.w and then to Allah Almighty. Without them, Love has no meaning and If both Respect and Love vanish from a Muslim society, what happens is just like our society these days as described by Qur'an:
"Let those beware who oppose the Messenger’s order! In case some fitnah(trial) should befall them or a painful torment be inflicted upon them." (24:63)

Unfortunately, Pakistan is also passing through the same stage. Nowadays, Muslims have become spiritless. So called pseudo Muslims! We all have become "amali munafiq" and we are facing the harsh consequences.

ٴزباں سے کہ بھی دیا لاالہ تو کیا حاصل
دل و نگاہ مسلماں نھیں تو کچھ بھی نھیں

Ishq-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w) has great importance in a Momin's life. The whole ideology of a Mard-e-Momin revolves around Ishq-e-Rasool(s.a.w.w). Ishq-e-Rasool(S.a.w.w) make him touch the sky. Ishq-e-Rasool s.a.w is the factor which makes Allah Almighty ask him, bata teri raza kia hai?

The fall of Muslim empires was merely because of the lack of Ishq-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w). The only power that shivered the Taghooti forces was Ishq-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w). The difference between a Muslim and Momin is Ishq-e-Rasool(s.a.w.w). To eliminate this weapon from among the muslims, the elements of New World Order have been working extremely hard, and have been successful to much extent, but still there are many mard-e-momin who do not compromise on Ishq-e-Rasool. We cannot excel in any spiritual path without Ishq-e-Rasool(s.a.w.w).The complete religion of Islam is to Reach Aaqa(s.a.w.w), or else what ever you are doing, it can be attributed as "ABU-LAHABI" . Nothing more than wastage of time and energy. If AAQA (s.a.w.w)'s life is not the centre of gravity of your life, then there is no need to live this life. The life of Aaqa(s.a.w.w) is FURQAN, the Quran. If you love Aaqa(s.a.w.w), it means you love Quran, and if you love Quran, it means you love Allah.

The entire doctrine of IQBAL R.A is based on Qur'an and Ishq-e-Rasool(s.a.w.w). Baba IQBAL found the remedy of all the problems in Ishq-e-Rasool (s.a.w.w). Ishq-e-Rasool is the only pill that can cure all the spiritual diseases of a Muslim.

کی محمد سے وفا تو نے تو ہم تیرے ہیں
یہ جہاں چیز ہے کیا، لوح و قلم تیرے ہیں

Written by: Rizwan Khan Mohmand

Edited by: Xharaf Vsm

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